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Cybernetic Jesus

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Posts posted by Cybernetic Jesus

  1. In the Cyberpunk-world, status is by wealth, not really ethnicity in a multi-ethnic world. So would it be possible for a black-guy to run the, "Mafia" with a Samoan enforce and a Japanese front-man or the Yakuza being run by Papua New Gunieans, having learned from when the Japanese invaded in the 1940s?

  2. If you are making a solo character, or any cyberpunk character in general, what do you think you are going to make your special ability be?


    I put caps on it so I can start my players at the bottom and watch them grow as they fight to the top. Most do not make it.


    What divides people in the cyberpunk world is not race, or creed, it is wealth; there are a lots and lots of people super-poor and a few supper rich. The poor want what the rich has (real food) and the rich want to keep and get more of what they have (money).


    Soylent Green is a good cyberpunk movie. It has everything we have today as luxuries (real food, AC, a shower etc. ).


    Remember your zones


    Executive: Wealthy live (1%)

    Corporate: Rich live (10%)

    Moderate: the middle-class (25%)

    Combat: the poor (75%)

    The Wastelands(50%): everyone else.

  3. I will assume this means in a future society in which there are concepts like, cameras everywhere, people are monitored and tracked; cashless society etc. A zero would be excluded from society; they would not even be able to enter the arcology through normal means.


    They would be able to sneak in and if properly dressed, would be difficult to track or discover; security workers would be used to their technology and someone un lo-jacked would be difficult to spot. (lazy)


    Only in an Ayn Rand wet-dream can a person live outside society and prosper. A zero will have to find other people and trade with them. In a classic cyberpunk setting, this should be easy to do; there are numerous small communities not associated with the larger cities.


    There really are not many advantages to being a zero, unless you hate people and want to be left alone.

  4. To play a Corporate successfully, the player has to have the right mentality.


    1. Corporate players are NOT cyberpunks.


    2. They thrive of of power and control of other players / NPCs.


    3. They like structure and organization and how to fit and dominate that structure.


    4. Tend to be rather boring compared to most cyberpunk games.


    5. You need the right GM that can understand that.



    One of my players was an business-major; he LOVED Corporate games.


    1. I am not the elected representative of Conservatives whatever the hell you mean by that. I am often times the only Conservative in a room full of Progressives and Liberals. I am a member of multiple Conservative news feeds and Social groups. If I didn't speak up for the Conservative viewpoint then some of the Social groups I have to associate with would become liberal echo chambers.


    You're weak.


    You're w2. Not all Conservatives want to "Round up Illegals." None of them are calling for Immigrants to be rounded up and shipped home. Even CNN admits that Conservatives don't want all Immigrants Shipped home. Said views are not new but have been around for years.


    If it's on CNN, it must be true.


    3. Two of the Largest Labor Unions in this Country have come out for Amnesty for Illegal Immigrants. This isn't just an Isolated case of one Union Representative hiding a couple Illegal Immigrants. This standpoint is considered by some to be damaging to the lower end of America's Economy.


    If you are right, then I am wrong and the Unions have made an error.


    4. I have no problem with Mexican's who are in the United States Legally. Outside of a few exceptions I have found them to be Good, honest, hardworking folks. Which brings me back to the Conservative Ideal of reformed Immigration. IF more labor is needed then there is always a Guest worker program. The problem with such programs is that they are controversial and they are ripe for Abuse.


    Amnesty for all then. Legal.


    5. Right now I with I could hand her Husband either a rope or a hammer and three spikes. He happens to be a fan of Hanging and Crucifixion. Above you said about. "Lowering things to my level." Well I am not the one making crude comments about the wives of others.


    You're weak and you're foolish.




    About the bombings: Ho Chi Minh was right.



    Oh my you are that special kind of stupid aren't you?


    Just stooping to your level.


    1. Stop speaking as if you are the elected representative of "Conservatives". You don't speak for me. Most conservatives I know, don't want "Legal" immigrants either. They're sick and tired of all these foreigners coming to our homeland and expecting us to speak their language (they're Asian).


    2. I don't care about how many "Immigrant" friends you have: only when it's time to round them up. Are you trying to be liberal? Man, stand up for what you believe in.


    3. Because one Union rep (what ever that means) is linked to illegal immigration, therefore all Unions are such. Fuzzie logic.


    4. Mexicans have been coming to CA since before you were born to work the fields and sending money home. Conservative farmers have benefited from a low-cost source of labor and the Mexicans have benefited from an increase in income from this; then, East-Coast transplants come to CA and complain about all the Mexicans.


    5. Do you have any nude pics of Yolanda? What's she like? Is she hot?


  7. I loved Cyberpunk 2020's Maximum Metal rules for vehicle combat. I loved the realistic-ness of it. Mind you, we were playing Battletech and Centurion prior.


    Most of our games in which we had full military combat were not standard CP:2020 games, but rather deviations and CP2020 was just the rule set we used them for.


    Right now, we are working on a CP2020 game based off of Starship-Troopers to fight a Mar's based human enemy(Gall Force RHEA Mars). Should be an awesome ACPA vs. ACPA game with Deep Space. It will follow to course of the movie and I'm sure the players will know that. I really, really tried to read the book, but it was so boring...

  8. Not to get too off-topic, but bombings happen on a regular basis in the Middle East. Why are Americans so weak they are crying about it?



    Not partially well I have worked several jobs where there were Illegal Immigrants. I went through a Government funded program where the people running it turned a blind eye on students giving each other advice on how to hide one's Illegal status. I have had friends turn in their employer for using Illegal Immigrants and then have those who's job it is to enforce the law do nothing. Instances like these are what Conservatives want to stop.


    From actually talking with Conservatives rather than listening to Media sound bites I can tell you that Conservatives want those here Illegally gone and in their place people who want to become Americans, Assimilate into our way of life and to become productive Citizens of the US.


    Gees, people trying to get an education; how dare they!


    Hablas espanol?



    Um no. Conservatives are the ones profiting most off of immigrant labor. Do you really thing the liberal labor unions are going to push for people that will work for less.



    It isn't Immigration that Conservatives have a problem with It's ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION and the failure to enforce the laws already on the books.


    They are enforcing the laws; when someone is caught that is not a US-citizen, they get deported. That's like saying because someone broke into your car, the police aren't enforcing the laws.


  10. So, in a future cyberpunk game I'm creating, the Chinese are heavily investing in modernizing and futurizing their air force, but their ground forces are only getting upgrades. The Chinese still adhere to the Soviet principles of military weapons; they are meant to be used for offense and if they break, throw it away and get another.


    So, I want to take a Type-63 (a PT-76 with an 85mm Cannon upgrade) and eletrothermally enhance the cannon (treat at 90mm) for a damage of 14D10(rounded down because it's 85mm)! More than a 120mm cannon!


    Added to that, I have a house rule that says if you use DPU rounds, SP is 1/3 or 1/4 (depending on mood).


    To handle the adding recoil, I'm going to switch out the turrets and had a heavier T-55 or new turret so the turret SP and the hull SP will be different.


    The game takes place on an Island, so I need something that is amphibious and that the Chinese would have a lot of. To just use regular Type-63s would have the same feel in a cyberpunk game.


    Has anyone else used ETH in their games before?



  11. The only gun-control my players were concerned with is short-bursts.


    I've never implemented or thought of gun control laws in CP2020. However, now that I think about it; the technology of cyberpunk has a lot of big-brother potential. In the Corp. Zones, laws and surveillance are prevalent and in the CZ, forget about it.


    I believe Protect and Serve had some gun-control laws in place.

  12. Why don't people just kick all the time because it does 1D6 damage? Because a shot gun, PB, does 24 points of damage, that's why.


    Usually, when people kick, the have a good chance of hitting the left or right leg only, unless they are elevated. I have a house-rule that since the head is double damage, limbs are half damage, so if you can punch the head, you can end a fight quickly; if you want to kick higher than the legs, this requires martial arts training or athletics rolls to maintain balance. Also, kicking is for when characters are down and getting beaten by my NPCs anyways.


    And groin kicks are auto-stun roll (unless your character is female(void if a shemale)).


    As for the "untrained" part, the mere ease of production means that tons of these rifles can be dumped off the backs of trucks in Jihadi camps and almost immediately put to use. Instruction consists of (more or less) "Here's how you load it, here's the dangerous end, here's the little lever that makes it go BANG! Allāhu Akbar!"


    You do realize that the Soviet-Communists that helped to create such a weapon are probably rolling in their graves over the fact Muslim Religious fanatics use their weapons.



    As for which one is better, depends on which one you have in your hand at a time of need. Either of them are better than throwing insults at your enemy.


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