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Posts posted by Rockwolf66

  1. Hey everyone,


    I'm having digital artwork done of a few of my favorite charaters and I'm shareing them.


    First off is the favorite Bonita latina of several people.



    Thank you Darklorddc for the image.


    There's going to be another Image of Maria and two of Johnny in the works. If they turn out like this one i will be getting more Characters done.


  2. Ah...er, well...


    I'm not entirely new. I joined quite a while ago, but sort of dropped off the face of the boards in 2005 or 2006.


    I owe some very nice people (Companero, Shigeru, I'm looking at you!) some very late and apologetic e-mails. Suffice it to say that life got a wee hectic and strange and stuff, and now that I'm married and moved to Australia, things may, in fact, be settling down again. I may reveal more about my most recent strange circumstances because they relate directly to this site. But that will be for later.


    In the meantime, hello, everyone, and to those I haven't seen in a while, hello again, and any lack of communication on my part was my fault and no reflection of you or my opinion of you. Sometimes I simply bite off way more than I can chew. ;)




    Hello my darling flower chick. your not the only girl here who's gotten her ball and chain so don't feel too bad. :D

  3. Well Lass, I may not be into fashion but I can say that you do have good musical tastes.


    Welcome to the madhouse, just watch out for the cyberpuppy he's lurking around again.

  4. Not all mental illness directly effects humanity like compulsive disorders, and phobias, others such as psychosis, manic behaviors, and autism take huge hits because they so drastically emotionally remove the patient from society and humanity as a whole. Emotional disorder brought on by stress or trauma can also severely damage a persons connection to humanity. A victim of severe rape is often so traumatized they cannot bear to make physical contact with anyone, or a child who witnesses a violent death of their loved ones may become so withdrawn they regress from humanity.


    You make good points Wisdom. I personally have Asperger's syndrome. Personally while I do care about people it's difficult for me to interact with most people. As for emotional trama it depends on the person, I know people who have emotionally retreated like you say. I have also known people who become more understanding of others afterwards.

  5. Okay, you bunch. Recall the good ol' days of CheapFBC project and try doing it the same way :D

    ...oh, right, many of you weren't in it :(


    Right, so:


    Rule #0

    The GM is, in fact, encouraged to fudge the results and precedence of results to arrange them into a character consistent history.


    Rule #1

    We assume that a relationship is going on, even if it is not mentioned by this year's lifetime events. Simply, it's on, but there's nothing significant happening. Only if you roll up a failed romance with appropriate information, a relationship ends (most failed romances do end a relationship). A relationship is also terminated if your partner disappears due to a non-romantic event in your history (e.g. is killed as a result of Bad Luck, happens to become your enemy as a result of Enemies, etc). Otherwise, we assume that all the events apply to still the same partner (unless the result describes something completely different).


    Rule #2

    Unless the player has declared his character to be homo- or bisexual, we ass ume that the partner is of opposite sex.


    Failed romance:

    1. A Side Story - one of you were cheating on the other. Roll a die: even - you were cheating on your partner. Odd: your partner was cheating on you. Either way, relationship ends. If it was you who was cheating, roll on the Romantic Event table once again, with a -2 modifier. If the result is passed, this resulted in a relationship with the new lover. If not, this romance is lost also.

    2. Devil out of Hell - Your partner was giving you hard time - trying to control you, being obsessively jealous, or something like this. Relationship ends. From now on, you have -1 to all rolls on the Romantic Events table due to the psychic scars on your personality: you have a difficulty building further relationships.


    Successful Romance:

    1. It's a boy / girl! - you've got a baby! Given the state-of-the-art family-planning methods available in most places of the Cyberpunk world (and the fact it is perceived as a succesful event!), we assume the aby was wanted, and pretty likely planned as well (if you are a homosexual couple, or one of you is a 'borg, or you can't have children because of one of myriad other reasons, the kid is a result of genetic recombination, cloning, or simply an adoption - whatever fits the story).

    Kids make you learn much things: +1 Human Perception (or start the skill at 2, if you hadn't it at all), +1 Awareness, +1 Medical Diagnosis.

    When your kid reaches the age of 5 and you're still around, you also +1 Teaching, +1 Leadership.

    (note: feel free to correct me here!!).

    However, those bonuses apply only once. Apart from that, you get a +1 to all rolls for Romantic Events as long as with this partner (children tend to bind families closer together).

    Should this relationship be terminated, there's 50% chance that the kid is no longer with you (either left with the other parent, or whatever nasty happened to your partner, happened tothe kid as well).


    Those are just some ideas to start with, I'll put down more as soon as I get ideas and time to write them down...

    BTW, I think there can be less intense variants of both Succesful and Failed Romance events in the Barely Succesful part...


    you forgot the restoration of humanity points for the parent. I know of a woman with sociopathic tendancies who has become alot "nicer" after having a child.

  6. I also have the feeling that rockies character isn't actually played anymore. It is a fictional character for stories.


    Encanta's right about that one. The character of Maria is being used as a literary character. Yes what the character is put through is disturbing, but it is also based on the experiences of several people close to me. As far as Novels go there are at least two of them plotted out and slowly being written when I find the time.


    I was under the impression the character was regularly played, if not in a live group than at least here in one of the play by post games. I could be wrong, and if this is a character he is working on solely for a future novel or the like, then I will apologize, somehow a novel is different, probably because the author knows the entire story, and works within that context, whereas in a rpg, that character is the only thing he has control of.


    The character has been played in three games on this forum. The character's Game history and the Story History while similar are divergent in several places. A rough version of the character's story was at one time posted on this forum. that thread was deleated by myself long ago.



    As far as failed Romances go the two worst results are in my personal experience:

    1.Date Rape

    2. the player finds that they have a stalker.

  7. Ok man.... but seriously...... your character background sounds more like a loli rape hentai than a character description..... Not saying there is anything wrong with having a character suffer severe abuse in their past, but thats a little too detailed for my tastes.


    It was ment to be a semi-realistic portrail of a character's history of sexual abuse and her love life. I have one friend who blogged the following.

    I remember my night mares from my youth that came true (id like my letter back) and being raped again a year after the brain trauma didnt help my mind either. I studied there kind and they have no true conscience most have mental problems because they have not come to terms of their type of victimization and will do things to themselves and in the end to others. Drugs are really not the answer to this pharmaceutical or other wise (Thank You doctor for an anti psychotic drug for my being molested twice as a child of a year old and again to play spider-man on Atari between 4 and 5 now I see why I started smoking at five and why I agued with my mother that it was four.) Ive been around a lot of them that do and do not use drugs they are the children with dirty face and really no one seams to care.


    Found Here


    he is not alone among the people I know. I would be doing them a disservice if what they went through was portrayed as anything other than damaging to a person.

  8. I wasn't making a joke man..... seriously........ have you thought about talking to a professional?



    I am a professional. But now that you've asked yes I have been examined by psychological health experts and while I am Neural Atypical. I am not mentally unballanced, I just think alot differently than most people.

  9. One example of how ones love life affects the rest of ones life, lets look at Maria.


    First off you have an atempt at molestation at age 8. While it is not a concentual act it does affect how she views relationships and peoples place in them.


    Between ages 9 and 11 she is repeatedly molested by a friend of her fathers. The man first did so by spiking her favorite softdrink with wine. he then formed a relationship based on the dominant member of the relationship ( her molester) using the subordinant member. the relationship stops after Maria is caught in a gunfight and kills two men. Her Molester soon realizes that Maria has a skewed sense of what is appropriate behavior and might add him to her bodycount.


    She is sent to live with one of her father's business associates at age 13. The son of that buisiness associate starts a relationship with her. the relationship turns violent as the man does not view women as having worth. She is raped and beaten at age 15.


    soon after her rape Dominique finds her and they become friends. It's Maria's first healthy relationship in a long time.


    At age 16 she finally has enough and maims her abusive boyfriend and leaves town.


    While emotionally rebounding from beating the heck out of her then Ex, she meet's Johnny. Rather than the strutting Machismo that younger hispanic men are known for Johnny is looking for a friendly companion rather than a lover (all the plans of mice and men...). He soon gets dragged into Maria's baggage and up to his knees in violence. Johnny finds that Maria has a rather strange code of behavior. Maria goes so far as to try and set Johnny up with his friend Gwen as she does not want Johnny hurt again. it does not work out as planned.


    While Maria is involved with Johnny, she ends up sharing a room with their friend Esmerelda " Dizzy" Gomez. Maria makes out with her once and then refuses to go any farther because she is with Johnny among other reasons. It also opens up alot of questions about what Maria really wants.


    After getting shot up really badly Maria finds out that she is pregonant with Johnny's child. In order to try and keep the baby safe she first tries to hide out in California. she doesn't make it past Arizona. In AZ she saves Erica's life. She ends up living in Texas, until Robert Harold Bishop is born. She ends up leaving her son with Johnny as her past will not leave her alone ( she ends up blowing away the Ex she beat the crap out of).


    At age 18 she is living in Florida and seeing Sam Nash. Maria breaks up with him after he cheats on her at a party. While maria is very forgiving about sexual relationships, Sam broke one of her few rules about them. Sam did not tell Maria that he was going to bring another man into their bedroom. What's worse Sam did not use protection even though Maria insisted on it. Thus Sam was tossed out to the curb. a couple of months latter she ends up taking Isabella and Dominique home with her. that was an educational relationship for all three of them.


    The Open loving relationship with 'Bella and Domino reminds Maria as to how she feels about Johnny and her son. So she returns home to settle old buisiness and live her life how she wants to live it. by age 30 she is living in a ménage à trois with Johnny and Erica.


    I could go one but I do think you are getting the idea. So far Mike and Encanta's work looks good yet it doesn't cover everything. while the quick roll tables are looking great it's up to the player to create their own version of

    6. Because of your love, you’ve got involved in some shady business.
  10. One of the things about having a relationship in CP is the wonderful Role-Playing possibilities. By that I mean possibilities other than the obvious, Not needing to buy a hooker. Heck just read William Gibsons New Rose hotel. There are lots of examples of Intimate relationships in Cyberpunk stories you just have to look for them.

  11. Now I run my own Cyberpunk V3 game and I'm very happy about it. Unfortunately the book is not perfect and I came here for looking some solutions, tips and answers :) Hopefully I'll find many useful ideas


    most on this board will probably tell you to torch the book and forget it ever existed...


    You mean tear out the pages and use it to clean up after The cyberpuppy. :lol:


    To tell you the truth alot of us play CP2020 and had years worth of home rules by the time V3 came out. V3's problem is that it lost it's potential fan base before it saw print. My only sugestion is to take what you like about it out and home rule the rest. We are willing to help you sound out home rules.

  12. So Rocky, you ever make it to San Fran Crisco? I have two friends who are transplants living there now. They were back in town regaling us with stories of the original Bondage A Go-Go. The GF and I will have to head out one of these days and check out the scene. Sounds like an interesting time. Supposedly there is a clone of me doorman at one of the clubs as well. Cheers,



    Nope, that plan fell through. then again I live only 52 miles from the place. I do enjoy some Light BDSM and the rope I have picked up from Naughty or Nice, is for a Svete girl. :lol: I'll admit that I am honestly the good Sibling, so I have a reputation to upkeep.

  13. Well I am already stocking up for next time.:ph34r:


    Sented Candles: check


    Romantic Music: Asking her currently


    Silk Rope: Check


    Mood Movies: Way too many currently but should add more when I next get to Davis.


    Soundproofing the house: who cares let them hear.


    Her plain ticket over here: Working on it.


    Hehehehehe, yeah I have big plans for a Svete girl.



  14. well I am currently at 98 posts away from 5,000. the current top ten posters are:



    1. Myself with 4,902

    2. Bookwyrm with 3,746

    3. Psychophipps with 3,556

    4. Wilphe with 3,232

    5. Malek77 with 3,133

    6. Dog Soldier with 2,724

    7. Thumper with 2,567

    8. Joe Q. Public with 2,440

    9. Chrysalis with 2,032


    and at number 10 is senior officer Mikael van Atta with 1,957 posts.


    still nice to have most of you here( Wilphe being on EN-world and Bookwyrm being lost someplace).

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