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Posts posted by Strawberry-Cream

  1. In our games,


    the PCs normally are only supplied with standard ammo (cased or not), AP is available, but a bit expensive (and taking the rules of CP into consideration, there are few situations where it really helps). Of course, they can get rubber bullets, if they want to ;).


    Sometimes we have this stuff that halves armor and does full passing damage, but normally you don't get it on the black market or in a store.


    As for ET enhanced ammo, so far, it is not in the hands of player chars, but some antagonists may use them - as the very rare weapon in a murder case around the town, whereas the party has to hunt the mysterious shooter down. But the PCs don't get a hold of the weapon, of course :p.

  2. Well well,


    I see it a simple way: The more people with guns run around, the more likely I get shot.


    I love to quote the example of this NRA-official, who some guy tried to mug with a knife. The NRA-official got out a gun, and shot him in the leg. Now the mugger got out his gun, and shot the NRA guy dead.


    Gun nuts now would say "He should have shot him in the head with his first shot."

    I would say "He should have given him the money and lived on."


    I, myself, think that the accessability of weapons, even for "self defense" only raises the chance that someone uses a gun against you.

    I, at the moment, live in Berlin, and I had some rather... unpleasant encounters as well. But from my point of view, de-escalation is better than escalation (which a gun would mean). I think, social skills, intelligence and caution are far better to protect yourself than a gun - because, if you are allowed to carry a gun, the other person is allowed to, also.

    And also a little anectode: I once had a tube ride late in the evening, and was kind of on my own. So a turkish boy approached me, flipping his knife, and saying: "Give me your portemonnaie." I smiled at him and said: "Hey, why wont you give me yours?" He was a bit baffled, and then he said: "Huh, you're correct (a term they use to say you're cool or hip or whatever)." He put away his knife and it ended that he even invited me to a Kebap. Of course, I was lucky, and I was able to evaluate the situation correctly - but I am happy he did not posess a gun instead of a knife. And I'd rather have it that I have no gun and he a knife instead of both of us armed with firearms.

    Perhaps the situation is different where the most people here live, and I don't say that guns or soldiers or policemen are obsolete - I just say that it is dangerous to glorify them or make them ubiquitous.


    And to appease the HKpro senior member: I already told, I found the technical parts interesting ;).

  3. I have to confess: I own some weapons also.


    4 "Battacas", everyone in a different colour. You know Battacas? They are a tool in psychotherapy or behavioural (right term? no idea) therapy to vent off anger, they are blunt weapons made of cloth and only posess a solid handle.


    It's just fun to whack each other with them, as it never really hurts, and we had funny duels (like one wielding two ambidextroulsy against two single people, a 4-people FFA and so on ;)), you all ought to try it :p.

  4. Just to make you envy me:


    I'll get all my presents already on Christmas Eve.


    Haha =).


    Hm, my wishes are kept secret, but feel free to send me anything you can spare as long as it is no rubbish and preferably valuable. I mean, don't bother packing things worth less than 500 €. Except they are reeeaaally nice... like cute little toy elephants, and these things...

  5. So now we have another basic principle.


    Not only spare ammo, but a spare weapon (one? ha, the more possible, the better, but don't walk around like you were a Militech-store...), and an additional, robust melee weapon is also always handy. After all, it never runs out of ammo, does it?

  6. As I already told elsewhere in this forum,


    what I don't like about some parts of the media (although, as I made clear from my introduction, I don't see the media as the cause of violence also), that they only show the "clean", "fast" and "elegant" aspects of violence. How cool and stylish it is, to shoot your enemies with two guns blazing. How cool it is, to be the top-dog in a martial art and be able to beat someone. Normally they don't tell us about the dirty part of violence. The injuries. How it is to stay in hospital. How to eat without teeth. And we don't feel the pain, do we?

  7. Hm, the rules you talk about phipps, seem sensible too, but it clearly states in my book (als already mentioned, a very very old german copy), that you get 1D6 hits if you failed, and the minimum corridor is 2m. Perhaps it's about controllability? That you cannot aim in a 1m corridor with your assault rifle on full auto? Would seem plausible to me also ;).


    But one hit per failed point seems far better than 1D6. But I would suggest not giving a shotgun just one "suppression point" per shot...

  8. Hm, for the melee weapons, of course I am far superior with a sword against a guy with a rifle - if I can get to him ;).


    That's what I hate about the Shadowrun rules... I never really played it, just read some things... if you are a fast solo, you have two or three actions before the enemy has his turn... so you get out your sword, move around to him, and slice him.


    So now it's his turn...

  9. Hm, well, sure, if I make fun about other people's hobbies, I can take some laughing at my hobbies also ;).


    Well, I love roleplaying games, hanging around with friends, and, now I will provide you with something to make fun of, I dig in nearly every book or magazine about psychology I can find.


    And as I already told about guns, I can understand the fascination of the style, the power, sometimes the elegance of the appearance. The thing about guns it, they don't tell you how it feels like to be shot with one... normally in games we only see the "good" part of violence: might, power, speed, elegancy. You know how cool it is, to whoop someones behind with, let's say, a stylish martial art - but you don't know how it is to eat with broken out teeth :(.

  10. Because it's fiction, it's imagination, it's... unreal ;).


    I don't drool about shooting a real gun, and debating whether I could shred someone with a flak jacket in reality, but I think about the competition in a game.


    Guns may be a hobby like every other hobby, the only problem I see, guns were invented to kill people - role playing games not ;).


    That does not mean that I don't want them to have their fun with guns, I just have to admit that I am quite... well... amused about the idea of people getting hot pants when talking about how many rounds per minute their weapons can spit out.


    Perhaps I should take the matter more serious, for guns are no toys, but I think such gun sites like the hkpro.com are not really for sporting violence but all about the technical fascination of guns.


    Just my humble opinion :).

  11. Hmm... no intention to be insulting, but I find guys dreaming all about firearms on their webpages just funny. Really. I mean, they don't talk about games, they actually own this stuff and so on... as I told, some of the technical facts were quite interesting, but mainly, I couldn't help smling amusedly at the funny gun-nuts texts.


    Hope you don't feel insulted now ;).

  12. Well, I don't expect heavy military-style conflicts in most Cyberpunk games, so another thing that works quite well, not only with grenades: Intimidation.


    If you full auto in a direction, they won't move, even if you are a lousy shooter. Even if they know you are a lousy shooter, they probably won't get up and take the risk of getting a hit.


    Grenades intimidate very well - they make loud noises and cover great areas.


    Hm, if you are against real pros, they probably will know that you are only trying to bluff and to intimidate when you auto-fire a place 5 metres away from them or against their cover, and will wait until your clip is empty, but against not-so-pros it may work well.


    Remember Han Solo charging the squad of Stormtroopers? :)


    Okay, that's intimidation. And sometimes, it may help. Warcries were not invented for fun ;).

  13. "The Unofficial Site for the Uncompromising Heckler & Koch Enthusiast"


    - it says proudly on this funny web-site I stumbled across when doing some research on the OICW:




    Sometimes the site takes some tries to load, but it's worth the effort, is it only me or does everyone has to laugh his / her pants off? For even more fun, try the screensaver, I just love rofling at the gun-nuts attitude of the whole page.


    For additional fun, there is the "HK in action", where you can get pictures of genuine H&K weapons around the world.


    Well, but the technical facts and the article about the G36 I found quite interesting, although I don't like weapons at all, except in Cyberpunk games.


    Never mind, sometimes, I suppose, a bit of the media is to blame for violence ;).

  14. Hm, we don't have a nice rule for shotguns so far,


    but I just had to point out that I love the house rule from Mr. Saturday - greath! Exactly what I was looking for, I kept searhcing my CP rulebook over and over for a nice rule that would explain the kind of strange example about -8 to hit but leading a whole corridor...


    You say you use a save against suppressive fire? Okay, how do you count the shots? The shots fired with the shotgun, or do you add something for the spray? For how many shots fired does your rule apply?


    Once again, I really like the idea - wow, we will playtest it immediately... now where to buy a shotgun...

  15. Well, personally, I think the concept of ET-enhancement not to be very compelling, but it is quite okay when used properly in games. In our games, ETE weapons are expensive, very rare, hard to maintain and probably unreliable. Full auto? You're mad ;).


    Normally, you won't find such a weapon in players' hands with us, except for some very rare occasions. Of course, the evil antagonist may posess an ET enhanced sniper gun, and we chase him and the weapon through the game session, but to keep it balanced, we largely play without ETE.


    I won't dig into the physics now, all I recall about plasma is what we learnt about the fusion reactor, I don't think the temperatures needed to turn water into plasma are something weapons could withstand easily. But, as long as it adds to a game, I won't harken about physics anyway, if it at least appears to be plausible.


    So balance the thing for your gameplay and then don't worry about the physics, from my p.o.v., their role is slightly inferior to the game balance and fun.

  16. I don't think that the Body-stat ist imbalanced so far, in fact, Reflexes would be the one to deal with, it is the primary stat for everyone.


    Well, never mind... I liked the idea with Body/2 boxes of hit points per category, but only a detail, how do you deal with healing? I mean, when having more "hit points" you have to stay longer in hospital to become healthy again... and not because you can take more damage without biting the dust (actually in the current system, that is the case, and okay in this aspect of regeneration), but because you need more damage to get another state of injury, and so take longer healing it back again? Than it would be quite the one-way ticket, well, not really, but a bit in that direction ;). Personally, I had no problem with the BTM so far, but one could of course play with it to balance damage / survival, why not.

  17. Another thing I want to stress again, from my experience with a session of a fantasy game: In an unknown situation or environment, NEVER split up your party.


    We had an encounter in some kind of winter forest, with 4 giant spiders. We were three characters. While two of us stayed together, the third thought "It is so much more clever to run away, I run away alone." And she did.


    I won't tell the outcome of the encounter, but, let's instead chew up two possibilites.


    Possibility a):


    It's better to flee. So she alone would have benefitted from escaping - and we two who stayed probably would have had the disadvantage, and wouldn't have been able to face the spiders. Perhaps with her help, without split up forces, we could have been able to prevail.


    Possibitlity B):


    It's better to stay. So she alone would have had the disadvantage.


    Splitting up a party is always decreasing your ability to cope with a situation, if you are in an unknown environment. Sure, it is better for your sniper to have a nice concealed place with a good overlook, giving the others cover, but basically, you lose by splitting up. Not only considering the effort of the gamesmaster playing at two locations now instead of just one ;).

    But you can employ a lot more tactics and are much safer if you protect each other instead of playing the soloing guy.


    This is of course much more true for a fantasy game, but even with firearms, you're better of when you are with teammates that can give you cover.


    Oh, and don't forget to count the enemies ;)

  18. Hey, my grandma owns a huuuge Volvo 960 :).


    Can't wait to get my driver's license, she already told me I would be allowed to be her personal chauffeur ;).


    No, really, the car is great, it even turns out the lights automatically when you take out the key - because in most scandinavian countries you have to have the lights always on, in case of fog and these things, and so all Volvo-cars come with this nice feature. Besides, when you are inside it, you feel perfectly safe and sound, no noises, and the car accelerates so steadily and smoothly, it's like flying.


    Also, it looks far more elegant than these crappy SUVs. I really despise them, they look awful and big and unrefined.  :and:

  19. Nono, I make mistakes in conditional clauses by purpose just to annoy english teachers.


    1a) If I see him, I help him.

    1b) If I see him, I will help him.

    2) If I saw him, I would help him.


    3) If I had seen him, I would have helped him.


    See? I COULD, if I only desired to.



  20. Quote (freakboy6117 @ Sep. 03 2002,16:43)
    my recomendation is to print out us military doctorine for your players  or your self so evryone can act the part most of its very simply written and informative and best of all available online

    It would have been nice if you had given the link, when it is so easily available online ;). Now I have to search for it :(.

  21. Already corrected myself ;). Hehe ^^. Now people will think you made a wrong quotation and think you are a non-Nato-ally, too, or worse, belong to the axis of evil :(.


    I hope I can convince them you are not, I were really sad if they thought that :(.

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