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Dog Soldier

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Posts posted by Dog Soldier

  1. I have a personal theory that what happened to us all was 2013 since the original was CP 2013.


    Things started feeling very retro even if it was the future, CP2020 became a sort of ArtDeco fashion concept instead of a future

  2. Dear World,


    I sincerely apologize for ever thinking that a cyberpunk future would be fun


    that is all


    Sincerely DS





    malek77 totally sums up EVERYTHING for us and manages to make me grin again


    BTW just bought a new Tavor x95 since the raiders here in rural Arkansas have gotten a lot more organized in their carrying on. Got the Aimpoint PRO, got the SureFire X300, got a few thousand rounds of XM193 and a bunch of Magpul 30 round magazines.


    The local sheriff deputies recommended the x95 as they've had it approved to use as their patrol rifle.


    yup, good times!

  3. A thought on recent events. Trump's real genius has always been in marketing his brand.


    Thus, being accused of palling around with Putin and being soft on Syria became a problem because it was damaging the brand.


    So, we've truly reach Cyberpunk before 2020. POTUS #45 Trump is "style over substance" personified

  4. I watch it and it's one of a couple of shows that's kept me from cancelling cable altogether.


    What I really enjoy is that there is no Handwavium tech. The space crafts are laid out like narrow towers with floor and ceiling oriented on the ships drives and people have to take supplements in order to prevent fatal bone density and muscle loss.


    Coms take time since the distances are vast and one of my most favorite thing is that the Belters have what appears to be an amazing culture.

  5. You can't make this stuff up....


    My parents were and are unaware of Trumps telephone dustups with the Australian leader and his apparent threat to invade Mexico in search of bad hombres because their news channels of choice aren't talking about that.


    It would appear that at this time Angela Merkel is the leader of the free world since POTUS has decided to turn his office into a reality show

  6. Yeah, pretty much. I recall having one of his books recommended, I think it was "On Killing" and I came to this part that puzzled me. After a bit I realized that he was saying that if you got into a high stress situation you'd shit your pants.


    Having been in a few really high stress situations, one that actually made me throw up afterward, I really couldn't take the book seriously anymore

  7. One of my hobbies is playing Everquest, yes it's an old game but I'm an old guy...


    Anyway I'm a Senior Guide in their Guide Program and when DBG opened up the Time Lock Progression servers I volunteered to basically do policing there.


    I saw all of those sorts of players, farmers, problem solvers as well as mercenaries.


    Something that you're missing is the possibility of multi boxing. In the earliest days on the Ragefire server there where players running 40+ character crews. There's a variety of software used to do that sort of thing that ranges from the tacitly legal to the blatantly illegal.


    It was highly entertaining to watch an entire crew of 3 dozen magicians all sit and stand in unison, sic their pets on a mob and then all cast the same spells at the very same time.


    That was with the marginally legal software


    Seeing a smaller group of 6 with the melee characters moving immediately to the mobs back as the tank engaged and everyone went to the exact same place to engage then all sitting as the tank ran identical patterns to engage new mobs was even more fun, mainly because I could mess with them and have them banned for the illegal software

  8. So I am a bad person because when I heard that Dallas PD used a robot to take out the sniper at the BLM protest I thought of

    and laughed


    anyway, when I here the BLM people proclaiming "it's not our fault!" I put just as much stock in it as I did when the Tea Partiers all said, "we're not racist".


    Anyway, this is about the only place on the internet where I can express some of my true feelings about the screwed up nature of the world, sort of looks like the combat zone will be coming to a city near you this summer

  9. For a start, the two major party candidates, Clinton and Trump, are both lacking in any sort of real executive experience. Trump can point at his businesses however that just leads to a long string of failures and bankruptcies where he skimmed off whatever he could for his personal enrichment before leaving his partners, creditors and the general public holding the bag and taking the losses.


    The fact is that Hillary might well be wealthier than Trump as she's leveraged her husbands former positions to be a brand that she could market.


    Gary Johnson was the 29th Governor of New Mexico and was quite successful at that job and though it's just my opinion I strongly doubt that he'd use the office of POTUS to enrich himself and his cronies, one glaring example of that was the White House Travel Office affair when Bill Clinton took office.

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