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Posts posted by malek77

  1. Quote
    As a funny coindicence, one of my stories was to be set in 2150, though it was a rather weird Count of Monte Cristo / 1984 / Fallout / Cyberpunk mishmash. Needless to say, that collapsed upon itself.


    That wasn't that rather cool curiously French aristocratic outing, was it? That was really good...


    I'm not sure about the plotline yet, been too busy to yet put anything else than the above on file...

    Well, if you want a plot, or just someone to bounce ideas off, I'm here, and I have a Looooooong history of cooking up beauties that leave people reeling...


    I tend to be a bit tight about making everything make sense, and that comes from my having my own SF universe I've been developing for the last 10 years. If you need a plot that integrates the entire spectrum of social, technological and historical effects of an event or invention, I'm your man... :)



    (I've actually just started using a new psychological 'concept' for character creation, and its making for some powerful ways of making a character very realistic. Interested?)

  2. Welcome aboard!


    Roll on down to VftE Gaming if you want in on a game - there are plenty on the boil and someone's always looking for players.


    If you've got any real world experience with technology, weapons or being excessively nerdy, I'm sure there'll be a discussion to suit you somewhere...

  3. Its brilliant because it is so simple and obvious, yet none of us have thought of it.


    Of course, as a flat surface rotates away from a light source the shadow under it changes intensity, and it does so evenly.


    We also know that greyscale images on a screen are created by patterns of objects (pixels). And that these can be in different tones, evenly scaled.


    The genius is in recognising these two disparate but similar concepts and creating a context to amplify their effect...


    Combine that with the strange 'time' the piece exists in...its old, and its new. Its futuristic, yet antique - its from a time that did not exist. It hints at all sorts of strange things, places, and people...it even hints at lost opportunities.


    It could have been done with very old photoelectric cells - but it wasn't. Did you know that the fax machine - as we know it - was functional in the 20's!!!


    A machine that electronically converted a printed page into an electrical signal and sent it by phoneline to another machine? It died because there was no compatibility between different companies systems.


    This machine could have been made then too - simpler in concept than a cathode ray tube. But it wasn't.



    Its a little lost idea, that deserves a place in reality.



    It makes me wonder - what things are on the edge of possible now, that we've missed?

  4. Hmm...back stabbing.


    I'm in the interesting position of running a game where the PC's are joining Diametrically opposed teams in the situation.


    And its quite obvious one side wishes to kill the other...so there's no room for compromise. If someone wishes to swap sides, I'm quite amenable to them trying it, but obviously their 'joining' has to come with a few proviso's and hedges...


    I'm looking forward to what they'll prioritise...ideology, friends or money? :)



    Psycho characters? I tried playing a suicidal character the other day. It was a lot of fun. Expect him in a game near you soon... :)


    So long as the psycho character makes 'historical' sense, I'm quite happy to have them play. Like, psycho people do exist, and many do quite well...before they're caught.


    Daring? I'm starting to think in terms of 'He who Dares, might survive - everyone else gets screwed' as a way of keeping pressure and paranoia high.

  5. Quote
    I found out this little known fact that Sadam was a Sci-Fi fantasy nut so he might also be a roleplayer.  No wonder no one can get ahold of him!

    Hmm...everyone remember his 'Love Shack' with the Frank Frazetta-esque paintings on the walls?


    Who else has been suspiciously quiet on the boards of late?


    Who would most appreciate fantasy paintings, mirrored bedrooms, Weapons of mass terror and gold plated AK-47's?





  6. Quote
    You haven't been playing too much Deus Ex have you, Malek?

    I wish. All I remember of it is sticking the taser up some poor guards backside on the first level.


    But that's beside the point. :)



    I do not get why there are people convinced their Government is making concentration camps for them.

    What possible purpose could the US Gov't have in mind?


    If the Illuminati really wants control of the population, all it needs is the media. Terrorist paranoia could lead to a Nanny state - make homes secure observation points, still no need for concentration camps...


    I need a reason to do this to the PC's. Even if I don't explain it to them.


    I just fail to see how the bad guys are more powerful for having 50% of their population in Gaol (and not paying tax but conspiring to escape) and the rest so scared they'll do anything but co-operate.



  7. In the event of a national emergency declared by the President of the United States, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), would be invested with the power to suspend the U.S. Constitution and is positioned to take control of the United States government and its citizens. As discussed in Part I of this report, the authority of eleven preceding Presidential Executive Orders (1939 through 1991) has been consolidated into Order #12919. This concentration of executive authority invests FEMA with absolute power over:











    Freaked out yet? :D



    Try this...



    My Fave has to be -

    This symbol is satanic because it shows the UN looking down from the North which is satan copying Yahweh God. Satan said, "I will exalt my throne above the stars and be above the most high God".





    :D hehehe...



    Anyway, the reason I post this is not to start a war about how crazy they are, but Hey - whatta cool game it would make!


    The evil UN/Illuminati/IMF money whores whatever finally enact their plan to take over Amerika and make the world safe for their evil communist occultic selves.



    a) Wanna try it as a game?

    B) Got any better (madder, more insane) links than above?

    c) Ideas for a situation that would set it all off. What would you have herald beginning of this New World Order?

  8. Quote
    Dental and medical records were used to confirm that two of the men killed in a Mosul raid on the 22nd were Saddam's sons Uday and Qsay. Captured members of Saddam's staff also identified the bodies. Pictures of the dead men are going to be released to try and stamp out rumors that Saddam's two sons were not killed and this was all another nefarious American plot to deceive the Iraqi people. These types of rumors seem to be more popular than reality among many Iraqis, which may explain some of the problems Iraq has had over the last few generations.

    Iraqis attacked members of the 101st Airborne division in Mosul with RPGs, Three Americans were killed.




    Hmm. I wonder if Darth has any better idea...


    (and hey, maybe he should grab one of Saddam's guards helmets while he's there... ;) )



  9. Long time WWII wargamer, forever concocting my own D6 based rules.Have had a go at some ancients rules too.

    And WH40K. I've only just started a few years ago a Tau army...



    I was introduced to the idea of Cyberpunk when doing my Graphic Design course a few years ago.


    That's when this guy there suggested that since my interest in wargames tended to the high-tech and militant, and since Shadowrun was out because it had debased itself with magic, Cyberpunk 2020 was the way to go.


    Took me ages to understand the rules - to this day, I have only seen one other person seriously GM, and have had to figure out the rest for myself.


    First attempt at an online game was the intricately plotted and strange 'Surrogacy'...which sadly died before we got out of the planning meeting.


    Still, things seem to be going better now that I've learnt a few things, most notably that you have to keep forcing the Players to keep making choices...seems to do the trick... ;)

  10. I'm always pro-SF, so 'general encouragement vibes' here...


    But, what's the plot?


    Morality play about terraforming other planets? Contact scenario? Mother goes nuts, decides she's Gaia and starts trying to kill everyone on Earth? Humanities last great white hope, marred by infighting and espionage? Detective drama, with the AI trying to find the Gov't official responsible for cost cutting and hamstringing the project (with obligatory gunfight at the end, where badguy dies and good guy gets the...girl...or whatever it is that AI's like).



  11. Hmm...well, its nice at least to finally see some bad guys with the balls to fight, rather than commit suicide at the last instant.


    Still, I'm not too sure about starting a new state by having the previous leaders 'Bounty Hunted'...



    It's an interesting concept. Large cash bounties offered for whoever can bring down regime 'X', with extra legal protection benefits afterwards.


    Sounds like a plot to me...and a bl**dy messy way of doing things in reality.

  12. Quote
    Blair and Co. thought it would be a very, very bad thing to allow the US to go off Unilaterally.

    Hmmmmm...sorta like going along with a friend in grief so you're there and can calm them down if something leaps up to upset them...






    Is anyone else getting the feeling that maybe the various parties involved in going into Iraq have some very VERY serious and very real reason for doing it, and are just scared squitless of the public response if this reason was made public?


    Like - giving Iraq the gear to make and use chem/bio weapons I consider a 'very bad thing' - what if its a whole heap nastier than that?


    I'm not suggesting they've started a war with Iraq just to cover up something everyone knows, but maybe there is an extra danger prompting action...


    ...something smells funny.

  13. Here's an option - the future of politics is SOOO complicated, that all the conflicting forces will average out - and mediocre/average is at least survivable...


    (Like rolling 10,000 D10's. You'd probably roll an average of 5.5... ;) )




    Also - why is it that any discussion of politics always ends up about the ethics of shooting politicians?


    It's...puzzling...aren't there other things to debate? Like what legal mandate is there behind tax, what is the true purpose of law, what could be a Lowest Common Denominator moral standard that would be unreasonable to disagree with...?


    Wanna try 'em? :)

  14. I think the idea with that American Constitution/Gun thing is that the masses have the 'Life Giving Sword' and that it is thus democratic if a civil war against the current administration starts...perhaps?


    (Un)fortunately - its not just large groups that can change government now, its small ones. Technology is amplifying our powers...and we're starting to realise this.


    I think we're rapidly heading for a new kind of Government, with a different supporting concept. Changing from Bloodline right to rule, to peoples mandate, to...whoever can provide a secure environment?


    Isolation and defensiveness may become essential. Hmm...must think more...



    Be unpredictable. They don’t need to know your name. There is no such place as home. Possesions end up owning you.
    Morality is only important when examined by others. You do not need to be loved.  Support any political or religious ideology that aids you now. Abandon any such ideology that no longer aids you.

    Hey River, have you come across a book called 'NeoTek'?

    A sort of Corporate Accounting take on life, and it sounds rather similar to your ideas...I had a look at it but it didn't have the 'Dynamic Optimism' thing I'm looking for...



    My ideal government? It would be near indivisible from Industry. And its focus is on Growth, not just survival. Survival will see you stuck on Earth, frittering away in the heat of 'sustainable power sources'. I see 'sustainability' as a memetic form of cancer - promising unlimited life but ultimately doomed.


    I want Space. Yesterday. Only it has the resources necessary to ensure survival for the real long term...

  15. Patlabor 3, Patlabor 3, Patlabor 3...sorry - I'll stop singing...




    a) Patlabor. WooHoo!

    B) Big Robots! WooHoo!

    c) Wierd bio monster...um...ok...WooHoo!


    Well - I'm not too sure about the plot - there doesn't seem to be much hidden about it at the moment, but its always the journey, and the Patlabor look and universe has always been one awesome place to travel through...


    Anyone seen it? Any more random expressions of Joy!? ;)

  16. Maybe we should start our own political party... :)




    Has anyone here considered Maoism?

    I'm liking the whole Cultural Revolution concept...I'm just trying to figure how to convert it to a Business setting and get away from industries current state of ineptitude...

  17. I pretty much vote Liberal(conservative) because its the least destructive option. At least for Oz. Voting Lib seems to have involved a lot of military action lately!


    The alternatives aren't even destructive in an interesting way - they're just annoying...the Labour party is aptly named, its laborious tirades against the moral failings of the Lib's are only equalled by immense amount of hot air the Democrats can generate.


    The Dem's are a bunch of Uni students so depressive and angsty they make Agamemmnon look like Tony Robbins.


    I'd vote far Left if there was a party that was

    a) actually out that far

    B) was interested in the future, not the past


    All we've got is Greenies, and a mom & pop outfit against immigration (One Australia).



    Sooo...we're wandering into the future backwards, watching intently what's already happened and tripping over whats going to. At least that makes them unstable, and easy to remove when the time comes ;)



    Surely there has to be a party somewhere more interested in engineering the future more than patching up their past failings...

  18. Quote
    So you agree with me then?  

    Hell yes I do, I just didn't see this thread till too late...


    Has anybody created some auto-racing rules? Can this in any way be used as the finale for a good adventure?




    The players being illegal racers is pretty easy, but you would need some rules for the actual race, including some tactical choices to make it interesting.



    I've been tweaking it just these last few days.

    When I get my Kiri* website going, I'm going to have maps/rules and other goodness posted up and we'll have just this.


    Currently, its not optimised for board use, because it ideally uses some matchbox cars (which are almost to scale!), but it does rely on Interlock/Cyberpunk.


    Turning is being a bit of a ba*d though.


    I'm hoping that I'll run a game in the near future about illegal street racing on Kiri', and it'll take the technical prettiness of 2F2F to an even greater extreme... :)





    *Kiri - Kiritimati, an island almost dead centre of the Pacific I'm 'building' a huge Cyberpunk city on.

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