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Dog Soldier

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Posts posted by Dog Soldier

  1. Two words: 1 <3 pain... :P


    Besides, I'd probably be stuffed into a black suit of some sort looking large and intimidating and it wouldn't look untword for someone of my stature to be enjoying a glass of cognac with the MP.

    NOW you're talking!

  2. with booze!
    Down, boy! It's supposed to be a visit, not a gang bang. B)



    You do know that she has studied Kung Fu and has threatened people with Disembolment if they tick her off don't you?

    GAWD that is HAWT!!!!

  3. It's been 12 years since i was in England....It's due for another go round. Besides I might be able to get a sidetrip to see Encanta while I'm at it.


    Wouldn't it be awesome for about half a dozen of us to show up at her office?


  4. Given that the Powers that Be decided to level the "projects" in Chicago and disperse the occupants I feel vindicated :D


    My real disagreement with the "DMZ" concept is that such a place will be carefully walled in and this perimeter will be policed and THEN they will allow people to go in without any sort of screening and only the most cursory search upon leaving.


    Sure that's tailor made for your Edgerunner crew but is it even vaguely in line with what might really be expected in a CP future?


    "Fort Apache, The Bronx" was based on a real social phenomenon in the 60's but there were no walls there. Just the crushing social pressure of poverty and prejudices. No one frisked anyone at a gate there going in or out and when the police went in they had about as much to really fear as Cossacks riding into a Jewish ghetto.

  5. Bottom line, a DMZ will have a lifespan of no more that 2 years in the modern world.


    examples of what will follow will be range from the demolition of Detroit to burning it all to the ground.


    There's no up side to allowing a place like that to exist without some sort of outside political interest being involved. Thus my prior reference to Gaza


    If they don't have a very well equipped fire department then the burn out option might be entirely accidental


    it's past time to move past the old CP tropes. Places like this are only going to exist in the middle of much broader stateless areas.


    I have been pondering this even more. In the Bridge Trilogy William Gibson set a community on the Golden Gate Bridge. The bridge had fallen into disrepair and traffic use had been halted. Swarms of squatters then set up on the old structure.


    At first I thought that this was ridiculous but on reflection it followed a logic. The bridge was not by any stretch valuable real estate. The cities on either end had no interest in trying to reclaim the thing as the tunnels and other modes of transport had made it obsolete.


    So, with this in mind we could postulate a "city" forming on a sandbar in the mouth of the Rio Grand. Texas/US and Mexico may squabble over who has a claim and thus any sort of major move would be unlikely until all outside parties became fed up enough to do something besides wait for the next hurricane to wash everyone out to sea....

  6. The real question is this: does the Downtown Militarized Zone exist for the convenience of the players or is there some real issue that lies behind it?


    I think the most accurate example would be Gaza. After a few years of "autonomy" one gang is going to come out on top and this will make independent actions impossible, that is if it was ever possible.



    ^^^ This


    When it comes to a wall "zone" better look for some other motivation and the most common is to keep people OUT.


    There are places where gangs are segregated like that of course, they are called prisons...


    Why go through the expensive and time consuming ritual of due process, when you can just wall them up and leave them to rot. Its the same premise as Escape From new York, without sacrificing the prime real estate.



    Because rounding them up and sorting them out is what governments do!

  8. My big question about the situation discussed in the OP is, "How is the police department still running after the people forced to move sued them into the ground with the ten thousand pro bono lawyers that lined up to work for the headlines and the FBI arrested everyone even potentially involved for blatant civil rights violations?"


    Look at Mogadishu, Beruit, and other war-torn areas. Lots of people died and the places had the asses tore out of them. Nobody is going to spend the millions and millions of dollars needed to buy and build (let alone patrol) a wall like the one you're describing, just like nobody has built one in these war zones. It's a great idea when you're 15 and still think Mad Max makes sense, it makes absolutely zero sense if you stop and think about it for more than 10 seconds.

    ^^^ This


    When it comes to a wall "zone" better look for some other motivation and the most common is to keep people OUT.


    There are places where gangs are segregated like that of course, they are called prisons...

  9. Predator Nation review


    For the years that I've been posting here I've been one of the one "conservative" members. Now the fact is that a large part of that is my deeply ingrained membership in Gun Culture 2.0 but I did frequently let my embarassingly whackaloon religions background influence things, well at least until I finally had to admit that it was all a passel of Bronze Age Faerie Tales....


    So, that brings me to this book and why I think it is the most CP thing I've read in years. The author in this book lays out the incredible corruption, incompentence and destructiveness of the so-called "Financial Sector" in bringing about repeated bubbles and collapses.


    It definitively shows the path to a United States that actually does fall apart with chilling reality rather than some of the decidedly numbnut stupid scenarios put forth by most fans of CP.


    I recommend you get this book and take notes. If nothing else it may give a few game ideas..


    PS: After reading this I may well have to simply hold my nose and vote Obama...it's that disturbing!

  10. The rear naked choke is the go to hold for death/incapacitation especially in very tight quarters.


    Realistically pressure points may lead to yelling and general alarm from the victim.


    A sharp blow to the occipital protuberance at the back of the skull will also lead to even faster incapacitation and quite possibly death.


    Unarmed combatives in military organizations are a real dogs breakfast. No telling what the current trends will be in any given institution

  11. I watched this saturday and it took a while for it to sink in.


    With the SloMo effects of the drug by that name in the movie and 3D the goriness was almost...pretty....


    Judge Anderson's psychic interrogation was possibly the high point of the movie though. Never try to mind fuck a psychic! *snicker*


    The end was almost out of character but I'd let that slide really.


    Not actual cyberpunk though MegaCity1 was certainly gritty enough.


    I give it a big thumbs up and now we can forever forget the atrocity that was the Stallone version of this character

  12. Rockwolf is in the southern side of the state, IIRC. Never met him, and I'm probably biased by the fact that I have a really bad track record with every Californian I have ever met but one. Could be a real prince. You never know.

    According to Encanta I am a "Horrible, Horrible person"


    I'm not going to say why as she's promised to eveserate me with her thumbs if I tell.

    I am imagining the headlines, "EU Pirate Party PM Held On Suspicion of Eviscerating California Man with her Thumbs"


    film at 11:00 perhaps!?!?!

  13. For an insight into this sort of thing I'd recommend a couple of books


    Tales of the Stakeout Squad




    Unrepentant Sinner


    Both of these are written by men who had to deal with criminals very much like a Booster.


    I'll see if I can recall anything more later, off to work with me!


    Okay, something else to keep in mind. Recall that the SA for Cops in CP2020 is Authority? And also recall that many a gamer hoots in derision at the very concept of that SA


    Well consider the concept of One riot, one Ranger


    Sure Booster are tough and psycho and at the very least talk a good game. However it's not at all unlikely that they may lose their roll in the face of an Alpha Cop

  14. Well for one thing there's not been an act of congress to give blanket permission for the use of armed drones, rather it's an FAA approval to operate UAV's in a particular airspace.


    Some drones are capable of mounting weapons up to shotguns or tasers but those are very expensive and not likely to be of interest to most PD.


    I am much more concerned about flesh and blood cops with really bad attitudes following policies and procedures concerning "officer safety" than I am with some sort of electric helicopter :P

  15. First of all it's not all police by any means, in fact one of the organizations that put that together is composed of police officers who are disturbed by the trends that they are seeing.


    In my opinion it is a combination of the increasing militarization of police forces combined with an occupation force mentality. Many departments are actively recruiting combat veterans, many of whom suffered from too many tours down range in the sand box and are bordering on PTSD.


    Add to this local governments who believe that they have a vested interest in putting on a front of being "tough on crime" and you have what you see in this video.


    Well that and the fact that you have to pass tougher checks to get a concealed carry permit than get a job as a cop in many places and you've got a situation that is tailor made to foster brutality, corruption and paranoia.

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