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Posts posted by Master_Drow

  1. Yeah, but polymer one shots have a built in ammo clip, they can't even be refilled, so proprietary ammo is not needed.


    But if the Corp is big enough they alone could produce enough ammo that the market is full. Or they could even allow other corps to produce the ammo. But it would stop mom-and-pop ammo makers, and it would stop black market ammo supplies, it would even stop people from hand loading the ammo. All this means you have to buy from the corps and that means more money in their pockets.


    You only buy the gun once but ammo is expendable. Its like a car, you buy a car one time, but the gas is where they get you.

  2. it would be interesting to see companies move away from common calibers and build their guns in proprietary calibers.

    I wonder, the CP guns use electric firing, could it be possible to require specific electric voltages or something like that? Make it harder to replicate.

  3. Well the way I see it. From a meta-game point of view I have no idea why Bear and Dameon are going on another mission to capture and interrogate some people. Another team could handle that, after all Dameon just lost three of his new found friends, and has been up for 18+ hours. Plus he has been in two adrenaline packed firefights. (and now he is working with a Brit of all people).

    The loose ends can be handled in a narration/briefing fashion. Not as fun, I know, but gets the job done.


    If I was you I would have the mission end, Dameon goes back to base and gets his arm looked at. It will take Dameon 3 days by current rules to heal if he get someone to meditech him. Else he is 6 days out.


    Chuck is similar to Dameon in terms of healing.


    Shiny and Murray are getting new arms. So that is a Critical Sugery and will deal 3d6+1 damage, that on top of the 8 damage they have, will have them out for 12 to 27 days. If they get some speed healing drugs (do they exist?) that time is halved. We were are probably looking at about two weeks for them to be back in service at full. But they can be operational within a week and a half.


    Sophia needs to set up a FOB in Italy. So I am guessing a house, a warehouse, and some vehicles, plus basic supplies like ammo and guns. Maybe a safe house or two just in case. That will take at least a week if not two.



    So the best way to handle it would be to advance the world clock between a week and two weeks. If you really want Bear and Dameon can go on a few supply runs to fill in that time. But probably no big ops are needed. Or we can go get another week or two of training in, maybe pick up a bit of Italian? Being able to speak with the locals would probably help with the mission. Speaking with the locals, novel idea that :blink:



    and what the hell does LAN mean? Local Area Networks don't like Gm's?

  4. I wonder. Currently in the drug section it mentions that Corps are know to flood the streets with a new drug they are testing. Using the low-lifes as test subjects. I wonder if they do something similar for other things they make. As was mentioned the guns life is restricted by the amount of ammo available. So a Corp could flood the street with so new gun they're testing and as long as the ammo is limited they don't have to worry about the violent spill over into the more secure sections of the city.

  5. The thing is he really did not do much, as in he did not accomplish his goal. Actually he accomplished the exact opposite. See his hack only works if the target was using an iPhone or Android. But assuming someone did use a phone on the QR code then he reverse hacked them and looked to see if their IP address matched the IP of a twitter account. If they matched he messed up their contact list.


    Ok now the problems.

    1) If the IP address was that easy to match to a terrorist account then the FBI would have been all over that. I mean IP can tell you where a person is so the FBI would have just used the IP to sweep up Anon members. So obviously the IP on the twitter was not linked directly to the Anon members otherwise the Anon members would have been in custody.


    2) Out of 1200 people he got 500 back hacks. Ok now as I pointed out in point 1 it is highly unlikely that he got any Anon members in the first place so now he is just hacking 500 innocent people.


    3) He claims to have match a 'serious number of people' to his hit list and proceeded to mess with them. Again he missed his target in the first place so now he is messing with poor fools not connected to Anon.


    4) Even after all that he only messed up the contacts on the persons phone. If it was an iPhone that person probably has iCloud on, so it would only take the person a few minutes to restore from backups.




    Really it shows how susceptible the average Joe is. If a guy like that could hack them then they are not safe.

  6. Cyberpunk's weapons system is based on bullets damage not weapons damage. This is because the actual gun the bullet is fired from does not matter the bullet is what matters. So to have an AP value for each gun does not make sense. Does the gun effect the muzzle velocity? Not really.


    The rule 1/2 SP and 1/2 damage is actually way simpler that shadowruns system because it is balanced between weapons (so no weapon is better than another) and it stops people from going crazy armor to ignore AP rounds. Think about it, if AP rounds were -4 to target SP them all that would happen would everyone would get +4 armor.


    If you find it hard to keep track of you came use he trick of double damage vs sp and half damage vs people same effect easier math.

  7. Just to be clear you are talking about this system?

    a netrunner can have multiple Actions Per Round. There are several things that can effect how many Actions you get. These include how good you are, what kind of gear you have, and other environmental factors like what the network is like or how strong a signal you have to work with. Actions Per Round is calculated like this:


    Intelligence(1-10) + Interface(1-10) + Deck Speed(1-10) + Modifiers ÷ 4(round up) = (1-10 Approx.)


    As you can see, this means that every netrunner gets at least 1 action per turn no matter how much they suck, and expert netrunners can pull off upwards of 10 actions (or more) in that same turn. This reflects the power differential possible in the Net. This creates immediate disparities when 2 netrunners face each other in combat and even allows one experienced netrunner to take on several and maintain an advantage. In short, you are either fast or you're flatlined.

    If this is the system I do see few problems in that A) deck speed is now -3 to +3 not 1-10, and B ) won't this lead to a pop effect where a net runner can take another simply by having a few more attacks? Its like having a full auto weapons vs a semi auto, simply because you can fire more hits means you will do better, you can even fire crap hits and that will work...


    Actually point B does not matter, I just realized that all of the parts for speed are needed for everything in Run.Net, so a faster net runner is also a better net runner because he has a higher Interface (that means he has trained more), and Intelligence (which does not change much over the course of the game). So really the only thing a nugget could do is buy a great deck for the extra speed. It will be extremely impossible for a nugget to just action a guy to death because a nugget won't have a good Interface. (if he had a good interface then he wouldn't be a nugget.)


    So the only thing we need to do to implement this system would be to change the deck speed back to 1-10 instead of -3 to +3...




    OK the more I read Interrupts original post the more I like it... where did I go so wrong...

  8. All I know is if I was him I would have known a few guys were coming down the hall after me and that 7.62 rounds from an AK will have no problem shooting through walls. Also that hostages make great cover, hey I want to kill them anyway, why not use them as a shield?


    Although it is true, Dameon would do this differently from what I stated above.

  9. Hey guys I know we finally decided on cumulative actions being -2 but I found something in IU that we may need to consider.


    "After the first combat action, all following Combat Actions allowed take a cumulative -1. Combat Actions taken beyond those allowed by your RT acquire a -3 cumulative penalty, on top of the penalty already acquired. Maximum number of additional Combat Actions is x2 what is allowed."

    Note: RT= Initiative skill + Combat Sense skill.

    So if Run.Net is used for IU (most people here run IU right?) then you actually slow down rather than speed up in the net...



  10. I know Brazil is oil independent because they use a combination of locally grown sugarcane and offshore drilling.


    Sadly for the USA sugarcane does not grow well in most of the USA, but we do grow corn. Alas we are having some bad drought and now all of those fields that we had fallow in the '90s are now being used to produce food corn.


    Algea is still the furthest behind in producing fuel grade in enough quantity.


    However, both corn and Algea so far need to be supplemented with actual gas (generally 15% gas by volume). The only true alternative that I have heard about is hydrazine, and you don't hear much about that.

  11. About that whole "zimmerman was attacked" I present this video.


    Zimmerman 40 minutes after assault


    This is 40 minutes after the assault as Zimmerman is entering the police station. Notice the lack of blood from a broken nose, or the lack of bleeding from being slammed into the sidewalk. To me it seems that some parts of Zimmerman's story about being assaulted seem to not be in line with what the videos evidence is showing.



    P.S. I know that the one guy says the video was from over an hour after the assault, he is part of the defense, so he is spinning the truth. It was 40 minutes or so.

  12. Well, if you have corpbook 3 then you can look at page 56 and read the section on Trouble Shooting, it is all about corporate engineers/technicians that deal with very very dangerous corporate problems. Like chemical fires, cave-ins, etc. And because they are so specialized other corporations often hire them to deal with their problems.


    If you want danger Trouble Shooters have a 25% fatality rate, and often only do 1 major job per month.



    The problem with running a tech game is that you need to keep the players interested. In a normal game you spice it up with a bit of combat. In a tech game you replace the combat with chemical fires and spraying oil wells. If you want to can have the players at a specific location, like say they are defending Iranian oil wells. The well will have various breakdowns that require the group to go and fix it. But that is just boring, now an oil well being lit on fire so that it is now burning is boring. You can even allow the group to be in the initial assault that takes back the oil well from the terrorists that lit it on fire.


    The hard part in my opinion is making the game interesting for more than one encounter.

  13. McDojo quality! Not interested
    These "McDojo's are the only ones I don't like. I'm all for training your way, but when your pumping out 12 year old kids as black belts, and the average time for a black belt is 2 years... I'm sorry I just have a hard time believing that your dojo really teaches anything.



    Any dojo that takes the philosophy of life long learning, and always improving and learning new things, is a dojo that I can support. Especially when they teach respecting others as a major tenant of their philosophy.

  14. It sounds like you want to take a look at Corpbook 3. It covers Petrochem and Sovoil, and has a huge section on drilling oil and natural gas. It has a few nice ways that PC's can actually participate in this type of game.


    Looking at the cover I guess the full name for the book is, "Corporation Report 2020 Vol. 3"



    (Links to illegal online copies of copyrighted materials are a no-no, y'all. - psychophipps)




    {I just found out that my PDF version has the word "the" replaced with "die", subliminal much?)

  15. So for some reason in the middle of math class today something suddenly clicked. "where had I see blakebeards name?" then I realized!

    He a is also the newest member on these boards!


    Welcome! Feel free to explore around. Might I suggest heading over to the introduction threadIntro thread (click me!) and saying hello to the rest of the gang.

    We don't bite... often.


    Look forward to seeing you around!

  16. Why hello! Welcome to team Magnet, were everyone gets shot and most end up in the hospital at the start of the mission. Our motto is "Get it done or get shot trying!" We are very good at following that motto. I hope that you will add much to our fun and shenanigans.



    On another note:

    I was thinking about small two man teams. If we stick with the current team then I would suggest that we split into teams of one active player and one passive/NPC. So stray and I would both be in separate teams and we would either take murray or chuck for the other man. This would allow us to each decide exactly what we want to do and to have a buddy to back us up.

    I have no idea how Blake is going to fit into this idea. Is he replacing Murray/chuck? Or is he a temporary reassignment?


    On a role playing note it would be interesting to have a Brit in our 4 man team, Dameon hates Brits, would lead to some interesting roleplaying.

  17. I take responsibility for this fiasco. I forgot to take into account the placement of the enemy vehicles. Upon reviewing Malek's previous posts I realized that I made a terrible call about how to proceed. Should have probably have had Murray use the 40mm MGL to attack the trucks from the end of the street, once they were neutralized then we should have moved in.

    My bad, sorry.



    So Malek, you have mentioned before that cyberware took a lot of batteries to run. I'm guessing an 8 hour charge under standard work load? And probably not as responsive as a normal human limb so a reduced REF? But probably more resistant to damage than normal human limbs?

    Also CP has rules for limb graft from a body bank, is that an option here or is this group going to have more metal inside the car than the car itself?



    I am guessing that Sophia will get that contract she came for and that she will want to get to Italy right away. I am also guessing that their will be several weeks of physical therapy for the team members getting new limbs. How will that effect our next mission?




    Which is a better outcome than the live game... :ph34r::D
    Do I detect GM intervention? Praise the lord!

    (Or are you running this game at the same time elsewhere? If so I would love to compare how we are doing!)

  18. I actually trained in DanZan Ryu JuJitsu for about 12 years before I went to college and had to stop (no dojo nearby). The thing I liked most about it is how it took a long time to advance in each rank. Often it took people 15 or more years to become a black belt.


    Where did you go to Train. There used to be a Jujitsu Dojo in Eureka over a butcher's shop. I went there for a while but I had to drop out due to getting sick and lacking the money to continue.

    Where I trained
  19. While I do realize that was the point of the original post I also think this won't change much. I mean it saves them money on drop outs, and time of training facilities. For one simple flat rate they can get a trained eager recruit. A bit more boot camp and the recruits will be more similar than vanilla.

  20. The next question would be where you'd get the elite inner layer. I have a suggestion.


    HR looking for new hires flags applicants with hobbies like hunting and fishing, target shooting, athletes especially those who got scholarships for wrestling and football. Amateur boxers and martial artists.


    Part of the "hook" would be intramural sports clubs within the company, special vacation deals for hunters. The list is endless.


    From this they can develop in house a cadre of fiercely loyal corporate samurai and ninja who's loyalty is always to the corp.

    Wouldn't the corps want soldier that they won't have to train themselves? I mean they can save all of the cost of basic training and new recruit drop outs if they hire people directly out of the army. The USA, being the way it is, would probably let the corps hire soldier directly from their reserves for a cash benefit. The corps get trained men and the US army gets some money. If the corp hires the top 10% of the recruits right out of basic training then they know they are getting quality and they are still young enough to indoctrinate.

    For the grizzled commanders and the like they might hire a few guys who are at the end of their army contract. Again, years of battlefield experience for one low cost, better than sending your guys to war and losing 20% of them, just to get the same experience.

    All the quality for none of the loss. A simple 2 or 3 months of corporate boot camp you will have 100% retention rate and a quality team to boot. Just my 2 cents.

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