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Posts posted by eraser

  1. i didn't say they won because they used ak's mark. i was just pointing out the flaw in phipps dismissive logic that ak use makes you an "untrained idiot." you can trash talk ak users all you like, but you have to respect their record.



    i own one of each btw, and neither has had a failure that was not 100% magazine related. not a fan boy, i just took issue with his flawed logic.


  2. excuses, excuses.

    we left without accomplishing the goals the engagement set out to achieve. that's called a loss. you can blame the media, the politicians, drugs or whatever you like but it doesn't change the outcome. we left the field, the home team retained the field, and that home team was predominantly sporting AK's (making them "untrained idiots" by phipps logic).



    know what i blame? home field advantage. ;)


  3. it was the standard arm of the op for in all the above engagements, and by phipps logic it's people who use it are "untrained idiots". so i just thought I'd remind him of the fact "untrained idiots" keep kicking our ass.


  4. vietnam


    afganistan v ussr




    afganistan v usa


    iraq 2: electric boogaloo



    yeah phipps, untrained idiots with ak's sure do have a shitty win/loss record, don't they :P


  5. that is a neat idea, although as "one shots" go it has a few things going against it. for one, the zig-zag cylinder requires extra machining operations, as do the bored through cylinders. also, you've got the extra linkages to make that cylinder spin and line up with the barrel and firing pin, requiring tighter tolerances. then there's the issue of anemic firepower, 380 and 22 are not man stoppers (then again, no pistol cartridge really is, but we're getting off topic)


    i think the ideal "polymer one shot" would look more like this

    IPB Image

    IPB Image

    sure you only get 2 shots, but it's 2 shots that have a shot at doing some damage. there's no slide, no exposed hammer, no levers or switches to snag. you just walk up, stick this in their face and let fly. then you loot the body and hopefully get yourself something better. unless they have skinweave, a pair of 45 hollow points at point blank (MAX DAMAGE) to the dome should solve your cheap ass gun having blues.


    or if you only end up with cash in the above scenario,

    will hook you something better for the low low price of threehundred an fitty dollars... something with a chrome finish, to impress the ladies ;)


  6. yeah krypter, stop by some time and check us out some time. that goes for anyone looking for a game. we've got some awesome play going over there several nights a week, but only a small stable of players. we could REALLY use some new faces over here, we need the victims new blood :D

  7. i hate responding to myself, but i just had to say my peace.


    last week citizen killed off my character :angry:




    and i couldn't be happier about it :D


    the details are to sappy and melodramatic to recount, but the short version is that a random lucky shot set in motion events that lead to my characters death. it was an amazing scene and some of the best role play I've had occasion to be involved in. just wanted to post here, first to thank him, and second to tell the rest of you to "get your ass to mars UCF." we need the fresh meat ;)


  8. I'd also like to recommend citizen's site. I've only had one run so far, but he's done a kick ass job of giving me a sense of the world, his NPC's are well acted, and his cadre of GM's are great. if you're looking to scratch that cyberpunk itch, stop by and give it a try.

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