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Posts posted by [M8]-HARRY

  1. Yeah well its all about duty of care these days. Basically covering ar$e.


    But ive seen some pretty trippy saftey signs, and i should know, i collect them for a hobby. (and i do own a stop sign, if anyone is wondering) But i think that sign may have been played with, as most saftey signs are cut, and printed to order, and there usually aluminium so its nice soft and has square edges, but then as i said, you see some trippy safey signs.

  2. Quote
    You all do't know how happy it makes me to see that this thread is still alive!


    Scary isnt it.


    But then again anything does tend to go on this board.

  3. I was out at the local cd shop today and i saw that they have remastered AC/DC'S ALBUMS. They all have been done up and sound great, so i got back in black, today. Sounds great. So i thought i would let all the AC/DC fans out there know.

  4. Ok Bad Eggs, staring Mick Molloy (former aussie dj and funny guy) and Bob Franklin (commedian). Are undercover cops, and lets say they get a bit too much front page publicity.


    Great movie, plenty of plot twists. Very very good. From a cp perspective, you have some great planning by some corrupt corperates and some very witty cops sorting out the clues and going for it.


    Now i mean no offence by this, but i hope they dont americanise the movie for the american audience (which they do) as it would loose some of its distinct aussie charm. But its Very worth a look if you can spot it.


    This may spoil the movie for some, others may like to go in eyes open. well this is a bit of a review, so look at your own leasure/peril.


    Bad Eggs review.


    And for those that like a second opinion try this one.


    another review.

  5. Yes that was fun.


    Just gotta get a mike now and im set, cause i got my webcam.


    And rockwolf's accent isnt as "from down south" as i kinda thought it would have been. Althought i dont know why i was expecting it to be like that, i just must have got a mental audable image thing happening.


    Btw if anyone would like to have a chat, my msn identity is listed on my profile.

  6. Sorry to hear that bullet, hope your holding up ok.


    Well as for me, i tend to think that the afterlife, is one of those things where you wont know untill you go, so i tend not to think about it.

  7. Quote
    Bush and a good deal of the US Gov't is pushing to ban, and not recognize homosexuality.  Hell, today on NPR I even heard them reporting that there's now a movement to make homosexuality ILLEGAL!


    Well take a look here Anti gay laws getting over turned in tassie. So maybe the us may have more luck, seeing as though they have the bombs and all.


    But personally i dont get the whole gay priest thing, that kinda goes against what the bible said, which is what they are pretending to belive in.


    Aga thats a great call.

  8. Well Thumper, i have confidence that my copy will get to me sooner or later.


    But if mine does get returned to you, let me know and ill slip u the money to have it sent over via air mail.


    But im not going to give up, im sure the people at australia post are enjoying reading it, so hopefully when they finish ill get it.

  9. Hey Rockwolf, Great news. Well hope it works out good for you. Wilphe has a point, but some people do shift work ok, i have no worries doing it, neither my dad. Im sure Malek can vouch for this too.



    Well champ. Great to here, hope it all goes good.

  10. After watching the matrix reloaded on dvd, im getting all keen to see Matrix Revolutions. After reading the posts in this thread then watching the movie, i did pick up on some of your points, ok very valid, But still a p.o.v. thing.


    But i also noticed a lot more subtle hints to the fact that the matrix is old and neo isnt the first "the one" i just cant wait to see whats waiting for us in the next movie.

  11. Hey ya champ, welcome aboard. Hope things are to your liking, If not, well thats life and thanks for playing. Do enjoy your time here, and try not to take things to heart, that may and possilby will offend you.

  12. Weird, this thread is like second on my list of most recent posts, but yet, there havent been posts hear for like a year and a half.



    Maybe the Majestic 12 are doing something sus to my computer. cause lateley its been a complete woman.


    (i am right in thinking that a vote wont make the thread bounce back up to the top, but a post will. arnt i or have i put my foot in my mouth :embarrassed:)

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