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Posts posted by FIX

  1. Damien follows Fawcett at a distance of two too three meters and keeps an eye out for anything suspicious (A/N) checks everywhere and anywhere.  He also keeps an eye on Fawcett to follow his lead should anything happen.  As the overgrown barn comes into view he asks, "do we check it?" quietely.

  2. Old Timer --


    I need to respectfully disagree on AP ammo costs.  If its not street legal but widely avialiable (I.E. smugled in in large quantities) then the price will be substantialy lower than what you list.  That means that a box of black market AP ammunition probably will be betwene 200 and 600 eb.  


    Rockwolf --  The 15.2 Styr AMR does the damage via high velocity which means that its stopping power is less than impressive but its  KE is very high.  The 30mm Avenger fires a low velocity 30mm shell that will do massive KE damage from momentum and possible HE bursting as opposed to pure KE.  


    My problem with the 155.x115 FN is that the 14.5 KPV will do 10mm (60DEG) @ 250M and the 15.5mm will do the same thing at 1350M, leading me to think that the damage should be more like 7D10+3.  


    Chambering an AMR is 15.5x115 would be intresting to say the least, a 1000M light vehicle killer thats accurate enough to kill people at 800M (and harass large groups at greater distances).  This is because people have a smaller vital zone than a armored car.  Recoil would be a little problem without a proper absorbtion mechanism, as would be weapon system weight.

  3. Don't forget the 15.5x115mm FN cartrege.  It looks ideal for anti vehicle use.  And I would expect a borg to handle a self-loading rifle in such a cartrege.  Probably it would pop just about any ACPA (I think that 7D10 may be a little low for damage).  




    As to the dealing with players with too much firepower, its been said before but the best solution is to not arm every corpcop with metalgear and a big gun, but to have a corporate response team deal with the players latter.  


    Of cource what is heavy armorment depends on the setting.  For instnace a 7.62mm beltfed would be wholy approperate for a smugling game set in Nevada but totaly wrong for night city.

  4. Even if the thing didn't blow up, just wondering but how much explosive can be packed into a .17 round?  (Hint: praticaly none).  So why not just make it a hypervelocity armor percer (I bet a tugsten cored round @ 1000 m/s will be effective against most soft body armor), but the fragmentation will leave somthing to be desired.  So its pretty useless.  


    A .357Mag 2-shot derrenger will be better for instilation because, 1. its amunition will not explode and 2.  it can accutaly put someone ours-de-combat.  


    If you want an explosive round, get somthing at least 20mm in diaminater.  At that point its a meaningfull shell.

  5. Psychophipps --


    I agree with you.  At less than a meter or so, its more usefull to counter a knife attack with a block, followed by a knee to the crotch.  At that point if he is still in the mood to fight, he is on some combat drug.  At greater ranges, (say 3 meters) a firearm starts to become usefull.  This is just what I have read, so don't take it as gospel.

  6. Manu: I completely agree that the ammunition capacity is messed up.  


    One thing that has alwasy gotten me about the spaces system is the ammunition rules.  For instance 400 rounds of 5.56mm ammo take up 1 space when fed into a machinegun.  However, a Minigun's ammunition supply is 2000 rounds for the same 1 space magazine.  


    Can anyone explain why?


    Therefore the total capacity of one space is about 1 30mm autocannon.  A 30mm Autocannon weights about 48 killos.  Therefore:


    1 space of 5.56N ammunition is 3527 rounds.

    1 space of 7.62N ammunition is 1764 rounds

    1 space of .50BMG is 480 rounds.  

    I assume that someone can add in the weights of other munitions.  


    Suddenly the ammunition problem is reduced by making these small changes to the small arms ammunition rules in MM.  Does this help?

  7. What about saying that a Melee weapon does damage baised on the relivant skill?  


    For instance giving the average Joe (or Jane) on the street a fighting knife and telling them that someone will mug them in the next 10 min and they should attempt to stop/disuade them.  Most likely the mugge will (at worst) escape with a flesh wound or two.  Do the same with an SAS man.  The would be mugger will be missing most of his blood.  


    Say somthing like this:

    Base damge 1D6 - 1/2 is stun.

    First point of relivatn skill: +2

    Second point: +3

    Thrid point: +1D6

    Forth point: +1D6+1

    Fith Point: +2D6


    It would top out somehwere around +3D6.


    Then the player can call the attack as lethal (full damage), less lethal (1/2 stun) and low lethal (3/4ths stun).  


    Would this work?

  8. Lady Grey -- Good luck.  


    As for turning the @ss ho1e over to the IRS, talk it over with your lawer.  I just asked my dad (who teaches accounting) and he says that assuming that you had legal access to the information (of his tax evasion) and turn him in you get 10% of the recovered monies.  I suspect that the INS has similar policies.  Just remember get a good lawyer to talk to before you do anything.  


    I am excited and scared because my first post-college job starts tommarow.  Department store seasional work.  Its somthing.  As for love, I have had bad luck.  Today I met a women I would have been intrested in, but she smokes and is about 6 years too old for me -- would have felt weird.  I have nothing against smokers (the only habit that people almost universaly don't want to have), its just that I won't date one.    Oh well, I need to keep trying.


    I also don't date the excessively religous or women who are uncomfortable with abortion.

  9. I liked it.  It stayed consistant to the rules of the Jonre so I am happy with that.  Few minor problems:


    Halle Berry's character does the diving off the fortress rampart, and the two gaurds just stare and drool?  Why did she shoot the guy with the gun in the hellocopter as opposed to diamond face?  


    The swiming under the Ice thing...


    Why were all the major actors so incompatent as HTH combatants?  Lots of flashy kicks and punches to non-vital parts.  


    Why didn't anyone attempt hacking the killsat?  It would have been lots of fun to turn it around and paint nasty names on Ponyangyang.  


    Also in the opening sequence, did Bond ever change magazines?  I think he had the Submachinegun of infinate ammunition.  


    The swoard fight was awesome.  Especialy the end where the club staff are bringing new furnishings in to replace the damaged ones.

  10. The other option is to wait for them to do somthing stupid and turn it into a DF.  For instance he just beat his ex into a pulp.  About a week latter, when leaving his apartment and walking down the stairs he goes over a trip wire, skids down the greased stairs and meets three of her realy big friends...  


    Who use their doc martens to great effect on his ribcage, crotch, knees, jaw, etc.  Then steal the cyber out of him.  No more cyberarms, legs, etc.  He then spends the next 3 weeks in the hospital and when he gets out he has spent serious euro being put back togeather and gettng new cyber.  Then find out that the superspead wear that he wanted was pulled from the market due to some publicized incidents (installee developed serious nuerological damage) and there is a remplacement that fixes the problmes and costs only 5x the origional.  


    You also could let them fail an A/N roll and become a bus pancake.


    Remember, they aren't being nice, so why should you?

  11. I took the test and came out as a Left-Liberal (big supprise), however it realy doesn't mean much.  Mostly because I don't think what someone believes determines their politics, its why they believe it.  


    The only reasion that someone should be a republican is if they have the mentaility of an educated person from the 13th century or are very rich.

  12. Damien hands over a few waded up Euro bills to help cover the bribe.  He keeps an eye on the local Militia in case they want to kill us and steal the truck.  


    During the drive under escort through the town and refueling, Damien tryes to be incospicious while checking for any evidence of activitiy (drug production, smugling, etc) that the locals want to keep quite.  He also checks to see how the locals react to the Militia (evidence of warlording).  


    When the truck finaly clears the town Damimen is noticiably relieved.  


    He asks, "How are we supposed to do anything in this area without having to give bribes at every turn?"

  13. A cybermodem soulds like a game console, and when the book was publised it was before good graphics could be done on the PC.  (It was the age of the 286)


    So, A cybermodem can be a diskman sized thing or alternatively a few expansion cards in a desktop, or even intergrated in to a laptop.  


    I mean it would just be a "window" on the desktop or after pluging in one of the many porgrams to swap between (free action?)


    A netrunner's deck is probably a micro-mainboard with an 2 expansion slots, the first being a realy fast graphics board with DNI out and the second the IG transform card.  Add a 40+ MU Solid State storage, chipreader and a fuel cell for power all in the same sheet metal case and one has an awesome net rig.  For other periferals there are a few UIO (universal IO) ports.  Don't forget to paint it brightly and add a LCD display to report power status, activity and all sorts of other things.  


    Things like Printers, scaners, vid-cameras, radio network cards and all other sorts of fun devices can be pluged in.  


    It would only weigh about 8 pounds.

  14. Very good point, Dragoncav.  


    Boosters do need quite a bit of cash flow so, concidering their natural habitat (the combat zone) they can take several forms:  


    Fudal overlords:  Tax, extort and steal (but not too much)  from the peons living in the zone.  Rules a section of the zone.  Very teriatorial.  


    Muscle boys for a fixer:  protect/opperate the drug lab, warehouse, steal and fence, etc.  


    Drug gang:  Sells drugs, typicaly lead by low-level fixer.  


    Commonly has a few techies to fix the 'ware and patch them up and are concidred very junor members (bottom of the pecking order)


    Most gangs revolve around either a charasmatic leader or a bully.  The gangboss is loved and feared by its members.


    Of cource, dorphers rarely have cyberwear and are violent sociopaths who want the next hit of designer drugs they are addicted to.  


    Posurs tend towards escapeism.  Either with gen-engerneered elf ears and swords or "leave it to beaver" style.    They take over a few blocks and remake it (as best they can) to their idea of utopia.  Results: humoerous at best, deadly at worst.

  15. The thing with cameras, even if they are tiny it will be relitively easy to locate them if given enough time and by being lucky with the "computer intrusion" roll, I would sustepct that it would be relitively easy to disable cameras and many boosters, gangers and anarchists will be likely to destroy cameras creatively (so as to not get caught).  


    There also aught to be competitions as to who can bring the largest number of stolen security cameras (with extra points for well gaurded ones), ones never installed don't count.  Winner gets on the most wanted list.

  16. I can think of many people who probably should not cary a firearm, or for that matter own one.  Of cource unless they are a habitual criminal or insane, leagaly it would be difficult.  However statistcs show that relitively small numbers of perople conceal cary in most places its legal and the vast majority have not done anything stupid.  Of cource 3-5% of a population being armed will not noticiably reduce crime.

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