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Posts posted by Bullet

  1. Just to that kukri thingie... Appropriate skill could be martial art too...something like Pentjak silat or something like that...can't remember India's martial arts proberly..

  2. Wish I could...


    I'll prolly just go to RopeCon. It is it's 10th anniversary this year. Anybody coming there?


    I regret that I missed my opportunity to see the Man himself, because of a damn Changeling-game.

  3. Yeah, nicely put Phippie-my-man ;)


    ...And I have to open my mouth,too:

    Little while ago Dana put a new object to his sites: He wanted them to be the largest cp-community in the web! How could he do that? He is rude, he doesn't keep his stuff in public and the board is user-unfriendly. I think that object appeared after a flame war (in which I were involved...silly me, can't keep me gap closed ;) ), so he is apparently jealous to this great community. GROUP HUUUUG!


    ...And what I remember Spudfairy wasn't that bad...kinda edgy, but when I think back to my posts I haven't been that zen either (oh yeah...Sorry Aga if I've been an idiot sometimes...just feels like I've been...dunno..)

  4. +does a funky chicken dance+ Haa!! Babylon is falling deedididudum babylon is falling... +sings along with Jasper and the Prodigal Suns+


    Promotions to everyone, great job (Quote from Calvin&Hobbes)


    Really. Look how much (well, you can't look because it went down..BOhaHahaa!) Dan got pissed. And after that Dana got pissed to Dan. Ha! Dog eat dog I say!



  5. Hmmm...me cyberpunk?


    I asked the same question a while back...What I answered then? Yes, I am cyberpunk.


    But now...I don't know. Probably not. I am aware of my surroundings, but I can't read all the marks. I don't give a shait about world politics, therefor I am not an activist. I give a big f*ck you to hippies, anarchists, nazis and wageslaves...well the biggest goes to nazis. So the attitude is there.


    I think DogSoldier and company have said it best, but there is nothing bad in thinking,right?


    So I would be soon-to-come-media, if I were a edgerunner.

  6. While Simms confronted Marc, Patric walked around the building, pretty sure that he wouldn't find anything crucial.

    After that he walked to the door, but stayed out, waiting for the f*cking Starsky&Hutch to come, smoking a cig and relaxing...Just another day...just another sh*thole...just another pair of eager kids, playing cops&robbers...

  7. uuuh cats...We (me and me parents) have five of them at the moment...soon we'll give three of them away (11 weeks old...eep). Then there will be "just" two females...the other is kinda long haired,cutest thing you'll ever come across to (every cat owner says that..) and her mother which (surprisingly) is kinda short haired. Both of them are red (like the kittens...our communists ;) )


    I've had cats around me all my life, but I still don't diss dogs. I like them too, but they are little bit too big for my taste (I mean the size of their sh*t ;) )

  8. He is falling apart. Soon he'll start calling names. Two of his recent posts started "big deal", plus his facts are not straight. But I would like to know the truth behind this DigitalBurn thing. Is Apo-Stasis going to be DigitalBurn supplement? I hope not, because it isn't that good system, and it's direct rip from Cyberpunk2020. I assumed something like that, and that isn't good (assuming) in a debate, althought I didn't say it aloud.

    So what I would like to see is the post you, Chrys, sent to that mailing list, if that's possible.

  9. Like I said there, they are just jerking off each other...

    "ooh Dana, your Neo-City is sooooooo cool and well done, not like those crappy things that other fan-boys've done" "I know, I know...I am great, aren't I? And how much I spent time and effort to that project...not to mention I know everything there is to know about anything.." "you are so right on that, althought we have some times disagreed... and little mortal fan-boys! you are delusional...It is dead and over and in grave"


    Bloody masturbation that is...I bet they...oh,nevermind... ;)

  10. I found that rap&hip hop are pretty good to cp background due the association created by movies.

    An idea struck me...I should borrow a frequence-machine from school and do live music to my game...bwahbwahbwahbwaaaah!

  11. Hmm...I should just list the artists:




    King Crimson


    Type O Negative




    Cypress Hill

    System of a Down



    Tom Waits

    Nick Cave & Bad Seeds

    Del Shannon (& much of the 50s good old rock'n roll)

    Pink Floyd



    Rage Against the Machine

    A Perfect Circle

    Marilyn Manson

    Coal Chamber

    Faith No More




    White Zombie



    Good old jazz

    and lots of others which I can't remember...


  12. (First of all: Sorry Chrys, if this hits a sore spot, but...)


    Look at this sh*t:http://www.talsorian.com/bbs/messcp/12673.html


    I mean...ack.Yugh.F*ckwads.

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