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Posts posted by [M8]-HARRY

  1. Well people i have just read this topic from start to finish. what a journey.


    we started with national orgasm day.  


    I dig that. kinda cool.


    then the whole hair thing. Well my thoughts on that. I like my sideburns, I would only shave my legs once they made hell an official stop over on a contiki tour. i shave every day. ONLY! because it is a work requirment, its got to do with the lead laws over here. but i think once a week would suit me better.


    then the sailing trip. ok had merit.


    now just general stuff.




    being President of FUG - The Freedom for Underwear Group, where we liberated everyone's underwear. For their own good of course


    Bunnycakes im not going to ask how that came about but all i can say is i like and need my underwear. I mean being a bloke, underware comes in very handy. Do you have any idea how much it hurts to catch you manhood in your zipper, (well proli not being a woman but anyway i have never done it my self but i know how much it hurts to get hit in the jatz crackers. so yeah imense pain) then trying to seperate your manhood from the zipper. OUCH!!!!!!!!! :knife:


    Then in my trade were welding and oxy cutting are basically what we do 97% of the day, its just nice to know that when molten metal burns through your overalls you have that extra layer of protection. mind you have had stuff burn through my overalls and boxer shorts and hooley dooley that was a very close call.

  2. Quote
    So I am arrogant. Big bloody deal. Weren't you arrogant as a teen? Didn't you feel like you could take over the world?  


    First off I dont think your arrogant. Everyone is entitled to an opinion and a point of view. Personally i just think that markc just likes stiring the pot and doesnt know when enough is enough.


    I won't be arrogant for long. Every passing day leaves its mark on my spirit. Every morning, I wake up feeling a bit less special. The world loses its magic, and infinite possibilities boil down to nothing. I know I'll never be popular, famous or perhaps not even happy.


    I cant vouch for everyone else but i sure know what its like to go through the above. Hell im still goin through it. Life is tough, life can be a living sh*t fight some times. But dont worry dude, your not alone. But for some good news. Do you work out? well i started about a while back and it helps. Not only reduces the circumfrence a bit, it also triggers an endorphene hit. in short MAKES YOU FEEL GOOD.

  3. In regards to that link in the first post.


    I dont find that a real suprise.


    Most people get around with there head in the clouds and dont really give a stuff.


    Personally i dont trust the news except for sbs which is an international channel and normal censorship doesnt apply. As in oz our news on all channels bar sbs is censored. So you really dont know whats happenin anyway. Can speek for those over in pommy land but our news servic is crap.

  4. Quote
    What's the penalty for not voting and is it enforced?
    Presumably its not something lame like, "Lose the right to vote."

    Are you allowed to spoil your ballot?


    The penalty for voting is usually a $200 fine. But you can send a letter away if you have religous/moral/ethical reasons for not voting and u dont get fined. But they want to know the ins and outs of your reason.


    Yeah you can spoil you ballot if your not watching. But before a major election they usually runs adds on how to vote properly.


    Or if your not on an electoral role you dont have to vote.  :p


    It's bl**dy metallica and I can't eat Lollypops. (Gawd I hate that band...)


    Whats wrong with metallica.  Everything before re-load is awesome.

  5. Quote
    I'm not quite sure what I am cut out for, except that they made me a few sizes to big for it, especially around the circumference.

    Seriously, I'm this horrible acne'd teenager who likes big dinners and rock music, but who cannot watch romantic movies because I go all mushy


    well dude apart from me being 22 and never had acne your not the only one.

  6. Well that is a rather interesting post.  Quite true.


    Now im putting all humanitarian/moral/ethical/my own views aside, i think one way out of these kinda situations would be to simply hit the building with a couple of tanks. or a couple of small missiles.


    Put out a message that u try and screw us, we will do what is better for the common good (possibly at the expense of a few civis) and simply kill u dead end of situation.


    simply take no prisoners and just kill em, blow em up, no tolerance type attitude.


    But if some countries tried this it would be a political nightmare but the sands dont shift overnight but they do shift.

  7. 80's music is the best kind of music.


    Long live the memory of TWISTED SISTER.


    Only thing i hate about 80's music is that there is soooooooo many goooood bands theres just not enough space to post the names of them all.

  8. Quote
    lets not forget the russians have some of the most vicious anti-terrorists on the earth. hell if the russians get one of the terrorist.they may use the f#cker as an example and roll his head inside as a clear message as to what happens if you take a rusian civ hostage. as in surrender or die a horrible death.


    Does sound kinda harsh but i think this would instill fear into them and others. Putting all humanitarian views/aspects aside i think the world needs more of this. something to really shake the Sh*t out of these pricks.

  9. Hmmm. Why i read.


    Well its an outlet. I love getting so imersed in a book that you forget about life. some good examples, The Hobbit, The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy- A trillogy in four parts, mostly harmless (weird follow up to hitchhikers)


    I especially enjoy the novels, Space Wolf, Ragnar's Claw and Grey Hunter by William King. ABSOLULTEY GREAT. he brings the climax right up there then leaves you hanging till the next book.


    Tom clancy's Netforce series is really good. i like that net concept.



    cheers mates for the lovely compliments on my reading material. I'm currently reading How To Make A Man Fall In Love With You by Dr Tracy Cabot - oooh why is life so difficult???


    Because you are a woman and you are only doing what your internal program tells you to do. Which usually conflicts with what blokes want/need.  Mind you im not having a go at you boneshaker, all women are programmed like that.



    I thought they just became so deranged by lust that they could easily be induced to do anything they were told to...


    Thats harsh. Some of us have feelings you know.

  10. Well if they did decide to pay the ransom, i think the terrorists would be dead before they could spend it.


    i mean if your getting screwed over by people with guns who are cappin civis, your not going to let them get away. Who knows they may even hang the terrorists dead bodys out in the street to make an example out of em.


    Edit: Hey, you've gotta give a big hand to the Russian troops who stormed that hell-hole.  It takes huge brass knockers to walk into a building that's likely mined and occupied with a platoon's worth of very, very motivated terrorists


    Ooh yes, you will get no argument there.  They must have balls of solid rock.

  11. Quote
    I think that it will be good (in a relative way) to have something happen that isn't tied into a global conspiracy against the west and is just good, old fashioned, domestic, criminal behaviour.


    dude thats kinda harsh. To me good old fashioned domestic criminal behaviour is just some dude rolling someone. Not someone cappin civis.




    Muhammad served in the Army under his previous name of John Allen Williams, based at Fort Lewis in Washington state and Fort Ord, California, before leaving in the mid-1990s after about 10 years.


    Ok lets assume that he did do it. My thoughs are, that


    A: He is pissed with the governemnt and is doing this to send a message. As he is not linked with any form of terrorism, but is doing this as a statement for ethical/religous reasons.


    B: This was a black bag job in an effort to instill fear into the populas and just give bushy more support in his campaigns agains iraq.


    These are just two thoughts i had on my way back from the fridge.

  12. Quote
    Well, they were able to find him, and it seems through a more common means nowadays - a tip from a "concerned citizen".
    There you have it.
    A special forces, Gulf War veteran and his son have been arrested


    Hmm well i should come up for oxygen a bit more frequently.


    Makes you wonder though, if they are responsible or if this is a convienient way to take the sniper out of the lime light.


    conspiracy theory anyone??

  13. My personal views on the sniper.


    In my view, it is highly unlikley they will catch him.


    How can u catch someone u know buckleys about. Now having said that. Im sure the filth have some information about him/her/them.


    and i personally think that he/she/they are hooked up with bin laden. And i think bushy should be comming down from the ivory palace and stop worrying about iraq. I mean if they wanted to hurt america they can do it without nukes.  And he should be focusin on the can of worms thats already open and find bin laden, and the rest of the d.c. towel heads that follow him (if he is still alive). Not just stick it in the too hard basket and put the focus on iraq and away from bin laden.

  14. Quote
    So, basically, you decide, on your own, that an eye for an eye is OK, even though it's illegal.  You disregard the law (which doesn't give anyone the right to "avenge" an injured friend) and go break some bones.  It's OK to put a guy in the hospital but it's not OK to kill him.

    How do you arrive at the position that it's all right to behave this way?


    Well its this easy dude. I look out for my mates and they look out for me.

  15. I would like to give my thoughts on a few things.


    Ok. If its legal to own a full automatic "kill em dead with 300 shots in 3.76 seconds" type gun. In your state then fine i have no problems with people owning them. As they are well with in their legal right to do so.


    Remember Guns kill people, But someone has to pull the trigger. unless your stupid enough to accidently kill your self.

  16. Quote
    Doesn't that presume that "b" isn't the proverbial "800 lb. Gorilla" and you actually CAN break his fingers instead of getting a lung ripped out?


    Now im not trying to stir the pot here. but if b is an 800lb ball of muscle and i was ticked off at him, but in the context of what was said i didnt feel that killing him was the right thing to do, If i realised that ok i could break his fingers and get dismembered in the process, then i would pay some willing bikey gang. (the life or deaths, bandeetos, gypsie jokers, gladiators..... list goes on.) These types are always on the bum for money. Only this year they commited a drive by on a house only 1km from where i live.


    So as they say money talks.

  17. Quote
    Speaking of collectors, I'd like for them to be forced to have the weapons made inactive by a skilled technician, but I realize that is probably a lot to ask. Collectors should be controlled, but I do believe there are bigger and easier sources when it comes to illegal firearms.


    I was under the impression that most GENUINE collectors had to have their fire-arms made inactive. Based off the ones i have seen. But mind you a collector with a bit of grey matter would know how to make them active.


    Say your friend A attacks person B in order to steal his Rolex. A roughs B up a bit, but unfortunately B has a gun in his pocket, which he uses to shoot A. The cops rule justifiable homicide. Would you avenge A in such a case?


    Well in that case i would weigh up what happened and decide that ok maybe he deserved it. And maybe i would have a bit of an outbreak and break his arm or something. But not kill b for that.


    But if A asked for the time for example and B capped him outright for no apparnet reason other than he woke up and hated life then, yeah B would see what the inside of a blast furnace looked like. Well a figure of speech. He wouldnt actually see it as such.


    But mind you i am saying this in relation to my very close friends, you all have them. (i hope, and for simplicity we wont count imaginary ones, even if they are more life like and fun to be with.) Theres like mates, and the close mates you could tell anything. These are the ones i am speaking about.


    But if b only mugged a and i found out who b was, i suppose i would only break his arm or fingers or something.


    And personally i think the one thing this world is lacking is Mateship. Its as though everyones only out to look out for themselves and not their mates as well.  I mean if #1 old mate was getting flogged by 3 people i would make the fight my buisness, Even if i got flogged as well. Now people just dont give a stuff. (Harry climbs off the soap box) so yeah Im not out to stir the pot but just i feel quite strongly about these topics.

  18. ok Bookwyrm.


    uve made your point. but why make an example of me. im not the one who passed the law, and passed judgment, im only stating my mind. If i saw someone do a job on my friends the cops would find that person with 2 broken legs and 2 broken arms. If someone killed a close friend of mine, because they woke up one day and hated life as we know it, then the police would never find the body.


    This is how i see things, U got a problem with my views, then thats your problem. Im open minded i can see the other side of the coin and where your comming from, and yeah my view are a hit harsh, extreme, what ever you want to call it. But i think that society has just gone too soft.


    And if you think im bad. A rello of mine told my year 10 maths teacher that they should bring capital punishment into high schools to bring kids into line. (mind you he didnt talk to me for 2 weeks after, but i didnt care).


    And on the whole automatic gun debate, what about private collectors, would  you be stopping them from collecting these types of weapons even though they are designed for killing??


    umm and can we all promote the burning of Celine Dion.

  19. Quote
    And what happens if you do get the wrong person?  Does their family get to make an example out of you?


    well life i guess and no.


    But what im getting at is like the qc's that just open up and start shooting ppl in public with like heaps of people seeing it. or like ppl that start shooting ppl in schools and stuff.

  20. Quote
    Oh, and Harry, could you please take off the tinfoil hat because Hanlon's razor sugests that it would be exceedingly unlikely that the SAS men would be involved


    Never said they pulled the trigger but bit of a mind bender if cops are doubting if bryant did it. but ill leave that one open. But i dig where u are comming from fix.


    personally, I'm against the death penalty as I feel it has no real use.  It is incapable of reforming them (ie turning them into a useful member of society), it can't make them feel remorse, it can't bring back those who have already died, and it doesn't deter people.  All it does is drag us down to their level, and I think as a society we ought to strive to be better than that.


    Well that all depends on the method used. Personally if there is 100% absolute certainty that someone commited several murders or sicko crimes. put em down. but do it in a way that will send out a message. Like Impale them on a big tortue steake in the middle of some where very public and watch them slowy die. mind u thats a VERY VERY painfull way to go out. Or shoot em a couple of times in the guts and let em bleed out. Or post a few posters around them saying i killed 6 people, chain them to a tree and let people flog them and throw stuff at them till they die. Or burn them alive do something that will make people go. Sh*t look what happened to him, as nobody gives a stuff is old mate got put down by a lethal injection. WHY?? because its painless.


    Every murderer, every rapist, every criminal is some mother's son. Some woman's lover. Some child's father. The answer to pain must not be more pain


    And as usual there is always the other side of the coin.

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