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Posts posted by Thumper

  1. I have somewhere the construction plans on how to make those Mongollians Yurts they have found a numerous place amoung people who want a large semi permanent period structure at SCA events.  Of Course you need a truck and a few hours to assemble a decent sized one.

  2. GM Note:  Sorry if I get a bit short I have just started a new job and I am planning on being at some SCA function every weekend until mid december.


    Mayuki takes Richard to the Medlab working her way through the maze of airlocks that leads back into the torroid section of the Santa Maria.

  3. Malek, I believe that you are only allowed to swing such weapons in a 45 degree angle at people due to the amount of force that is generated.  Many times it would be likely in larger battles to be behind a row of shieldmen and use the pointy pokey end to stick in others faces.


    X = shield men  S = spearmen  A = Archer,   E = seige engine


    an average battle field once the two forces have met.


                     E                           E              

                    X X                       X  X


              A   A      A               A     A        A

              X   X      X               X     X        X


                     XXXX      XXXX        XXXX     XXX    

               S  S  S   S   S   S   S   S   S   S   S   S



                S   S   S   S   S   S   S   S   S   S   S

              XXXX        XXXX            XXX       XXXX


           X     X       X              X         X       X

           A     A       A              A         A       A



              X X                                X X

                E                                   E


    A standard tactic is to keep a rather sizeable group in reserve if possible of some of the better fighters to make a flanking manuever or to make good of any opening in the shield wall.  The extra shield men are used to fill in gaps that occur due to deaths to try to keep the wall in place.   Archers tend to shoot over at the spearmen and the other archers more than the shiledmen.   The real job of a good shield man is to just be a giant shield keeping the enemy from breaking the line by jamming close together with their buddy so that the shields will overlap 1/4 to 1/2 an inch creating a rather solid wall.

  4. Likely for me also that my offspring will be non-existant!  I just seems I can not find anyone I would like to torture myself with for that period of time!


    And the last time, recent I had sex it was a real downer that ended up making me depressed, plus it kinda sucked.

  5. Ok I will try to make a long day and story short for now and details might come in later posts on specific battles from my point of view since in a steel 15 pound helmet it's a bit hard to see what is going on all around you.


    The event Bordermarch Fall Melee's had a very good turnout of people well over 500+ to maybe 700.  I can only estimate how many Chivalric fighters showed up which I will do shortly but their where many other activities from Equestrian, Live Steel (thrown knives, axes, & spears) to wire whippers melee also (light fighting or free form fencing).


    ok to try to figure how many heavily armed people I have to start with the one known count that was made.


    22 archers, each had a shieldman to guard them and during the bridge battle 5 or six people could stand on the width of the bridge and there was 6 rows on each side or so.  Ok so this is a very rough estimate of around 116 fighters in armor.


    There was six heavy armored battles and six for the light fighters during the day.


    I can only cover the heavy ones since I used the others to rest and eat lunch.


    1st  open field battle with five seperate groups, each side was unsure who was going to do what.  I died by being ordered into the river after our enemies.  Ya just gotta hate drowing to death and being ordered off the field.


    2nd  Bridge battle or meat grinder,  I mostly remember reinfoiring the front line and having them cut my sword arm off just before we took the other side of the bridge and a dozen or so seconds later having my head bashed in.


    3rd Castle defense Battle.  This went very well as I stood in the very front to defend in incoming attackers who had to brek down the board barring the door and come inside.  I spent most of my time at first holding back a charge of 18 people trying to open a gap in the line and then opening the shield wall in time to my spearman beside me who made 12 kills while I defended him from the same.  Later after killing all those that rushed in I moved my body to hold the door back from further incursions.  Little did I know that there where only 8 people left outside.  4 archers and their shield men, the others had tried to take the postern gate and failed ( not in photos since its 40+ feet away from the main walls.)  I open the gate about three inches so I could see out a bit and a hail of arrows came my way, all missed of course and I saw these 8 people still not knowing how many where out there until the commander went to the second floor and looked out.  So thye order was given to charge out to meet them and mop up the field.  I killed at least an archer.


    4th  second field battle with only three sides this time


    5th second bridge battle or shall we call it an archer showdown that seemed to last forever.  we tried to sucker the enemy into a semi-circle killing pocket but they just stayed about 8 feet away just at the far range of spears and the archer took slow and carefull aim at each other loosing about an arrow once a minute.  Many archers had well over 30+ arrows and this went on for what seemed a long time as peoples arms became tired and sore from holding up their sword, sheilds and such.  I can not say exactly what broke this stand-off but it was either the fact that people's shields where drooping low allowing good shots from the archers or that the guys on the other side where fedup and closed distance.  I know many of the archers had died from thier fellow archers on the other side or had run low on arrows.  This was diheartening as I did not get to much fighting and became trampled on for upwards of 5 minutes after the person who was on my right failed to hold up his shield and got killed allowing an archer to shoot me in my side.  ( I tried to find out whose bootmark was on my right arm but no-one I know matched to it.


    6th  Sadly, I went back to drop my shield and try to borrow a spear but before I could get back they started the second castle battle.  Many fighters had dropped out due to exhuastion or due to a circle of the centurians had started.


    Overall the castle never fell to the attackers either time.


    At court I was suprised by getting an award for service. :D


    I was elevated to [/b]The Order of The Sable Comet the third award i have received.  It included a scroll and a pendant.


    See a image of the scroll below:  The pic can not due justice to the in depth detail and artistry.




  6. I had at one time written up a system which has disappeared somewhere on the borad using a variety of others good ideas.


    Phipps's idea on equivelent ratings based on todays armors.


    Levels I     II     III     IV      V


    each time a penetrating hit occured the armor level would be reduced by one level.  If I have time I will rewrite it with the realistic costs based off of today's costs pulled from several websites that giove weight et al.


    If anyone knows where I put the link or such on this site it would be greatly appreciated.

  7. SCA all the way!


    So is Hanns.


    It looks really out of place in deep east texas.


    Well gotta go I need to start off to drive there for the battles start early in the morning.


    I should have a good deal of pictures afterwards.

  8. Thanks!  Nice detailed writeups for these two gangs, I look forward to adding them into the main website later on.


    I think I would suggest that the Black Talons are operating out of the Japan/China town area and most of the members are of an oriental decent.  The Badge of a Black Talon on a white backdrop rimmed by a burgundy border is close to a sample stlye for old Japanese heraldry, maybe I can find a similar standard to crop and create the standard for them.

  9. I have a member of my Deep Space game have to go offline for military service in the Finnish army.


    I have the distiction of being one of the elite paramilitary (Red Dawn) Eagle Scout. :p


    Course the way my dad ran the thing (ex Black Knight (Green Beret)) it pretty much was like military training most days of my life as even my bed needed to be made so tight that you could bounce a quarter off of it after it was made.


    I think if I had not had such a bad military experience with my dad thoughout most of my life I probably would have joined into the army myself which right now would not be such a bad idea but they would not take my as I am a bit old and have two problematic medical conditions.

  10. One thing I have used often as a GM for Corporate security guards is STUN grenades especially inside the offices as it does not cause much cololateral damage as can still do a good number on the opponents.


    Also picking targets for leg shots and such works good when you need them alive and not moving much.


    As the Governor says"  he'll live!" :D  :p

  11. Mayuki finds it difficult to tell exactly what condition Richard is in as he seems to only have a slight injury to his head that has at least stopped bleeding.  Still though he is unconcious and unable to do anything on his own, like a ragdoll in Mayuki's metallic hands.



    Danielle looks closely at the only major problem with the OTV other than minor impact damage which can be fixed later and finds a few minutes with a hot welding torch would soften up the metal on the exhaust port enough to allow her to ebnd it back into shape a little.

  12. I also imagine what could be done with a bunch of expendables used to work on construction projects to rebuild or beautify certain run down sections of the city.


    Send in the IPC for hazardous construction duty to fix and repair roads and water and sewage lines through the combat zone that no self respecting paid city worker would dare venture into and leave the protection of their APC. :D

  13. GM moves the story along a bit since we are starting to flounder and I don't want this to end up near dead as Thumperpunk


    Danielle takes care to move the chunks of ice off of the OTV and place them off to the side to be used to create some more breathable air via a conversion process.


    Kea and Mayuki are busy helping Richard ( who is still unconcious ) out of the OTV and onto a gurney to be brought to medical lab to check on his injuries.


    Ben just gets his legs back and can move and act on his own without any assistance while all this activity buzes around him.

  14. The last college job I worked was with an investment broker and I took quite a few finance classes since it was a requirement for an Accounting degree, plus it is helpful for the future if I can ever make enough money to invest any. :(

  15. I think this could work out well as a strict random lottery on the local level, but the more responsibility in government would cause all kinds of problems.


    Of course you could cut down those problems by having a limit or test of competancy of sorts, but I can remember this being racist in the past so that would likely not fly.


    maybe for the presidents race a chosen canidate from each of the states and territories of the US then have a lottery that is random.  Allow them a two year term then 5 term limits to be re-ellected by popular vote.

  16. Well the US is stuck in it and we should try to make the best of what we have done and try to help the Iraqies create a stable government free from tyranical rule.


    That being said there should be a fats speed-up of trying to get the people their to help themselves more in a quicker fashion.


    Also with the aid groups sort of taking off most of the workforce it's hard to stabalize the place.  More international support is needed, I would even not care too much if local area governments lent quite a bit more of a hand in rebuilding than the US government wants.


    The main purpose now is to stay only as loong as it takes to get them stabilized then get the heck out as fast as possible.  I think for all concerned that is the best way to do it and leave a relatively good impression.

  17. Quote
    Speaking as one of the soldiers who used a Linux based platform for intelligence analysis and for communicating with other platforms for battlefield computer systems, I have to say this.

    Linux (and Unix) sucks. It sucks. It f*cking blows* It crashed constantly - when we were testing them at JRTC in 2000, they had to have a contractor tech out there all the time, so they could rewrite scripts and get hard drives (that constantly crashed) replaced. And to get most of the stuff we needed for briefings, graphics, and such, they had a Sun Microsystems card in there so they could run Windows NT because to get the graphics that of course couldn't be printed from the Unix programs they hacked together, we had to do everything on PowerPoint. And Word.

    In short, there was nothing, in my experience, that Windows couldn't do better, without crashing. It was horrendous. Stable my ass! You looked at it wrong, and the damn system crashed or locked up!

    In short, for military usage, Microsoft just makes better programs and operating systems. Everyone knows how to use them, and Unix designers havent made a comparable program.

    Screw Unix.


    Well it sounds like you have a lot of anger to work out!


    I will start with the last first.


    What programs does Microsoft make for military uses?  I believe they only make civilian programs that get put to use for military purposes.


    looking at a computer improperly does not cause a failure though user error does.


    linux can accomplish just about anything with free programs and windows system can except a few games.  Star Office and open office could have done those powerpoint and word type duties without the real need to learn anythign new for the users.


    It sounds like the Tech company that was hired could not do their job as you said they were forced to constantly rewrite software scripts.  The same would happen if you sent in a beta version of windows that was untested.


    Hard Drives crashing most likely happened from improper shock absorbtion than from any kind of software error in this case.


    You also imply that they hacked together multiple systems since they could not even figure out the basics of the operating system they were trying to sell you on.


    The problem lies with the promoter and user error rather than with the software.


    Anyway does anyone think that they would want to go into a combat situation with a system that has serious security issues and flaws that are easily taken advantage of by some teens?

  18. very close along same lines but I remember making values sort of like what phipps did for most all types of armors including steel, ceramic and soft insert plates in another forum.


    Perhaps it was deleted of something. :confused:

  19. I was wondering if anyone can rember where I put the rules and such for a revised gritty body armor rules that I worked out for equivelant modern day equipment from lvl designations?


    I cant seem to find it now and I don't seem to have it on my harddrive for some reason.


    i searched but so far came upo with nothing.

  20. You will most likely still want a primary and secondary storage system with the primary being faster.


    The RAM sorts and allows stuff to flow to and from the processor and be worked on and sent back, that will not likely change.  But you may end up using the same basic technology for both just the higher end faster version being RAM in the future.

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