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Posts posted by Cyberjunk

  1. Key concepts: Viridian Curia, Alex Steffen,

    journalism, travel book, Viridians, green

    trendspotting, urban design, eco-activism


    Attention Conservation Notice: May cause

    Alex Steffen, a member of the Viridian Curia,

    to show up on your doorstep, notebook in hand.


    "The Wild Sloth Chase"


    by Alex Steffen <alex_steffen@yahoo.com?>


    "My fellow Viridianistas,


    "When the future arrived, most people weren't paying



    "Most journalists are like me: easily distracted by

    loud and shiny things. Few things in our recent

    history have been as bright and well-hyped as the

    e-commerce bubble. Now that it's over, it's easier to

    see that the real heroes weren't building online

    bookstores or virtual pet food empires.


    "The 'Internet Boom' was a decidedly late-Twentieth

    Century affair, with salesmen anxious to replace

    craptacular brick-n'-mortar businesses with cyber-analogs.

    For all their talk about building the world of tomorrow,

    their most inspired idea for the Net was to make it

    just like TV. Meanwhile, a whole 'nother group of

    people were building structures that eat TV: think

    Napster, think Slashdot, think blogs.


    "If TV sucks, then global climate change truly blows. So

    does the whole model of how we design and build the places

    we live and the systems that power them. I want to find

    the people who are inventing something to eat that model

    of urban living.


    "You must know who they are. Viridianismos is about

    replacing the drab, ruined future we've been handed

    with something dynamically sustainable, enticing

    and weirdly brilliant. I want to find that shiny,

    new-green future. I'm not exactly sure what it looks

    like, but I'm going to spend the next half-year

    traveling the United States, hunting it down. And I want

    your help.


    "Bruce Chatwin starts his travel book, 'In Patagonia,' by

    describing the piece of dark and hairy dried-out giant

    sloth hide that sat in his grandmother's cabinet.  Dreams

    of finding a giant sloth drew him to South America. 'In

    Patagonia' is not about giant sloths. But the giant sloth

    pulls Chatwin along == sloth-sightings and rumors of

    sloths drive the book.   In searching for the giant sloth,

    he finds the real Patagonia.


    "Here's what I ask of you: send me your giant sloths.

    'The future is here,' as William Gibson says, 'it's just

    not well-distributed yet.' Tell me where in your city (or

    any city you know well) the Viridian future can be



    "What has the stink of the new on it? What art,

    what architecture, which community groups, what design

    innovations fill you with hope, awe you, give you

    shivers? Where's the party? I have some great leads,

    enough to convince a publisher to pay me to take this

    trip. But I also know that 1,800 heads are better than

    one.  Tracking the future is a team sport.


    "This book may well become the world's first

    network-supported travelogue. It's an experiment ==

    and you get to play. Email me Viridian sloth sightings at

    <giantsloth(at)wildgreenyonder.net>. Anyone whose

    story is used in this book will get an author's copy,

    handsomely personalized, directly out of my little stash.


    "And, of course, you can follow my progress on this little







    "The sloth is afoot!


    Alex Steffen"


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    O=c=O O=c=O O=c=O O=c=O O=c=O O=c=O O=c=O

  2. Key concepts: Antarctica melting


    Attention Conservation Notice:  To judge by the number of

    people bringing this story to my attention, you've

    already heard it.  Here's more of it.




    Is it news on one of these websites?  Then the Pope

    probably read it this morning!





    The ineffable thrill of watching ice melt!







    Special to Viridian Note 00302:  Our acerbic, doom-laden

    commentary is guest-supplied by the Viridian Curia's own

    Alan Wexelblat! <wex@media.mit.edu?>


    "Gotta love some of these numbers...


      "'A total of about 3,250 sq km of shelf area

    disintegrated in a 35-day period beginning on 31 January

    2002. Over the last five years, the shelf has lost a total

    of 5,700 sq km, and is now about 40 percent the size of

    its previous minimum stable extent.


       "'The Larsen B shelf was about 220 m thick. Based on

    studies of ice flow and sediment thickness beneath the ice

    shelf, scientists believe that it existed for at least 400

    years prior to this event, and likely existed since the

    end of the last major glaciation 12,000 years ago.'


      "(Yes, that's right.  We've just destroyed a 12,000-

    year-old natural feature. Does anyone believe mere cities

    will survive?)


       "'For reference, the area lost in this most recent

    event dwarfs Rhode Island (2717 sq km) in size. In terms

    of volume, the amount of ice released in this short time

    is 720 billion tons, enough ice for about 12 trillion 10

    kg bags.'


       "(We're missing the standard pop-science visual image

    of the size of that stack of icebags.  So here's my off-

    hand estimate: that stack would go from the earth to the

    moon, back to the earth, and then up to the moon again.)


      "(To attempt to understand a billion tons is a bit

    harder.  The US consumes approximately one billion tons of

    oil per year.  The entire world consumption of coal was

    only 4.7 billion tons.  During the decade of the 1980s,

    humans released only about 5.5 billion tons of carbon

    dioxide into the atmosphere.  


       "(Hmm, no, this comparison isn't doing it.  How about

    this: the entire water consumption by China's population,

    industry, agriculture, cities, etc. for the year 2000 was

    635 billion tons.  So global warming just melted 1.1

    China-years' worth of polar ice.


       "(Whenever you search on "billion tons" as a phrase in

    Google, most of the hits you get back are related to

    global warming and fossil fuels.  There's nothing else for

    which 'a billion tons' is a normal unit of measurement.)"


    O=c=O O=c=O O=c=O O=c=O



    O=c=O O=c=O O=c=O O=c=O

  3. Kill You


    Key concepts: fossil fuels, particulate pollution,

    lung disease, carcinogens, heart attacks


    Attention Conservation Notice:  Might command some

    special attention if you've been coughing a lot






    "This past winter was the hottest in United States

    recorded  history. According to an analysis by the

    National Climatic  Data Center last month the average

    temperature between November 2001  and January 2002 was an  

    incredible 4.3 degrees F above normal."



    "Crypty the Cryptosporidium", a cheesy knockoff of our

    beloved Viridian mascot.



    Universe not really green.  Actually, universe is color of

    cheap-ass beige PC console.








    "AIR POLLUTION: Small Particles Add Up to Big Disease Risk


    by Solana Pyne


    "Breathing polluted air may be nearly as bad for you as

    living with a cigarette smoker.  (((And just try divorcing

    your local smokestack.))) A new study, the most extensive

    of its type, shows that long-term exposure to tiny

    particles of air pollution increases the risk of dying

    from heart or lung disease or lung cancer by about the

    same amount as long-term exposure to secondhand smoke.


       "Although the mechanism by which the particles cause

    disease is still up for debate, the latest study supports

    existing U.S. air-quality standards that have been

    attacked by industry and state governments.  ((("Flash:

    Exxon To Merge With R.J. Reynolds")))


       "A number of studies have shown that more deaths from

    heart and lung diseases occur on days with high

    concentrations of fine particles. These particles,

    byproducts of burning wood and fossil fuels, are smaller

    than 2.5 micrometers across, or less than 1/40th the width

    of a human hair. Landmark studies in 1993 and 1995

    suggested that heart and lung diseases could be caused by

    chronic exposure to fine particles, but some scientists

    argued that the findings were unreliable because

    researchers hadn't sufficiently accounted for the

    individual risk factors and differences among communities

    (Science, 4 August 2000, p. 711).


       "To gain a better understanding, environmental

    epidemiologists Arden Pope of Brigham Young University in

    Provo, Utah, George Thurston of New York University (NYU)

    School of Medicine, and Daniel Krewski of the University

    of Ottawa tracked people over a longer time and controlled

    more extensively for individual risk factors.


       "The team compared data on particulate and gaseous air

    pollution with data on the cause of death among 500,000

    people followed for 16 years by the American Cancer

    Society. After compensating for smoking, diet, obesity,

    and other risk factors,  (((somewhere there's a fat,

    chainsmoking, coal-mining guy with every single one of

    these risk factors, and he is going to bury us all))) as

    well as possible regional differences, the researchers

    found that every 10-microgram increase in fine particles

    per cubic meter of air produces a 6% increase in the risk

    of death by cardiopulmonary disease, and 8% for lung



    (((I don't wanna come off as a big tub-thumping health

    alarmist here, but I would be remiss if I did not point

    out that, statistically speaking, this phenomenon is just

    bound to kill a lot of you people.


    (((Some personal testimony here: my health has improved

    remarkably since I began sleeping in a room with a HEPA

    air filter. They are simple and cheap.  And if they don't

    filter the smog, pollen and fine particles from your air,

    then your own pink, crispy lungs most certainly will.)))





       "Reporting in the 6 March issue of the Journal of the

    American Medical Association, the team found that the

    risks are highest in Los Angeles, which averaged 20

    micrograms of fine particles per cubic meter in 1999 and

    2000. Chicago clocked in at 18 and New York City at 16.


      "But small cities are not necessarily safer, Thurston

    points out: Huntington, West Virginia, has higher average

    fine-particle concentrations than New York because of its

    proximity to coal-fired power plants. Douglas Dockery, an

    environmental epidemiologist at Harvard University who

    helped design one of the original studies linking long-

    term particulate exposure to heart and lung disease, says

    the study's key contribution is highlighting the role of

    particulates in lung cancer.


       "It's logical that fine particles would cause heart

    and lung problems, Thurston says: 'The particles are

    loaded with carcinogens, and they reside in the lungs for

    a long period of time.' Researchers are still trying to

    pinpoint the most lethal particles, however, and sort out

    how they cause disease.


       "They may lodge in the lining of the lungs, inflaming

    them and contributing to infection. Fine particles can

    also generate highly reactive oxygen-containing chemicals

    that can trigger inflammation and allergies and might

    damage the heart. And the smallest of the fine particles

    can pass from the lungs into the bloodstream, where they

    can travel to other sites and wreak further havoc.  (((Oh

    come on == there's got to be an upside to this.  Maybe

    they fertilize your lungs with essential coal-mining



       "As with cigarette smoke, many different compounds and

    mechanisms are probably involved, says Morton Lippmann, an

    environmental health scientist at NYU School of Medicine

    and director of one of five centers set up by the

    Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to study the health

    effects of fine particles. 'We don't know why some people

    get serious heart problems and others get lung disease,'

    he says. 'But that's not an excuse not to regulate fine

    particles.'  (((Viridian people, let me level with you

    here: even if the feds do further regulate particles, the

    Bush EPA is just not gonna enforce those limits.  Go buy a

    HEPA box. and do it yourself.  Now that you know about

    this, let somebody else die.)))


    O=c=O O=c=O O=c=O


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  4. Quote (DragonLady @ Mar. 13 2002,04:15)
    Hmmmm   guess I must be ancient then, I'm 41 last time I checked.

    Well fessed up Dragon Lady!  I will be reachin gthe big four zero in less than a month...


    Question is will I get all grown up at that point and loose interest in Cyberpunk? Will I start doing sensible mature things? Will I get a pipe and slippers? Will I go bald and banal? Will I take up model railwaying? Will I mellow out and listen to Jazz on a Sunday afternoon?... ...



    BTW - come on every one update you Personal Profiles with your birth date and bung in an image of yourselves and some background details so we can all have a laugh! Sorry - all get to know you a bit better!

  5. Quote (Gringoleader @ Mar. 13 2002,00:02)
    As for Michael Moore being a conspiracy theorist I disagree entirely. Like Mark Thomas in the UK he simply points out connections that are in the public domain.

    I liked Michael Moores TV progs but they really were not a patch on Mark Thomas's which were superb. He was a bit to left wing for me when he was doing his early comedy stuff but he really did get under the skin of some people who deserved it on his Experience shows. I liked the one where he took a busload of pensioners to a large house that was being paid for by the state under the conditions that it opens to the public for a certain amount of time in a year  but had never done so. Some ponced up toff had old grannies wandering all over his grounds - very amusing!


    And Nukes. What worries me personally is that if Bush uses them then the retaliation is going to come back on Britain as we are an easier target. Also look at the Palestine/Israel situation. That is what the world could be like for the next thousand years if it all goes off in the Middle East. Its very difficult to remove racial conditioning from a people. I was brought up on the coast of the English Channel near Dover and the mistrust of the French is still there nearly two hundred years after Nepoleon was defeated and we have been allies ever since. Northern Ireland is another example. I like every rational person would love to see peace and harmony but the mistrust is inbred and difficult to overcome for a lot of people who have been affected and will never forgive. :quite:


    BTW if the ice cap melts down here I might find Atlantis! The oldest conspricy theory of them all!   :0

  6. Under the Cyberpunk 2020 Catagory You will see a Board with a Down arrow - indicating that there are subcatagories in there. Or hity this link: VftE Online Cyberpunk Gaming


    There are several games going on at the moment but I am not sure if any are looking for players - you can always PM (Personal Message) the Games Masters to see if they have any openings. Or start a game yourself - PM me.


    There is one free for all called Tea at Cyberjunks which is a free form story - post away!

  7. Well I have closed this topic now. Not because of all the name calling and unharmonious chatter or the fact that its way off topic but because someone left me a newspaper clipping on my desk today which had a small article about Black and White being available shortly for the Mac. Well I thought that sounds good but before I buy it I had better get some practice in.

  8. Key concepts: Viridian Table of Contents,

    aphorisms, new Viridian Ranking System,

    your invitation to a lovely party at the

    Viridian Vatican


    Attention Conservation Notice: It's

    organizational scutwork for the Viridian list.

    Nice SXSW party though.  Beer wants to be free.






    You can discover what your enemy fears most

    by observing the means he uses to frighten you.

    Eric Hoffer


    I am unable to understand how a man of honor

    could take a newspaper in his hands without a

    shudder of disgust.  Charles Baudelaire


    To suppose, as we all suppose, that we could be

    rich and not behave the way the rich behave, is

    like supposing that we could drink all day

    and stay sober.  L. P. Smith


    All books extolling the simple life are written

    by men.  William Feather





    The Viridian Ranking System



    The previous Viridian Ranking System has been

    abolished by fiat of the Pope-Emperor. Goodbye,

    stars and chevrons.


    Allow me to present to the list your New Viridian Curia,

    the feudal lords of the Viridian Movement.  Henceforth,

    these people == the Viridian Nobility == will permanently

    outrank you. Unless, that is, you are promoted to join

    them. Or, thrillingly, unless one of them is purged.


    Their exalted status is symbolized by the Bishop's Crook







    reid@well.com? <Reid Harward>

    #1 Viridian Contest Stalwart


    jonl@well.com? <Jon Lebkowsky>

    Viridian Ultimate Webmaster


    stewart@stewarts.org? <Duncan Stewart>

    Viridian Spongephone Operator


    ljaurbach@erols.com? <Laurence Aurbach>

    Viridian Web Designer


    SeJ@aol.com?  <Stefan Jones>

    Imaginary Products Guru


    alex_steffen@yahoo.com? <Alex Steffen>

    Urban Eco-Activist


    wex@media.mit.edu? <Alan Wexelblat>

    The Master of "Wexelblat Disaster"


    bobmorris@mediaone.net? <Bob Morris>

    Viridian Contest Archivist


    jon@lasser.org? <Jon Lasser>

    Unix Thinker


    lstinson@empathy.com? <Laura Stinson>



    smendler@well.com? <Sebastian Mendler>

    Obligatory Wise Man


    hinne@spaceways.de? <Hinne Burmeister>



    Alan@AtKisson.com? <Alan AtKisson>

    Optimistic Cassandra


    jeffk@well.com? <Jeff Kramer>

    Viridian Email Guru


    nakashima_brown@yahoo.com? <Chris Nakashima-Brown>

    Art Patron


    Alexander_Schuth@gmx.net? <Alexander Schuth>

    Hip Euro-Globalist Type


    cooper409@aol.com? <Carol Cooper>

    Mahadeva of Information


    tux@powerbase-alpha.com? <Joel Westerberg>

    Scandinavian Cyberslacker



    O=c=O O=c=O O=c=O O=c=O

    Table of Contents 1-300

    O=c=O O=c=O O=c=O O=c=O


    00001:  Viridian Design Speech

    00002:  Viridian List Mechanics

    00003:  Viridian Design Principles

    00004:  Historical Awareness

    00005:  Viridian Aesthetics

    00006:  Floods 1

    00007:  Floods 2

    00008:  The Science Press on Global Warming

    00009:  The Science Press on Global Warming, Rewritten

    00010:  Comments from Viridians

    00011:  Viridian Mascot Contest

    00012:  Web Links

    00013:  Link Criticism

    00014:  Remembrance Agents

    00015:  Weather Violence

    00016:  Bio-Refineries

    00017:  Viridian Aphorisms

    00018:  The Viridian Model Family

    00019:  Viridian Domains of Interest

    00020:  Energy Reform, the Swedish "Solution"

    00021:  The World Is Becoming Uninsurable, Part 1

    00022:  The World Is Becoming Uninsurable, Part 2

    00023:  The World is Becoming Uninsurable, Part 3

    00024:  Kelly's Koan

    00025:  German Greens

    00026:  Viridian Aphorisms

    00027:  Viridian Graphics

    00028:  Viridian Gardening

    00029:  The Interfund

    00030:  The View From Ecotopia

    00031:  Self-destructive Jungles

    00032:  The Viridian Refueling Project

    00033:  Viridian Aesthetics: Andy Goldsworthy

    00034:  Researching Andy Goldsworthy

    00035:  Viridian Aesthetics:  Landscape Transformation

    00036:  Offshore Wind Power

    00037:  Viridian Commentary

    00038:  Viridian Aphorisms

    00039:  Starck's New Catalog

    00040:  German Politics

    00041:  The Viridian Product Catalog

    00042:  The Viridian Alcohol Cellphone

    00043:  The Viridian Electrical Meter

    00044:  The Viridian Service Station

    00045:  Twentieth-century Thinking

    00046:  German Bankers Love German Greens

    00047:  Viridian Imaginary Products Exhibition

    00048:  Viridian Aphorisms

    00049:  Submerging Carbon

    00050:  Wired Urban Forests

    00051:  Viridian Commentary

    00052:  Human-Assisted Wildlife Migration

    OOO53:  The Ecosystem Game

    OOO54:  The Festo Stingray

    OOO55:  Biodiversity Maps

    OOO56:  Viridian Commentary

    00057:  Extinct Megafauna

    00058:  Grass Gas

    00059:  Viridian Aphorisms

    00060:  Viridian Strategy

    00061:  Web-site Power Banner Contest

    00062:  What I Did for Earth Day

    00063:  Real-World Projects

    00064:  Viridian Finances

    00065:  Burning Man Festival

    00066:  Freeplay's Wind-Up Power

    00067:  Eco-Disaster Tourism

    00068:  Household Localizers

    00069:  Viridian Aphorisms

    00070:  The Coal-Burning Net

    00071:  Greening the US Govt.

    00072:  Viridian Couture Contest

    00073:  Viridian Commentary

    00074:  Browning the US Govt.

    00075:  Kyoto Politics

    00076:  American Power Brokers

    00077:  IDSA Speech

    00078:  Greening Earth Society

    00079:  Virtuous Corporations

    00080:  Viridian Aphorisms

    00081:  Summer Health Warning Contest

    00082:  Viridian Commentary

    00083:  The Viridian Botanisphere

    00084:  Viridian Disasters

    00085:  Viridian Individual Projects

    00086:  Kingpins of Carbon

    00087:  The Coal-Burning Net

    00088:  Viridian Disasters

    00089:  The Green Military

    00090:  Design Principles for Virtual Worlds

    00091:  Viridian T-Shirt

    00092:  First Things First Manifesto

    00093:  The Deep Hot Biosphere

    00094:  Texas Energy Law

    00095:  Biotech Legal Liability

    00096:  2000 Objects Exhibition

    00097:  Austin Software Speech

    00098:  The Net and the Weather

    00099:  Viridian Time and Light

    00100:  What Is To Be Done


    00101:  Design Undersides

    00102:  Viridian Solar Switchplate Contest

    00103:  Religious Objections to Carbon Dioxide

    00104:  Viridian Wine-Tasting

    00105:  Viridian Disasters

    00106:  Massively Distributed Climate Modelling

    00107:  Viridian Disasters

    00108:  More Distributed Climate Computing

    00109:  More Solar-Powered Booze

    00110:  Computers and Trees

    00111:  The Orissa Super-Cyclone

    00112:  The Organic Novel

    00113:  Pervasive Computing

    00114:  Viridian Disasters

    00115:  Internet Energy 1

    00116:  Internet Energy 2

    00117:  Internet Energy 3

    00118:  Viridian Commentary

    00119:  BP Amoco's Glasnost

    00120:  Viridian Disasters

    00121:  Les Tempetes 1999

    00122:  Viridian Commentary

    00123:  Viridian Aphorisms

    00124:  Viridian Movement Officially Begins

    00125:  Viridian FAQ

    00126:  The GCC Crumbles

    00127:  Austin's Green Choice

    00128:  Viridian Commentary

    00129:  Portable Fuel Cells

    00130:  Portable Chips

    00131:  Fuel Made From Carbon Dioxide

    00132:  Treated Algae Spews Pure Hydrogen

    00133:  Greenhouse Credibility

    00134:  Energy From Ocean Slime

    00135:  Viridian Meter Competition

    00136:  GreenChoice Editorial

    00137:  Papal Schedule 2000

    00138:  Viridian Disaster

    00139:  Mudslide Landmines

    00140:  The GCC Crumbles Further

    00141:  Other People's Contests

    00142:  Global Climate Coalition in Purge Frenzy

    00143:  Vanishing Glaciers

    00144:  Greening Earth Prexy Publicly Despairs

    00145:  Space Weather

    00146:  Viridian Web Log

    00147:  Greenhouse Disaster Symbol Contest

    00148:  Anti-Viridian Web Log

    00149:  A Visit to the Makrolab

    00150: Table of Contents

    00151: Viridian Aphorisms

    00152: Martin Johnson Heade

    00153: Micro Fuel Cells

    00154: Robot Bugs

    00155: PlaNetwork Speech

    00156: Viridian Energy Meter

    00157: Atomic Greenhouse Fires

    00158: Biodiversity Part 1

    00159: Biodiversity Part 2

    00160: Los Alamos Flood Threat

    00161: Toyota's Green Power

    00162: Piezoelectric Shoes

    00163: Dire FEMA Predictions

    00164: Disaster Catalog

    00165: Mad Cows as Fuel

    00166: Chernobyl Wildlife Park

    00167: Doors of Perception Conference

    00168: Energy Kleptocracy

    00169: Multimedia Gulch Brownouts

    00170: Snowballs in Summer Webcast

    00171: Engine Evolution

    00172: 10-K Clock

    00173: Fossil Fuel Shoes

    00174: Viridian Commentary

    00175: Viridian Magazine Cover Contest

    00176: Viridian Aphorisms

    00177: Carnivorous Robot

    00178: Texas Renewable Roundup

    00179: Viridian Plant Genetics

    00180: Infrared House Paint

    00181: Infotech and Creativity

    00182: Military Green

    00183: North Pole Melts

    00184: Viridian Commentary

    00185: Disgorging Glaciers

    00186: Wildfires of 2000

    00187: Solar in LA

    00188: Texas Wind Power

    00189: Urban Heritage and Weather Violence

    00190: Austin Heatwave

    00191: Euro Fuel Shock

    00192: Viridian Commentary

    00193: Corporate Green Feud

    00194: Balanced Power Org

    00195: Greening Earth on US Elections

    00196: Fredericksburg Speech

    00197: What's Nuon Green Mountain?

    00198: Viridian Neologue Contest

    00199: Meter Contest Winner

    00200: Neologue Contest Entries


    00201: Viridian ToC/FAQ

    00202: More Neologue Contest Entries

    00203: BP Helios Logo

    00204: Dutch Solar Parliament

    00205: Weird Vintages of 2000

    00206: The Sunburnometer

    00207: Extreme Weather "Normal" in Britain

    00208: BP Logo Hunt

    00209: Doors of Perception

    00210: Wave Generator

    00211: Sewerspace

    00212: TIME DIGITAL's Viridian Issue

    00213: WIRED Design Issue

    00214: House of the Future

    00215: Design Fiction

    00216: Piezoelectric Eel

    00217: CIA 2001

    00218: California Crisis Part I

    00219: California Crisis Part 2

    00220: California Crisis Part 3

    00221: Viridian Aphorisms

    00222: Cali Crisis Weblog

    00223: Serbian Energy Crisis

    00224: Price Spikes

    00225: Reddy Kilowatt Makeover Contest

    00226: Bug News

    00227: OPEC Greens

    00228: Bp Logo Designer

    00229: Fetzer Gloats

    00230: Greening Earth Redux

    00231: Earth to Exxon-Mobil

    00232: Bush and C02

    00233: Mutant Space Fungus

    00234: Korean Involuntary Park

    00235: Whole Earth Review

    00236: Editor At Work

    00237: Digital Decay

    00238: Hex On Exxon

    00239: EuroGreen Boycott

    00240: News from Europe

    00241: Furniture Fair 02001

    00242: German Involuntary Park

    00243: Community Mobility

    00244: Viridian Hot Rod Contest

    00245: Weather Poisons Horses

    00246: ExxonMobil: Climate Villain

    00247: Houston Flood of 02001

    00248: The Great Flood: Art and Science

    00249: Cultures Killed By Climate

    00250: Bacterial Dataphage

    00251: Houston Mosquitoes

    00252: Viridian Whole Earth

    00253: Air-Conditioned Clothing

    00254: Europe Doubles Green Power

    00255: ExxonMobil Global Day of Rage

    00256: Political Developments

    00257: Sewer Fat Crisis

    00258: Kyoto Redeemed

    00259: Solar Vultures

    00260: Viridian Couture Series

    00261: Cellphone Nailpolish

    00262: Bio-Active Fabrics

    00263: Vitamin Fabrics

    00264: Powered Clothing

    00265: Silly Clothing

    00266: Viridian Commentary

    00267: Texas Renewable Energy Roundup, 02001

    00268: West Nile Virus

    00269: Savannah Ecology Lab

    00270: Hiding the Garbage

    00271: Kuwaiti Clean-Up

    00272: Au Revoir, Belle Epoque

    00273: A Beautiful Toy and A Nice  Party

    00274: Pope in Atlanta

    00275: Bananthrax

    00276: Khaki Green Power Boots

    00277: Khaki Green Wind-Up Radios

    00278: Kyoto Soldiers On

    00279: Cheery Good News

    00280: Weird Sequestration Schemes

    00281: Enron Disappears

    00282: Maghreb Floods

    00283: Geeks and Spooks

    00284: Enron Logo Contest

    00285: Enron Wind

    00286: 2001 AD: Grim, Yet Toasty

    00287: Rocky Flats Wildlife Refuge

    00288: Coffee Toys

    00289: The World Is Becoming Uninsurable, Revisited

    00290: Sun Erupts

    00291: Enron Stock

    00292: Core 77 Parody

    00293: Cosmic Spectrum Green

    00294: Brutal Afghan Winter

    00295: Jarking

    00296: Planetary Rotation

    00297: The Persistence Problem

    00298: DNA Motor

    00299: Viridian Enemies Die

    00300: Viridian Table of Contents


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  9. So where does this leave the Open Source community?


    "The basic idea behind open source is very simple: When programmers can read, redistribute, and modify the source code for a piece of software, the software evolves. People improve it, people adapt it, people fix bugs. And this can happen at a speed that, if one is used to the slow pace of conventional software development, seems astonishing."

    Open Source Project


    Land of the free?  :angry:

  10. Key Concepts:   Global Climate Coalition, Greening

    Earth Society, spin-doctors, anti-Kyoto lobbyists,

    Viridian class enemies, organizational death


    Attention Conservation Notice:  About the demise

    of evil organizations that Viridians can't stand.



    This cheery rant I wrote for the local counterculture

    rag says nice things about weblogs and webloggers,

    so it is getting blogged all over the place.



    Bob Morris, the noble soul running our Viridian contest

    site, has himself started a blog.



    Remember what I was saying earlier about DNA-based

    computers?  Well, this guy makes them.  Yet

    another Viridian example of "predicting the present."



    Just a few of the many awful things we have said in the

    past about the unspeakable Global Climate Coalition.


    The original 1998 Viridian speech in which we singled them

    out as our primary class enemies:



    Viridian Note 00126: The GCC Crumbles

    Viridian Note 00140: The GCC Crumbles Further

    Viridian Note 00142: Global Climate Coalition in Purge Frenzy

    Viridian Note 00148: Anti-Viridian Web Log

    Viridian Note 00193: Corporate Green Feud

    etc etc


    The GCC's newly-abandoned website.



    Source: Global Climate Coalition



       "The Global Climate Coalition has been deactivated. 

    The industry voice on climate change has served its

    purpose by contributing to a new national approach to

    global warming. 


       "The Bush administration will soon announce a climate

    policy that is expected to rely on the development of new

    technologies to reduce greenhouse emissions, a concept

    strongly supported by the GCC.


        "The coalition also opposed Senate ratification of

    the Kyoto Protocol that would assign such stringent

    targets for lowering greenhouse gas emissions that

    economic growth in the U. S. would be severely hampered

    and energy prices for consumers would skyrocket. The GCC

    also opposed the treaty because it does not require the

    largest developing countries to make cuts in their



       "At this point, both Congress and the Administration

    agree that the U.S. should not accept the mandatory cuts

    in emissions required by the protocol."


    (((So, they're finally declaring victory and shutting down

    the ol' front group.   The game plan is clear: assume

    Kyoto's death, notch up some Alaskan exploration rights

    and a better return-on-investment in the Bush energy plan,

    then duck for cover while the Enron scandal lasts.  


    (((The Global Climate Coalition was never "global" or

    about "climate"  == it was a domestic inside-the-Beltway

    lobby group whose goal was to logjam US Senate

    confirmation of the Kyoto treaty.  With that much

    accomplished, it is time for them to split, or in their

    own terms, "deactivate." There's always work elsewhere for

    the spinmeisters.)))


    Source: PR Watch



    "Wednesday, February 27, 2002


    "Former GCC Head Hired To Do Energy PR


    "Glenn Kelly, former executive director of the now-defunct

    Global  Climate Coalition, has been hired by Qorvis

    Communications as managing  director of the firm's energy,

    natural resources and environmental PA  practice. GCC had

    been the most outspoken and confrontational  industry

    group in the United States battling reductions in

    greenhouse gas emissions and the Kyoto Protocol. 'The

    group said in a statement  that it has served its purpose

    and supports the Bush Administration's  voluntary measures

    to reduce greenhouse gas emissions,' O'Dwyer's

    writes. Source: O'Dwyer's PR Daily, February 27, 2002."


    (((We Viridians have predicted the formal demise of the

    GCC for some time.  That it should happen so quietly and

    with so little fanfare, after so much harm done to the

    prospects of humanity,  is a source of wonder.  Much to my

    further wonderment, however, the much smaller and even

    crazier Greening Earth Society, an outfit we especially

    abhorred, is also cratering.)))







    "Welcome to CO2andClimate.org, Greening Earth Society's

    newly expanded resource center for information concerning

    the impact of rising atmospheric CO2 levels on earth's

    climate and the biosphere.


    "What's the Same?  We're still the best place on the Web

    to find news, research and articles that express

    scientific skepticism over the potential for catastrophic

    changes in climate due to CO2 emissions.


    "What's New?  Our newly expanded content explores how

    exciting developments in the science of carbon

    sequestration can benefit agriculture, the environment and



    (((What's *not* the same at the newly-renamed GES  is this

    surprising new emphasis on "catastrophic change."  

    Greening Earth, which is bankrolled by coal companies,

    always denied there would be *any* climate change == and

    that if there were, it would surely be a blessing: bumper

    crops, delightful winter weather and all that.


      (((Their emphasis on sequestration is entirely new, and

    very Bush II.  So is the sudden departure of chief

    Greening Earth zealot and propagandist, Chris Paynter.)))


    Source: email


    "Subject: Moving On

    Date: Thursday, February 28, 2002 4:10 PM

    From: Chris Paynter <cpaynter@co2andclimate.org>

    To: CO2 and Climate Alert



     "I just wanted to let everyone know that subscribes to

    the Greening Earth Society (CO2 and Climate Alerts) that

    today is my last day with Greening Earth Society.


      "I have thoroughly enjoyed my past 4 years at GES and

    want to wish all of you the best of luck in the future.  

    If anyone needs to contact me in the future I can be

    reached by email at cpaynter@yahoo.com.


       "Ned Leonard will be your new contact for all

    inquiries related to GES starting March 01, 2002.  Ned can

    be reached at the contact information listed below.


    Greening Earth Society

    1575 I Street, NW Suite 300

    Washington, DC  20005


    Ph:  202-898-1876 or 800-529-4503

    Fx:   202-289-8450"



    (((Chris doesn't say why he left (or was kicked overboard)

    but I swear I'll miss the guy.  Chris Paynter was the

    infallible lodestone of Greenhouse incorrectness, like a

    needle that always pointed south.  Why a guy of his

    fanatical devotion to mischief  should have to suffer such

    an indignity after four years of selfless labor, that I'll

    never know.  I can only assume he's headed some place more

    lucrative.  If you can find out where Chris is lurking

    henceforth, by all means let the rest of us know.  One

    thing is certain: it can't be good.


    (((I can speculate on the meaning of these events.  The

    keys are (a) the Enron scandal and (B) the Cheney Energy

    policy and its so-very-secret authors.   When Bush II

    tried to abolish Kyoto (one of their first actions in

    office) the GCC cabal was living high on the Washington

    hog. They are now massive political liabilities.  However,

    they achieved at least one major and lasting victory.  So

    the word has gone out to take the profits and lie low.)))


      (((What does this mean to Viridians?  Well, we always

    defined ourselves as an org in stern opposition to these

    two groups.  So it is now incumbent on us to reform *our

    own* activities.  The 300th Viridian Note will shortly be

    upon us.  After that major milestone, prepare yourself for

    some novel Viridian organizational developments.)))


       (((In the meantime, we will have to pick out some new

    object of unifying hatred from these many surviving

    Greenhouse pressure groups.  Or else, we can discover the

    newest versions of the GCC and GES, in whatever evil

    guises their founders choose to reassert themselves.)))


    Links:  Greenhouse denial groups on the web:


    Cooler Heads Coalition




    George C. Marshall Institute


    Heartland Institute


    Center for Energy and Economic Development


    Environmental Perspectives, Inc.


    Fossil Fuels Org


    Center for the Study of Carbon Dioxide and Global Change



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  11. Racked the old grey matter, some strange bits fell out, but couldnt remember the image your talking about. I have done a quick image search on Google and AltaVista but trying to guess what the image was called or what its file name might be a long task. However thats what I suggest. Can you remember where you saw it or any other clues?

  12. Quote (spudfairy @ Mar. 03 2002,10:21)
    why? can i ask? all this bickering and squabbling. we were never like this?

    Didn't realise that there was any bickering. Apologies if anyone thought my dig at Dillweed wasn't done in pure jest :)


    Quality of posts is extremely important and fortunately this board does not really suffer from the tedious 'me too' posts which really are detritus and do not contribute.


    I think its far more important how long someone has been a member of a board and the quality of thier contribution.


    I do mention the number of posts and members when they go through significant barriers to try and pep everyone up a bit and say - look our communities still growing hurrah! But that's me just being the Daddy. ;)

  13. Dillweed you must come round and count all the stones over 5mm in the pebble dashing on my house. Its an exciting projuct and you are just the person for it. I have a pad, pencil and eraser waiting for you here as well as a variety of interestingly coloured biros for your pocket. ;)



    You would expect a small number to make up a largish portion of the posts - I am sure some maths could explain it .


    We haven't heard from Annie in a while.  :(

  14. Key Concepts:  nanotechnology, transorganic principle,

    mechanical DNA devices


    Attention Conservation Notice:  Way out-there

    and also way too small to see.




    Contemporary art on the theme of genetics.  Includes

    Eduardo Kac of green bunny fame, and Viridian darlings

    Bureau of Inverse Technology.



    Ars Electronica offering handsome sums in prizes for

    interactive art. Entry deadline March 31, 02002.



    Viridian and British?  Buy the pathetic wreckage of

    Enron's London office at an online auction!




    Humiliated Houston baseball team flees Enron's very name.




    Sources:  NATURE magazine

    "A Robust DNA Mechanical Device Controlled by

    Hybridization Topology," Nature, January 3, 2002.


    Technology Research News, January 16, 2002

    article by Kimberly Patch



    "Morphing DNA makes motor


    By Kimberly Patch 


       "(...) Researchers at New York University have taken a

    significant step forward (...)


      "The researchers demonstrated the mechanism by making a

    four-step rotary motor out of DNA. (((What fresh hell is



       "The motor is a four-stranded DNA molecule that,

    prompted by separate strands of DNA, will go through a

    mechanical cycle over and over again. Because the process

    is a reversible cycle, there are no waste products.

    (((It's DNA. It's a motor.  It doesn't pollute.  Oh my



      "The four-stranded DNA molecule is essentially a pair

    of double helixes of DNA connected at several points along

    their lengths.  When the researchers add molecules of

    control DNA to a solution full of the motor molecules, the

    short, single-stranded control molecules join with the

    larger molecules and rearrange them by connecting two of

    the double strands in one place and cutting them in



       "The researchers then remove the control strands using

    fuel strands of DNA, which are also short single-stranded

    lengths of DNA. This leaves the motor molecule in a

    different physical shape than when it started == the end

    of one double strand of the DNA is rotated 180 degrees

    relative to the strands next to it. (((So you've got to

    dunk the whole mechanical DNA mess into its "fuel" == but

    then it neatly warps and unwarps.)))


      "The process can be reversed by adding a different type

    of control strand to the solution, and that control strand

    can also be removed by a different type of fuel strand

    after it changes the molecule back. 'The system can be

    cycled numerous times... and there are no breakdown

    products,' said Nadrian Seeman, a chemistry professor at

    New York University.


      "The process can be adapted to many different sequences

    of DNA, said Seeman. 'Many different species of this

    device can be made by changing the sequences in the region

    where the... strands bind,' he said. (((For instance,

    consider the human DNA that gave you opposable, twiddling

    thumbs.  I reckon we could goose that stuff up to eight,

    nine hundred RPM.)))


      "This means a wide range of similar rotary devices can

    be created by changing the fuel strands and the places

    where they bind, he said. Ten different molecules can

    result in 1,024 different structures, for instance.


      "The researchers are currently working on a method to

    insert the DNA devices into molecular lattices, said

    Seeman. (((DNA engine blocks.))) This would enable still

    more structures. An array of four by four molecules, for

    instance, could produce 65,536 different shapes. 'This may

    enable us to build nanofabrication facilities to produce

    new molecular species,' he said. (((How about making

    classical Turing machines out of 'em?  We can compute by

    sliding long tapes made of gattaca!)))


      "The range of motion the molecular motors can produce

    ranges from .04 to 4 nanometers, but the researchers have

    produced motions as large as 35 nanometers using arrays,

    according to Seeman. A nanometer is one millionth of a

    millimeter. On this scale, an E. coli bacterium is a

    relative giant, with a girth of 1 micron, or 1,000

    nanometers. A line of ten carbon atoms measures about one

    nanometer. (((Vroom!)))


       "The research is 'great stuff,' said Erik Winfree, an

    assistant professor of computer science and computation

    and neural systems at the California Institute of

    Technology. The method is a step forward in terms of DNA

    mechanics, he said. 'It expands our toolbox for designing

    molecular machines.'  (((A veritable galaxy of mischief

    here.  Paging Al Qaeda.)))


       "The research is ultimately aimed at making

    nanorobotics practical, according to Seeman. 'It could be

    used to configure a molecular pegboard or control

    molecular assemblers. The ability to achieve many

    different shapes means that you can create many different

    patterns; different patterns in a timed sequence are the

    essence of a machine or robot,' he said. (((Nanofreaks

    always want to make those goofy little Foresight Institute

    nanorobots.  If you've got nonpolluting DNA that twists on

    command when you wash it, why not just use *that* as your

    design material?  It's a room temperature, wriggling,

    molecular pegboard.  Make clothes out of it.  Make shoes.  

    Make laundry soap.  Forget the imaginary robots.  Come



      "Molecular machines could be used to assemble drugs

    molecule-by-molecule, and molecular robots may eventually

    work inside the human body. (((Yeah, sure.  "Body by

    Chrysler."  Who do you sue when those things crash and

    break down?)))


       "It will be about a decade before the method can be

    used to make practical devices, said Seeman.


       "Seeman's research colleagues were Hao Yan, Xiaoping

    Zhang and Zhiyong Shen. They published the research in the

    January 3, 2002 issue of Nature. The research was funded

    by the National Science Foundation (NSF), Office of Naval

    Research (ONR), the National Institutes of Health (NIH)

    and the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency



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  15. Key Concepts:  Greenhouse effect, trend persistence,

    climate change, next two hundred years


    Attention Conservation Notice:  May cause feelings

    of fatalistic dread.



    I'm attending this science fiction convention in Dallas

    this weekend. I'm rather rarely seen at SF conventions

    these days. Even more rarely am I ever seen in Dallas.



    Luckless capital of Bolivia awash in giant rainstorm.



    New Internet Art show in NYC at the Guggenheim.



    (((The subject of this Note: the grim idea that the

    Greenhouse  has been brewing for decade on end, and will

    come down upon us  like the slow grinding of continents,

    no matter what steps  we may take == this idea  got a

    certain amount of  elliptical discussion at the Greenhouse

    panel at the Davos Forum.   Here were the issue's Great

    and the Good, from the IPCC and the Pew Foundation, and

    they got this kind of *look* on their faces as they

    diplomatically described this prospect...  This kind of

    resigned, cross-we-bear expression....  "I wonder who will

    break this difficult concept to the benighted masses...

    maybe they're so dumb that they'll *never* catch on.")))


    Source: Georgia Institute of Technology press release


    Public release date: 17-Feb-2002


    Contact: Jane M. Sanders



    Georgia Institute of Technology


    "Global warming will persist at least a century even if

    emissions curbed now


       "Though significant uncertainty remains regarding the

    amount of global warming that will occur over the next

    century or two, scientists agree that the trend will

    continue for the next hundred years even if fossil fuel

    consumption is dramatically reduced. (((Let's put it this

    way: the human race is screwed.  Better yet:  even if the

    Space Brothers arrive in UFOs and carry off every last one

    of us, the planet is *still* screwed.)))


       "Scientists predict significant increases in global

    temperature and sea level this century. And related

    changes in weather patterns are expected to affect

    agricultural production. Global warming is likely to have

    the greatest human impact in poor countries unable to

    adequately respond to the changes.  (((Or, in English:  

    "lots of poor people will starve.")))


       "Professor Robert Dickinson of the Georgia Institute

    of Technology's School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences

    will present the evidence behind this assessment at the

    annual meeting of the American Association for the

    Advancement of Science (AAAS) on Feb. 17 in Boston.

    Dickinson's presentation, titled 'Predicting Climate

    Change," is part of the symposium "Climate Change:

    Integrating Science, Economics and Policy.'  (((Presumably

    Dickinson indeed delivered this presentation at the AAAS;

    I wasn't there.  I wonder what it would take to get a

    whole room full of scientists to run screaming into the

    streets of Boston.)))


       "'Current climate models can indicate the general

    nature of climate change for the next 100 to 200 years,'

    Dickinson says. 'But the effects of carbon dioxide (CO2)

    that have been released into the atmosphere from the

    burning of fossil fuels last for at least 100 years. That

    means that any reductions in CO2 that are expected to be

    possible over this period will not result in a cleaner

    atmosphere and less global warming than we see today for

    at least a century.'  (((Oh well. We'll just hold our

    breath till the unpleasantness is over.)))


       "Climate models indicate temperature increases of 3 to

    more than 10 degrees Fahrenheit this century and a sea

    level rise of 6 inches to nearly 3 feet. (...)


       "'Given enough time, there may be as many winners as

    losers. However, many of the losers will be very unhappy,

    such as people who live on islands that will be put under

    water,' Dickinson says. (((I do like the idea that at

    least some people will be overjoyed at global warming; I

    sure hope they are hospitable.)))  'It will take a lot of

    time for humans to adjust their systems to these changes.

    The biggest problem is the speed at which global warming

    is occurring.


       "'If it were happening over 1,000 years, rather than

    100 years, it would hardly be noticed. But we're talking

    about fairly large changes within the next generation.

    We're talking about people with houses on the beach having

    to move. The U.S. is fairly resilient, and people can

    move. But in Bangladesh and other low-elevation areas with

    few resources, there will be severe difficulties.'


       (...) "The global temperature has increased more

    rapidly in the past 10 years, but the changes are more

    dramatic in high latitudes perhaps because of natural

    variability, Dickinson explains.


      (...) "Much research is yet to be done regarding

    climate change, but Dickinson believes policymakers can

    already glean some guidance from the evidence he will cite

    in his presentation at AAAS. That evidence will come from

    research at the National Center for Atmospheric Research,

    where Dickinson worked for 21 years, as well as his

    current research and the 2001 report of the

    Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.


       "For example, enough data exists to develop mitigation

    and adaptation plans regarding greenhouse gases, Dickinson

    says. Mitigation involves strategies for reducing

    greenhouse gases or changing other factors to compensate

    for them (a fairly new concept). Reductions can involve

    both consuming lesser amounts of fossil fuels and also

    finding ways to capture the gases and put them in places

    other than the atmosphere. The latter approach is called

    sequestration and is part of a U.S. Department of Energy

    research initiative.


       "'The only way to stop the increase of carbon dioxide

    in the atmosphere is to reduce CO2 emissions to 20 to 30

    percent of today's levels,' Dickinson says. 'This may

    require a similar reduction in the consumption of fossil

    fuels. I believe we will eventually achieve that goal, but

    it will probably take 100 years. (...)


       "'We have to move our energy systems to forms other

    than fossil fuels. And when I say we, I don't just mean

    the United States. The U.S. is the biggest user of fossil

    fuels, but China and India are likely to surpass the U.S.

    in the next 50 years, and China may surpass the U.S. in

    the next decade."  


    For technical information, contact:

    Robert Dickinson, 404-385-1509, or

    E-mail: robert.dickinson@eas.gatech.edu


     (((This puts "sequestration" into a rather new light.

    The problem is not about *your* world-shattering behavior

    == it's about getting rid of evil gases that your

    *grandfather* put up there.


    (((What if people give up using fossil fuels, then also

    begin violently and rapidly sucking greenhouse gases out

    of the atmosphere?  Suppose that, driven by increasing

    havoc, they engage in massive sequestration programs

    around, say 2050.  They yank the levels of pollutants back

    to the pre-industrial atmosphere of 1750, within a decade.  

    What would that activity do to the climate?  I wonder if

    anyone has ever modelled that.)))


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  16. Key Concepts:  Greenhouse effect, slowing of

    planetary rotation, lengthening of Earth's day


    Attention Conservation Notice:  Where, oh where, does the

    time go?


    (((An eager reader asks:  "Have the events of the last few

    months sent the Viridian forces into a fetal curl from the

    horror, the horror of it all?"  No.  During the hiatus

    since Viridian Note 00295, I've visited both the Pentagon

    and the World Trade Center.  If that doesn't do it for you

    fetal-wise, nothing will, and that didn't do it for me.  I

    wrote a long article on the military for WIRED, and I also

    attended the Davos World Economic Forum, cops,

    zillionaires, protesters, and all.  I've been a busy guy.  

    Viridian readers who wonder if the Pope is in catatonic

    shock should check out this site:)))


    Link:  Bruce Sterling's SCHISM MATRIX weblog



    (((If SCHISM MATRIX is still shipping its daily

    commentary, then very likely I'm still alive and





    Never mind that hokey cloned cat at Texas A&M.

    This is a cyborg cat made with K'Nex toys.



    Butane tank fossil fuel art.  Needs a Greenhouse theme.

    Perhaps some Spanish-speaking Viridian can help.



    Sign up for eco-tourist jaunts to Chernobyl.



    Solar-powered Roses.




    The Austin Museum of Digital Art (AMODA) is seeking

    volunteers "in a variety of roles."



    "The Future of Design

    "Core77's Design Competition: Over 700 designers from more

    than 60 countries are now registered to compete, with

    India and South America particularly well represented."






    Public release date: 11-Feb-2002


    Contact: Harvey Leifert



    American Geophysical Union


    "Global warming lengthens day


    "WASHINGTON == Global warming caused by increasing manmade

    carbon dioxide in the atmosphere will lengthen the day,

    according to a study to be published this month by the

    journal, Geophysical Research Letters.


      "Researchers at Belgiums Royal Observatory and the

    Catholic University of Louvain, Belgium, lead by Olivier

    de Viron, used computer models to analyze the effect of

    adding one percent more carbon dioxide to the atmosphere

    each year, in order to reach a doubling of the carbon

    dioxide concentration after 70 years.


      "Scientists can currently measure the length of the day

    to an accuracy of about 10 microseconds (1/100,000 of a

    second). It fluctuates slightly, based primarily on

    changes in atmospheric winds and ocean currents, which

    affect Earth's angular momentum as it spins on its axis.

    Angular momentum measures the rotation of a non-rigid

    body, such as a planet, including its ability to continue

    to spin. As angular momentum is conserved, the solid

    Earth's rate of rotation is affected by the movement of

    its nonrigid components, the ocean and atmosphere.


      "The Belgian scientists estimated the effect of the

    ocean and atmosphere, caused by increasing the amount of

    atmospheric carbon dioxide by one percent per year and its

    effect on global warming, on Earth's angular momentum.

    This rate of increase, they note, is a common scenario,

    based on current human activity. They used 14 different

    computer models, obtained from the Coupled Model

    Intercomparison Project, which showed reasonable

    agreement, they say.


        "They find that the length of day would increase as a

    result of angular momentum changes associated with global

    warming, including variations in surface pressure over

    land masses, average surface pressure over the ocean, and

    zonal winds and currents, that is, those moving in an

    east-west or west-east direction. The amount of

    lengthening would be small, on the order of microseconds

    (millionths of a second) per year, and would be difficult

    to distinguish in any given year from naturally occurring



      "On a scale of decades or longer periods, though, the

    effect of global warming on the length of the day would be

    measurable, the researchers say. They anticipate an

    increase of around 11 microseconds (11/1,000,000 of a

    second) per decade in the 21st century, resulting in a

    total lengthening of the day by 0.11 (11/100,000 of a

    second) for the century as a whole."


    O=c=O O=c=O O=c=O O=c=O O=c=O O=c=O O=c=O



    O=c=O O=c=O O=c=O O=c=O O=c=O O=c=O O=c=O

  17. I didn't so much as ban it as adjusted its score. Not 12 hours after it had been registered it had got 512 hits. I suppose that this is possible but I checked the site and there was not one banner for the Top 100 so all the hits must have come through the Top 100 site and that snever happened to a new site before... ever... and so its on probation.


    The site had applied before but I really could not find anything on it to do with cyberpunk culture - I really don;t know why i let it in this time - must have been tired!

  18. I must admit that i have not updated cyberpunk.co.uk for an age. I do have plans (and yes I have had them for years!) to make things a lot easier to update the pages on cyberpunk.co.uk so that I can concentrate on content. The major aspect of this is the ability for staff to add content on thier own (without me giving away the keys to the castle!) and I now have a system that comes up to my standards - I have been looking at a lot over the past two years.


    If you want a sneak peek - i.e. just to prove that I am doing something have a look here: www.cyberpunk.co.uk/dev/


    Its still development and the CSS needs a lot more work but you'll get the idea.


    In my defence the forums going ok...

  19. That would make a nice little scenario - remove the threat of a suicide bomb attack. Would get the munchkin players worried as well as without decent intel they wouldnt know who was a threat - that scruffy youth, that granny with the stick, the local teams mascot dresed up as a big yellow chicken.


    Are they making explosive vests in the cellar below the local childrens playgroup?

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