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Posts posted by eraser

  1. welcome aboard the crazy train, hold on tight B)


    far as i know there is no bar on when you can make a topic. once upon a time i think there was a cap for making polls, but i think that's gone now. don't be afraid to go a little nuts, new blood always has a way of sparking debate amongst the regulars, which is good for everyone. even a little topic necromancy is generally forgiven, should you feel the need to weigh in on some long dead topic.


    yes the locals bite and I'm pretty sure a few of them are rabid, so make sure your shots are all up to date before venturing forth.


    good luck... you're going to need it


  2. it's nice to hear they're finally upgrading the m4's


    still, if they do decide to adopt something with completely new tech it makes sense for them to start with the squad machine gun. cutting the squad auto down to under 10 pounds is a big deal, as is cutting it's ammo weight by 50%. cutting the weight means more round in your combat loadout, and since the machine gun is the most casualty producing weapon in the infantry squad more down range tend to equate to more enemy KIA.


    the riflemen won't be seeing anything so radical any time soon though, on that i agree with you. the only reason to invest in cutting their combat weight is so they can pile all that "future warrior" shit on them, and i don't think that funding will be coming any time soon.


    and while we're on the subject of cool ideas that are going nowhere, anybody remember the steyr ACR?


  3. like phipps said, with high weapon availability i don't think there's a huge need for folks to start building stens in their basement. likewise, the big boys aren't going to jeopardize their police/military/corp contracts by selling machine guns wholesale to the public. but you know what would just be terrible? what if those reputable firms were to sell sporting arms that with the addition of a certain, simple to manufacture, part became machine guns. what if a certain "disgruntled ex-employee" were to then set up shop and flood the streets with this conversion part. suddenly we have a semi plausible means to flood the streets of the future with the toys our characters love so much. for instance, a member of the AR15 family plus this or this makes it a full auto. neither looks terribly difficult to manufacture, certainly less difficult than building a whole gun.



    on the issue of ammunition, it would be interesting to see companies move away from common calibers and build their guns in proprietary calibers. the dream of every company is to sell a product that requires a companion product people have to buy from you (giving away razors to sell the blades, etc). i'm not really sure if anyone's ever tried to enforce a patent on a bullet before, otherwise they'd eventualy be undercut by the russian ammo plants. then again, when the courts fail corps can find "alternate methods" for dealing with the competition :ph34r:


  4. rumor is it's a lot closer to the memory bank storyline. no mars, just lots of blurring the line between reality and recall. looking a lot less campy than the first one.

  5. Players want their characters to have better guns. This want is motivation to play the game, progress the story, get paid, make enemies. The gun lists make the story better.


    seems to me you should teach them to want different things. as a recovering munchkin i totally see where you're coming from, but the endless cycle of better guns so you can do bigger missions so you can buy better guns so you can do bigger missions so you can buy better guns... that cycle gets you nowhere.


    i'm assuming you're a fairly rational human being here, now suppose i gave you $1,000 (not goingto happen, this is just an example). how much of that money would you spend on tools to help you do your job better? how much would you spend on entertainment? how much on creature comforts and gadgets? investments? nice meals? you get the picture.


    real people do not spend every dime they make on tools to help them do their job. never forget that, the guns are a means to an end. when they become the end unto themselves you have a serious problem on your hands that you need to fix.



    full disclosure: yeah, I've spent a fair chunk of my own income on guns and ammo. then again, nobody ever accused me of being rational :blink:


  6. never served, but this exchange reminds me of an old joke i just had to add:


    there's a sailor and a marine using the head on base. they finish up their business and the marine goes to leave without washing his hands. the sailor calls him out "you know, in the navy they taught us to wash our hands after we use the head." the marine responds "is that so? in the marine corps, they taught us not to piss on our hands." :P


  7. honestly i've been too absorbed in skyrim the past 2 weeks to do much in the way of research, i was just reacting to accounts i heard on the radio and what have you (no, not rush, hannity or beck. can't stand them). so it would seem he was sitting in an active battle field, not just fighting from behind a computer screen. didn't realize that, good to know. the fact that there was congressional oversight in the decision allays my concerns about the targeting process. so Obama doesn't have a license to kill, just a license to form an exploratory committee to investigate the possibility of having people killed. i can live with that :)


    just for the record i am by no stretch a liberal hippie peace freak or anything, and i care nothing for the rights of terrorists. my only concern throughout is that this incident would set a precedent that would be used by later administrations as a justification to kill Americans who simply annoyed them in some way. now that i know that's not the case i'm fine with what went down.


    ..oh, the the patriot act line was meant scartasticly. seeing as you had just pointed out that there was a firm legal principle against such trials, upheld through case law, citing the patriot act was my way of saying there's probably a line in there that can even circumvent the word of the supreme court. don't like the law, not one little bit :angry:


    now if you'll excuse me, this has been fun and all but i really need to get back to skyrim B)


  8. my point is there is no evidence he ever "took up arms" in the litteral sense. it might exist, but we've not seen it. as far as the public record is concerned the only thing we know he did is publish a magazine/web series filled with unpopular ideas, and communicate with people who later went on to commit terrorist acts. now, I'm fairly sure A caused B in this case, i just want somebody to check the math before we zero out the equation as it were. as far as public information is concerned, all we know he's done is utilize his first amendment right in a way most of us find abhorrent...but if that's the bar then does that mean anti abortion pastors are next on the list? they write unpopular things and communicate with people who go on to be "lone wolf" terrorists after all.


  9. Rule 43 prohibits this, as al-Awlaki would not have been present during any opening stage of the proceedings.

    In 1993, the Supreme Court revisited Rule 43 in the case of Crosby v. United States. The Court unanimously held, in an opinion written by Justice Harry Blackmun, that Rule 43 does not permit the trial in absentia of a defendant who is absent at the beginning of trial.


    fair point, never heard of that rule. so that takes the conventional courts off the table, FISA might have different rules and I'm sure there's a work around somewhere in the bowels of the patriot act. be that as it may, however, there's still a third branch of the government that could provide a check on this power. the matter could simply be reviewed by the house select intelligence committee. the point I'm trying to make is that somebody needs to review these findings, it can't rest with just one man from one branch of government to order Americans killed.


    Further more, by removing himself from the jurisdiction of American courts, and placing himself on an active battlefield in open support of anti-American forces, he was subject to the same rules of warfare visited upon American citizens who willingly joined the German armed forces in the 40's or the Confederates who took up arms against the Union.


    Yemen is an active battlefield? we have a deceleration of war against them? an authorization of force from congress? are there us troops down in the trenches in Yemen? didn't think so. would you feel so nonchalant if he'd been sitting at a cafe in paris or London i wonder?


    can you find me a picture of this man holding a weapon? you claim he was taking part in armed conflict after all, should be easy enough to dig up right?




  10. Yet you trust the government to carry on in absentia trials "just this once" for just this one criminal?


    the courts try people in absencia all the time, usually it's people who skip the country to avoid their day in court but we have prosecuted people who reside outside the us in this way. dropping a hellfire missile up their ass is the only new aspect in play with my plan, which is really much more efficient than sending in a team to extract someone from a hostile country. when i think of the president being able to strike down anyone on the face of the earth with no oversight, all i can think is "what if nixon had that power?" you look back and we have put some petty and vindictive sons of bitches in the white house over the years, and i don't like the notion of them ordering people killed without some sort of review process.


    one little addendum, in case it wasn't already clear. my objection applies only to lethal findings against American citizens. if they're not American citizens they have no standing in American courts till they're on our soil, so i really don't care if the government sends predator drones or kill squads after anyone else.


  11. it's so sad to see how quickly people who at all other times exercise a healthy distrust of governments suddenly jump into lock step when somebody mentions the "boogie man" of the age, in this case terrorists. you're a fool if you trust the government to do this "just this once."


  12. funny, because the courts and lawyers you despise so much laughed his dad out of court when he tried to get his name off the kill list. he's been giving material support to the enemy for years (2006 for sure, most likely earlier), long before he landed on the kill list and plenty of time to try him for treason. federal courts move damn fast, they could have convicted him in under a year. everybody's in such a damn hurry to tear up the rulebook because of terrorism, they don't stop to notice we have perfectly serviceable mechanisms in place to deal with some of this.


    just take a minute, step back and think about what you're really supporting here

    First they came for the communists, and I did not speak out - because I was not a communist;

    Then they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out - because I was not a socialist;

    Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out - because I was not a trade unionist;

    Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out - because I was not a Jew;

    Then they came for me - and there was no one left to speak out for me.

    Veni Markovski


  13. simple, i just want them in the future to march into federal court and charge his ass with violating this:

    § 2381. Treason


    Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.


    notice the penalty, death. notice any stipulation on how said punishment should be meaded out? anything saying you can't zap his ass with thor's lightning from a predator drone half a world away? no need to worry about the two witnesses bit from the constitution even, he confessed live on the internet. what is so damn difficult about filing a charge first, we wanted him dead for years after all.


  14. dog, phipps, here's a question for you. this act has set the prescient that the executive branch can order a citizen killed without any legal authorization or oversight from the judicial or legislative branches. now sure, in this case it was a scumbag who was obviously guilty of treason if not outright murder against American citizens, but still the prescient is set. the president has been issued a license to kill. you seem to think this is a great thing considering the target, but ask yourself this: what's to stop OTHER people or groups from being labeled a threat and receiving similar lethal findings? conservatives, libertarians, survivalists, gun owners, etc?


    the guy was a bastard and i hope he's being sodomized by Satan himself right now for what he did and what he encouraged others to do. i just wish somebody had taken the time to have him tried in absentia for treason before they dropped a hellfire down his chimney.


  15. hello and welcome... but you do realize that for the crime of rolling the dice of 20 sides we'll have to burn you as a heretic. nothing personal, just a tradition around here, hope you understand :P

  16. well, i finished up my no kill run and got the acheivement, thought it was a no alarms run but apparently i missed one so no achievement for that :( still, very fun. hacking is actually fun and useful as opposed to having in most other games. thanks to melee take downs i was never wanting for ammo (lethal and non lethal runs). the locals are varried and have a great look to them, yellow featuring prominently for a change (as opposed to the recent rash of brown games). I'm going to take a short break from it to play dead island, but then I'm going back for a a no stealth rambo run, so we'll see how that goes B)


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