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Posts posted by malek77



    The energy requirements of nuclear powered spacecraft, the proliferation of nuclear powered Corporate ships and the constant demand for more power has caused the value of refinable plutonium to reach unheard of heights...its value cannot be underestimated and world wide conflict between nations or mining Corporations is common.


    Amidst the complicated politicking, a small entrepeneurial group of PacRim businessmen realise that there is a partially developed Uranium mine in existence, hidden away behind a deceased moratorium...the mine in Kakadu National Park, in the North Western corner of Australia.






    They and a number of venture capitalists put together a plan...raising capital, selling shares and hiring people to form Core Metals.


    They will revive the Kakadu mine, paying hefty taxes to the Government and promising to provide 'robust safety' for the site to prevent ecological and financial problems.








    Discovering this plan through net-sleuths and veiled money talk, the Green Action Party of Australia makes the threat to Kakadu public and prepares to shutdown the mine. Note 'shutdown', not blockade. This is a Green Action party, not merely a bunch of idealistic teenagers and hippies but the co-ordinated and successful few who believe change is only possible now through force.








    The New Labour government running Australia at the time desperately needs the massive fund injection the mine will produce (since they're desperately trying to deliver on unkeepable pension promises to the mass of over-60's) or a major PR Coup to remain in power another term.


    Should CorMet prove unable to keep the site safe - or heaven forbid - become involved in Atrocities of Corporate Conflict it will have to be shut down.


    Should the GAP prove itself to be a dangerous terrorist organisation, it can be banned as a party and it will provide a mandate for the ADF to secure the site.






    So why am I here?


    I'm thinking of two players, familiar with Maximum Metal to act as CTO's for 'Red' team CorMet and 'Green' team GAP.


    As Chief Tactical Officer, you will be expected to manage a Security budget of $10million to equip a force to carry out your organisation's objective.


    You will lead this force in the field, and as the situation changes, extra funding will be made available to maintain the force.


    You may involve yourself in the field of combat operations if you wish, but needn't.

    You must have the skills Tactics and Leadership.




    CorMet's aim is to secure and upgrade the mine before the next wet season, and prevent loss of equipment or personnel. Other Corporate officers will handle the repair and operation of the mine.


    Your aim is to keep the mine, barracks, equipment and the flightpaths to and from the mine safe.


    GAP's aim is to prevent the mine functioning, stemming the flow of Uranium to potentially dangerous users throughout the world.


    As GAP's CTO, your aim is to prevent Uranium reaching the worldwide market by any means.






    How do we play?

    There are 3 'Sliders' you must be aware of -






    Troop Morale is improved by victories, entertainment and good conditions. Lose it, and the Freelancers won't come, and the line troops will begin fraternising with the enemy.


    Cash is gained either by selling mine product or converting supporters into sponsors. Cash flow will be tight, but important to maintain your force.


    PR - your representation by the media to the people. This is where the battle is won or lost. Each side starts with 75% PR representation - both sides are considered healthy starters in their field, with good future prospects.


    You will lose PR points by :

    20 - Massive Ecological damage (by spreading uranium around as a result of a bombing, for instance)

    10 - Each civilian casualty (fatal or not!).

    5 - Any ADF or Media casualty.

    5 - Killing more than 50 enemy at a time (looks bad on the news)


    You gain PR points by :

    10 - Forcing the enemy to retreat.

    10 - Humanitarian actions - recovering civilians wounded in an enemy attack.

    5 - Co-operate with Government instructions.

    5 - Publicise Destruction of enemy vehicles. (looks Cool on the news!)

    5 - Any publicised combat operations involving marketable or cool looking military equipment (tanks, ACPA, hover's. Not scummy guerrilla's in muddy fatigues.)

    1 - Each day you co-operate with media.



    If you get a 25pt PR lead over your opponent, the next day the Government will step in on your side, citing public outcry, legally demolishing your opponents position.


    If you go 50 points below your opponent (or reach '0'), the ADF will step in, and wipe you out with maximum prejudice.





    I want to encourage the use of AV's, ACPA, tanks and hover craft.


    Terrainwise, we are talking jungly swamp territory bordered by deserts. The place goes from hot to stormy to wet to mud in violent seasonal changes.


    To play, you will not so much be RPing as deciding how to equip a Patrol and where to send it, or designing a raiding force. As GM, I'll spot any conflicts and it will then become you in a C3 room directing a battle.


    Obviously, RP elements will be involved - you can hire Edgerunners for missions, get muddled in affairs, be hounded by media's, get kidnapped and executed by the enemy or involved in desperate rescue actions should a million dollar machine be bogged in sudden monsoonal rain.





    Sooo...any questions? Comments that X is utter nonsense, it should be Y? Things I've missed? Demands I start immediately? :D

  2. Oookay peoples - I've just got my copy of Maximum Metal, and I'm getting ideas about trying it out. :)


    With this end in mind, I've come up with a game idea - and here I present it not so much as a recruitment prologue but to gauge interest and comments on feasibility.


    On with the show...

  3. You know that since you can use .html for a background, you can stick Flash movies up?


    I had this abstract 'White Racing Stripe' type thing up that would react to the mouse position.


    And I suppose with some javascripting i could make flash buttons open programs too...hmm...





    Hee hee ;). I suppose, in order to help you answer your question you could ponder the following.


    a) Having high empathy doesn't mean you're nice. Like, isn't Hannibal Lecter meant to be really charismatic and good at messing with peoples heads (figuratively) while being totally nuts?


    B) How would you rate my RL Empathy?


    c) What do you call it when you self-induce a mental disorder, esp. an imaginary one like cyberpsychosis? Cos what you're saying is that I am c-psycho already...not that I mind... :D

  5. I feel that, in the grand scheme of history - all this 'War on Terrorism' is going to be a minor sideshow in comparison to what went before (Cold War, WW's 1&2), and what's coming.


    The kind of political and ideological situation history teachers bore students with; you know, ranting on about the home front and the role of women in WWI whilst assiduously avoiding the interesting stuff of new tank tactics and the qualitative difference between high explosive shells and the shrapnel Kitchener preferred because he'd seen its effect in the Boer war...


    Yeah. Interesting stuff... :p


    Anyway - who's going to care about a relatively small pool of fatalistic loonies? They make great media material, but I don't think they have the great grand plan necessary to actually 'win'. Ozmo is no Mao Tse Tung.


    At best, they'll be the progenitors of a new type of political force.



    Oh yeah - my bet on what 'the Next Big Thing in Politics' will be? A shinier, newer, more aggressive space race.


    China, Japan, India, Pakistan are all going at it right now...imagine if it turns a bit nasty, with things getting 'bumped' out of orbit and various 'innocent scientific expeditions' of rockets going over each others airspace.


    Whatever happens, humanities future in space is a hella lot more important than the navel gazing police actions Al Qaeda is encouraging...

  6. Firstly,


    !!!Chris Cunningham RULZ!!!

    When I read of the idea of him doing a Neuromancer movie I nearly collapsed with the vision of greatness...


    Then that it wasn't really happening. And I sulked. But I'll live. :(


    Now that's out of the way...



    I always imagine Case as a bit like Iggy Pop, skinny, might be young but aged-by-drugs-and-hard-living type leathery skin.


    Sigourny as Molly? Hmm...don't forget, the chromed lenses are gonna have a big impact on the look of the character...probably lighten her a bit. And I don't know if the book mentions her hair, but I always imagine her with a Pulp Fiction black bob.


    Uma Thurman might've been able to do it but for her rather odd proboscis...

  7. Quote
    But, yes, this guy seems to really like being President. And deserves kudos for doing it (conceptually and otherwise). Of course now we have to get all the Democrats crawling over Iraq


    Ahah! It's an NSA plot to get a member of an opposition party (i dunno if that's what you call it in the US) blown up in Iraq so their compatriots back home get dragged into the affair...



    Hm. :p




    Q: Why did Ralph Nader join the Green party?

    A: Because the National Socialist party still has a negative stigma......


    Fascist Greenies...whatta idea...

  8. Whatever you wanted to know, try the local library.


    It always cracks me up when there's a 'sniper' incident - the first thing the journo's do is google it and make it into a story about 'websites promoting the murder of innocents.'


    The fact that I recognised every website as one I'd dumped because it didn't say anything useful...whereas there's plenty of 'SAS this' or 'Mercenary that' all through libraries...let alone the tips you can pick up from KGB history or South African police forces...


    (One worth a look at, McAleese' fighting manual. Simplicity, perfection, and immediately adaptable to RL or games...)

  9. Quote
    Insults among the cybered would be much more likely to run along the lines of brand loyalty

    Point...I can well imagine having the manufacturers logo on my cyber arm chromed up or embossed into the armour plating. :)


    b1:"I can get point 9 KN with the new myomar cabling..."

    b2:"But the power bus on that crappy old Zetatech arm couldn't do it without shorting out your nerves..."

    b1:"I'm getting an industrial one in - Palfinger..."

    b2:"Skin! How can you afford that?"



    Skin? Four letter S word? :)



    On the topic of 'borg's hanging out together - you could imagine a bizarre cross between a car show and body building contest - all these metalled up cyborgs heaving away at geared down pulley weights to try and get the highest dead contraction rating...

  10. Ooh - ok, terminology difference here. 'borg = cyborg = anyone with significant proesthetics or any kind of augmentation. According to me. :)


    Most of the characters and npc's I've been creating of late are very much cybered, but not in terms of replaced limbs. Instead they have a head full of sensory equipment that basically turns them into telepaths - able to communicate among themselves silently, see through people and guess what you're thinking by hearing you subvocalise thoughts...and yes, this makes them very arrogant and annoying.


    Anyway. :) I like the above...good stuff...

  11. Well all, I'm seeking some insults a 'borg character might make about his fleshly counterparts.


    "DIE MEAT!" has its charm, but is not appropriate in all situations...such as gently reminding a team mate that the reason they can't see their attacker is because they haven't got cyber optics.


    ie: Not EMP:-6 battle cries, but something a character with EMP:7 and a cyber-superiority complex might say.



    Any Suggestions?

  12. Stocks and bonds...I wonder if you could hide payment as a complicated stock option that matures for officially untraceable reasons but really depends on success of the mission?


    The player just has to have a bit of investment somewhere, and recieves 'dividends' on occaision.


    Of course - you can always legally pay for their services as hired on Security Consultants. I think the Corporations have enough power to misdirect any investigations...especially for something as reasonable as that, given the nature or 2020...

  13. Quote
    My own wish would be to receive the Exalted core rule book for Christmas

    I think the Tin Soldier in sydney has a copy...if you're really desperate, pm me and we can sort something out.

    That is, assuming it can't be ordered in Finnland and airmailing a copy to the other side of the world is the most sensible way to go about it.


    It also has Cybergen, home of the brave and some Ianus supplements, if you wanted.



    What do I want for Xmas? Ummm...Zephyr Timbre CD's. An Ayumi Hamasaki CD. More D&B anything CD's. ATR CD's. S'about it, really...noise. :)



    I opted out of christmas last year and I'm doing the same this year as well.

    Financial or Athiestic moral reasons? :D

  14. Isn't the damage the dart does to do with the sharpness of the blade?...which is roughly a knife, and in CP terms that's 1D6...


    How about 1D6 + .5Bod, AP?


    As a side note : I'm getting mental images of a bod20 FBC drilling holes in armoured cars with his iron pipe blowgun...and having a compressor mounted in his lungs...

  15. Quote
    The halberd is a fun weapon, it's the 'Swiss Army Axe' becasue it has so many points, blades and hooks.

    Ooh - cool. Sounds like my kinda weapon. :)


    From some of the above posts, it seems that getting wounded is a fairly complicated issue - like, you can lose a limb...does that mean you're 'dead and out'?


    And making your own armour - how realistic does it have to be!?

  16. My character so far is Poleax - the son of the nomad family gone static in some NC housing projects, on the run from life and danger in general.


    He is venal, aggressive, and has a 'flick axe' - an odd weapon he conceals in his coat. It's hashed together from pipe, a spring, and a machete blade bolted along the upper end, and pops open at the press of a lever.


    He's been involved in a few 'jobs', and would jump at a ticket to II. Even if its in someone elses pocket. :)

  17. Generally, the PC's will be 'owned' in some manner by the hiring party, and so payment is more a formality than a necessity and is generally hidden as innocuous transfers to an employees account as a bonus, or onto nameless debit cards that hold an encrypted bank number.


    You use the card, the issuing bank credits the target account with a certain amount. The thing is, the encryption key can be copied and distributed freely - the posessor of the key is legally entitled to access to the money. End of story. No names, just like cash. Of course, it is still traceable...


    That, or toys. Equipment. Cars, guns and rare software.

    Basically the wherewithalls to keep working for the PC's owner...kinda keeps 'em on a leash, don't it?

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