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Posts posted by [M8]-HARRY

  1. Quote
    And before you ask why I let him get away, I didn't really let him get away. He already lived a fair way from me and then just broke it off one day, very suddenly I might add, and I couldn't go try fix it cos work wouldn't let me.


    Gee, thats so sad. :(


    *offers Bunnycakes a HUG*

  2. Ooh i forgot to inform eveyone about pictures that hang inside the iron horse.


    All around the bar and on every wall there are pictures of trains. From early steam trains, to the super smicko maglev trains. Plus photos of people laying tracks by hand and some machines laying track.


    SORRY! :p

  3. Quote (Darthmurph @ Nov. 03 2002,11:46)
    I will help you find Mr Right in three easy steps.

    1) Lay down

    2) Close your eyes

    3) Go to sleep

    Only there will you find Mr Right!  ;)

    For your waking hours you will have to settle for "Mr. Not Perfect But He'll Do"

    Hey dude dont paint all us blokes with the same brush!


    i would like to think that i would fit the bill for the future miss right.

  4. Quote (Darthmurph @ Nov. 03 2002,11:48)
    My X-mas list...

    A dressage saddle and.....


    To be used together?

    Well, not what I meant, but hey I'm an open minded kinda guy!

    I'd watch that button if i was you. Seems to be under a fair amount of pressure. And it that went that could take out an eye.

  5. Quote
    but I also think that in this day and age people should have to get a license or go through some screening process to have children


    But its the whole, who deems what goes into the criteria, thats im avin a go at. Its going to seriously piss people off no matter how you set it up. Unless its an open policy which kinda defeats the purpose of having a policy. Im not havin a go at you VermillionStar but i have heard inclings that some countries where mass population growth is an issue, are looking into this sort of policy.

  6. Quote
    One half says Go! and the other tells me I'm inadequate and useless


    I can relate to that.



    The downside is that now You are forced to be my captive audience


    Dont stress we all need to unload everynow and then. Hell if ya need to just pm me. Im usually online eveyday.


    Now back to boneshakers' man hunt.

    Do you have any potentials or just looking for expressions of interest???


    At this point i would like to share some advice i was given.

    "A one night stand only lasts one night. The right person can last a lifetime" I feel as though its kept me on the straight and narrow.

  7. i like:

    Anything by Monty Python

    The matrix and its sequils (even though i havent seen em there going to be awesome.)

    Mad Max 1,2,3

    Cobra (one of stalones better movies)

    Spiderman (and sequils)

    My Science Project.

    Saving Private Ryan

    Titan AE

    Pirates of Penzance, Mikado, Hms Pinafore (with john english.)

    Seven Brides for Seven Brothers  

    And heaps of other films of various genres.

  8. Quote
    but I also think that in this day and age people should have to get a license or go through some screening process to have children.


    Thats harsh. Who deems who is worthy to make a good parent or not. Ive seen some parents who dont have 2 bob to bless them selves with, not the smartest people on the block but their child is the center of their universe, and gets looked after really well. And on the other side of the coin, ive seen some really well to do people with a child and im like WTF are you doing having children. In the second case im not sure how long the milk had been in the bottle but it had started to curdle in the bottom.  And these people are of well above average intelligence. so go figure.


    Either the human race will evolve so much that it will turn into something that isn't human anymore, as rockwolf said


    Yeah i dig that. Then there will be groups of people trying to revert to the old way, where the body wasnt thrown away as your mind had been inserted into a super swanko body that was much better than the one you were born with.

  9. The Iron Horse Tavern is a medium sized establishment that is open to all who pay there bills. Inside you can find anything from corperates to drunks. The iron horse makes it a policy to be open to all.


    The Iron Horse Tavern is a brick building with a flashing neon sign out the front that says "Iron Horse Tavern" in blue. There is a single door, through that you walk into the bar area. There is a nice polished hardwood bar which is about 12 meters long, the taps (for pouring beer) are in the middle and next to them is a plasma screen cash register inbeded into the bar. Along the bar there are stools with brown cushions and the carpet is tartan, and there are wooden tables and steel chairs with tartan cushions. The characters will walk into the iron horse from the right side of the bar and the toilets are on the other end of the bar.


    The barman is named Sid. He is 6 foot 4 inches tall, beer gut, Lots of muscle, very big arms, he wears trowsers and a polo shirt and he usually wears an apron over that. There are 6 rooms to be rented out. Players go up the stars that are south of the tables and chairs.  Prices vary and u usually get a hot meal and a shower and double bed.


    Of a day there are 3 regulars there. the old drunk in the corner, and usually two others.  of a day 1d10 +3 for the amount of people inside, of a night 3d10+3.


    hope u like it.

  10. Quote
    Anyway, why would you want my edible socks? For all you know I've worn them already.


    ok so they would be flavour enhanced then.


    Umm...Bunnycakes these people here would want anything that came from the opposite sex...


    There maybe some truth in that. But some of us have feelings you know.




    Dear lord above, sign me up if she has a sister even vaguely like her.


    Good call dude. (made harry laugh very much)

  11. i think bus drivers and conductors should bear arms


    No ticket, no pay, run like hell or be shot.


    would work for me.


    hell our bus drivers use to cop heaps off us. If he started waving around a large shotgun around bus behaviour would have improved 10 fold.

  12. My xmas list:


    1) Various cds,


    2) A girlfriend that enjoys getting spoilt and pampered, who appreciates me for me, and who is understanding, kind, employed (optional), enjoys computers, cyberpunk, wargames and music and on the whole a good person.

    it is a wish list right.  :p


    3) some warhammer 40k goodies.


    4) see #2


    5) some quality time with the relo's


    6) There is no #6


    umm yeah thats it.



    *stuffs yummy edible socks of various flavours away out of sight*




    you know sharing is good for everyone

  13. hmm on the whole gm food isue. i think its a bad move. But thats just me.


    Does everyone here know the story, or shall I tell it?


    for those of us who work for a living i think u had better.  :p

  14. sounds kina cool.


    exotic medtechie who works out of the back room.


    is this just for new instillations and modifications or is this like a full blown chop shop as well.

  15. Quote
    The question is do you think the human race as we know it will last say the next 500 years


    yeah i think that once the fosil fuels run out life will pick up by leaps and bounds. The oil companys have that many patents on sooooo many good things but wont release them while people still want petrol and oil.


    I think that in 200 years av technology will be mundane but yeah i reckon 200 years at least. hopefully cybernetics will be around. I want me some cyber eyes. and maybe an arm. but yeah i hope we wont have destroyed too much in 500 years.

  16. ok now what happened was not a good thing for anyone involved. Now the talk about the anitdote.


    Question: The people who died due to exposre, did their bodies have a worse reaction to the gas than those who survived??


    Maybe the antidote wouldnt have made a lick of difference to them who knows. As all people react differently to different things.


    I just don't know how much longer Governments can go on 'not negotiating with Terrorists' before the T's finally figure out something that can't be ignored...


    The reason in my humble opinion that governments dont negotiate is because nevil nobody is being used as a hostage. Now if say a president had a member of his imeadiete family taken as a hostage they would be bending over and copping a length. And even if they didnt negotiate they would think things out a bit better.

  17. Quote
    the tin foil hat brigade


    please explain


    and to the person who thinks the russians are nice people. the russian troops admit to shooting all the terrorists in the head while said t's where "knocked out" from the gas


    well beets shoting them in the head while there awake or strapped to a chair bleeding in an small room somewhere.  Hell if i was going to get shot in the head i would rather it happen while i wasnt aware of it.


    Personally i think they did use some sort of big no no type nerve gas.

  18. hmmmm.


    I can see the blackmail potential, and its bigger than ben hur.


    imagine all the fat cats pick up and setup on the moon, we charge them heaps for water, o2, we get rich and they get poor.


    but on the slightly more serious side.


    I think this could turn out to be a quite admirable feat. Imagine if they find something on the moon, via sizemic or ultrasonic testing that could prove quite usefull, like a mineral or something. But then they could find nothing,


    but i did like the idea of 24/7 solar access to obtain cheap power. Now theres something that wont catch on. power compainies loosing money hand over fist. These sort of ventures would only work when were looking down the barrell of iminent death.


    But who knows.  Maybe something good might come of it.

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