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Posts posted by Bullet

  1. Oh yes it is! I haven't noticed ;)


    but  I think it is ex-politician.


    What are your feelings about Halme? (this goes to Finns...sorry) I think that is the most stupid election ever made in Finland.

  2. If women were generals we (men) would have hard time following their orders ;)  ...I have to admit I have problems following their ideas sometimes.


    And welcome aboard eikthyrnir! More Finns! Great. And a woman? Greater ;)

  3. Sort of a road on thingie to America? Mayhem on Wheels? Which one of you yanks have car big enough to fit us all in? Or we could use two or more cars... I'd love to see NY and Chicago...and why not LA too... And New Orleans but I doubt we are going 'down there' ;)


    Hmmm...more useful Japan:

    Uke - bottom...you know...the one under

    Seme - The one on top...

    I think these are somekind of gay-sex terms, but I am not sure...

    Manko - pussy...krhm...+blush+

    and of course

    baka - stupid (only stupid uses baka)

    aho - stupid (more intelligent version)


    But I think you already know these...That's almost everything I know...Surely more than you would expect from a Japan disliker like me,aye?

    My Japan dislike is wearing off again...hafta got something to do with that J-rock game I'm in.


    OK...enough of this rambling.

  4. Oh the madness. But I do like this jumpy conversation more than another war/politics thread.


    Kissing is nice. Especially with tongue. +Sigh+ Bugger.


    I'd like to learn Spanish (Que pasa gato?) and more German...maybe. But French? nah...neve'!

    And Russia! I'd like to learn Russia, so I could do cool industrial-songs.

    Uuble puuble...dupliduu duplidaa...Can you believe that I have the best English in my class? (now I am not even sure if I wrote that right...)

  5. I'm really pissed off with neonazis...dumb f*cks. Last summer they decided to kick a bike which was driven by a Korean lady and she had a two years old boy with her...f*cking brilliant...not to mention that the same group beat up a 12-years old boy too...


    W*nkers. Castle Wolfenstein is gooooood...Too bad there is too much zombies in it.

  6. I like this idea...maybe I'll use it sometime..And I think this could work better in a mood-biased (mystery,thriller etc...vampire and so on) game, rather than combat-biased. Hmmm...in fact it is perfect for horror. key to good horror is to not tell the players they are playing Ctulhu or Vampire (which isn't much horror tho...)


    Hmmm...Me likee...gonna try it out.

  7. Bloody techie...I don't believe it...gotta take it again...NO!!! I am not techie! I know nothing about technics!How can I be a techie? Aaaaaaaaaarrrrgggh! Arrr!Errr! Murrr!!!


    I want to be something else! Maybe I have to lie. Lets take it again...With a cyberpunk attitude this time.


    And now I got Solo...Hmmm....More options there,Nytie old chap?

  8. Pat has been quiet all the time they have spent inside the motel. He looked away when Simms talked to the clerk, and climbed the stairs behind Simms and the clerk.

    'F*cking IA here...guess they are looking for clues, just like we are, but instead of nailing a replic_u_nt they want to nail me...' Pat thought


    (OOC:Sorry the delay...Had a holiday)

  9. Hmmm...Hotels: 20-40€ per night. Depends. Quality. You know. Youth-hostel...don't know for sure, but a friend of mine threw a guess: 2 or 3 € per night.


    Ooor we can go camping ;)


    And it is a lot cheaper to sleep at my place ;)

  10. Finland...Country of thousand lakes. yes,we have rivers, but I really doubt that we could go with a boat here...don't know.


    Finland is quite clean, we have lots of forrest here, and country side. Cities are small compared to....anything. Keep in mind that here is 5.000.000 people, and we could still have something like a squarekilometer per one Finn...or something like that. Those cities aren't *that* small thou. I doubt that you'll get somekind of a wide places phobia here.


    And to me, this sounds good :D Don't have to spend my non-existing moneys :)


    And surely there is cheaper flight tickets somewhere



    If we are going to meet here...then the next question: Where in here? If we meet in Oulu (which is one of the biggest cities in Finland and the "capital" of Northern Finland) I think I can house few guys (something like 4...two of them would have to sleep in the same bed) and...I don't know about Chrysalis...and maybe my friends can give some shelter too.


    Me likeee.. :)

  11. 11-15 years was my button. Really, I "started" before I was even in school! Of course the quality is crap,so... *Real* roleplaying: maybe 7 years. But I've been aware of roleplaying games, have been playing them and been aware of cyberpunk (and have been fan of cp) for 11 years. Started with Twilight2000...I'd like to see how that gaming session would go now...

  12. I seldomly play women, cause I don't want to rape them to something stereotypical (slut or Dark Angel), but few times I've tried.


    It doesn't make that much difference.


    Ever noticed that PCs tend to be quite goodlooking or at least they are in a very good shape?

    Some day I'll play fat and ugly looking man.Who whines...me! Just for the kicks ;)

  13. Would it be impossible to just meet on a neutral ground? Without a boat? I know I am going to German this summer (IF I have a summerjob) for a week or two, to see Suriel.


    That trip will cost me 332€ (airplane/two ways) + some money to spend...so I was thinking about 500€ budject. IF I get the damn job.


    It surely would be nice to meet you guys.

  14. It can never be same...Well...N.o.ds come, n.o.ds go... bummer...Maybe I should let go, but hey, so many new guys are here, so I feel like I have to show them what they missed ;)

  15. The sweet 60's...eh...02's...Remember? We used to run across the flowery field, holding wires and talking about sex, orgasms and hair...Oh...those were the days...



  16. Damn pissed that most of those cool comics never land to Finland...Like G.I.Joe (it once did, but not anymore :( ) or Dark Minds...what we have is Transformers' new...read the first episode and was...intrigued. I'd also like to see Athena.Inc and so on...


    And those w@nkers stopped to publish Preacher...they got two collections out (including episoded 1-8) and then quitted. Bastards.

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