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Posts posted by Rockwolf66

  1. as for the can grenade i would prefer a fire-frag grenade painted like a smoke grenade.

    the fire-frag grenade is something i found in an adventure fiction. it is the size and shape of a smoke grenade but is filled with small pellets and some sort of incindiary material. yes they would be hard to get but they kill things very well(done).

  2. yet netrunners who are techno fanatics do not suffer from mental disorders. (personaly i think its bs.) one tendsto think it is not so much a detachment to ones humanity but a regection to it. if you take Adam Smasher as a typical cyberpsycho this is correct. i think it is a forced change of ones look on the world take a person who is due to trama forced to become a borg. you have a massive mental shock followed by both loss of feelings physicaly,and a society that fears you. no wonder borg's go nuts.

  3. phipps from what i have heard from a sf light weapons man they break a belt at around 30 rounds from a standard belt, this is to keep the belt from catching on things.

    please see "combat guns" GUILD PUBLISHING page231 for a picture of both a bren gun and a GPMG with a shotened belt of ammo.

  4. the bren may not be the newest thing on the block but i do know that it was used in combat in the falklands in '82. plus in real life most machinegunners have only a 30 round belt in the gun unless they are shooting up something like infantry. on the plus side it is very, very reliable and it uses SLR magazines in a pinch.

  5. after field experimentation i am in the prosses of writing my own shotgun damage rules. this is to take in what i know about shotguns and what they do. my rules will

    A:make shotguns very leathal at close range.

    B: decrease damage and show the efect of the spread of shot.

    C: take into account that you can miss at 15' to 20' with a shotgun.

    D: make slugs more like big bullets and show slug varients(H.P., terminator/glaser slugs, revised sabot stats.)

    E: in general make shotguns more realistic.

  6. sounds like i have a hit. well my replacement gm in training even likes the idea. i put this up because i noticed that there was only one place printed that someone could train to shoot in all the books on cp i have. well unmoving targets are good to work on ones aim but going against a person is so much differant. this alows you to get very fealistic training without getting killed. plus maybe cerate a similar facility in a differant city or a corp that does nothing but run facilities like the killhouse.

  7. the "mini-grenades" were dutch V-40 grenades and they were the size of a golf ball and could be thrown quite far in a dense jungle. as for fragments in a jungle all wounds must be cept sterile or it would cause a very dangerous (i.e.:leathal)infection very quickly.

  8. what happens if you have a character who embraces some techno-pagan concept of mearging meat 'n' metal as one would they not have a very differant veiw on getting cybernetics.

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