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Cybernetic Jesus

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Posts posted by Cybernetic Jesus

  1. Well, there goes another round.

    For the longest time, prior to Shockwave when I just had MM, I used this formula for vehicle combat.


    All MGs and ACs seem to have a ROF of around 30. 
    7.62mm: 5D6
    12.7mm: 10D6
    14.5mm: 11D6+4*
    20mm: 4D10
    30mm: 5D10
    37mm: 6D10
    75mm: 8D10
    90mm: 9D10
    105mm: 11D10
    120mm: 13D10

    1: Head

    2-6: Torso:
    7: Right-Arm
    8: Left-Arm:

    9: Right-Leg

    10: Left-Leg

    People damage:
    Head: X2
    Torso: X1
    Arms and Legs: X0.5

    Making it Dead(er) Simple: Any time a component is it, for up to less than half it's SDP, there's a one in ten chance the system will fail (System Integrity Check as per APCA Rules, MM); over 50%, five in ten chance of system-failure. 

    Warning: Rant: Ok, so the Solo Of Forturne 2, Russian tanks, the T-100 doesn't really make sense; one, it's not in line with the old-Soviet design philosophy of a weapon, designed to be used and when it breaks, you get a replacement.  So, the T-100 should have had an autoloader for the main-gun, and be a lot cheaper, like, sans the Composite armor and use reactive-armor instead. The 23mm, well, I see what R. Tals. was trying to do, but it would have been better with a simple MG, with a heavy-MG on a pintle-mount (which they did!).  

    Now, the armor.  I know it was designed before Shockwave came out, but 160SP, composite and reactive-armor, a hellfire, from the front, would bounce off of it(20D10, average of 110 damage);  even 120mm AP round would bounce off the front (12D10, average damage of 66). So, unless you go with the old MM, every ten-points rolled over the to-hit, at 1.5 damage, war-games will turn into a slug-fest, like Battletech. 

    *I just thought of this. 

  2. On 04/04/2021 at 10:54, senior officer Mikael van Atta said:

    . . .The problem, in the greater scheme of things, lies elsewhere: Maximum Metal authors have slapped generic ROF of 10 to many weapons, including 20-25mm Light Autocannon, 27-30mm Heavy Autocannon, generic 5,56 and 7,62mm machineguns, 12,7mm/.50 heavy machineguns and 14.5mm KPV / 15,2mm Steyr HMG. While I find it somewhat difficult to nail all of them down - these generic categories are broad, and do cover both guns inteded for surface use and aerial use (which tend to have really high RPM - in fact, a step below Gatling-style autocannons there are revolver-fed autocannons that, while a little slower in RPM terms, are, if memory serves me, lighter and less compilcated). . .

    After doing some preliminary research back in the mid-90's when the internet was around, we scratched the 10 ROF for autocannons/machineguns and gave them all a ROF: 30.  Made more sense.  There was a question of over-heating, but most used up all their ammo before they would over-heat.  We had a duel between an A-10 and an SU-25.  The SU had a dual 30mm AC, which would fire at about 60 ROF (two-cannons, side-by-side) which was comparable to the A-10's 30mm Gatling ROF. (100 ROF).  The SU-25 exploded in mid-air and the A-10 became a flaming meteor. Both pilots were gooified.

    And of course, historically, the only difference in ROF was from the MG 42 and the Type 92 Japanese MG. (50/20 ROF, respectively, if I recall). 

  3. Thought of this last week:  so if d6 does half-damage vs. vehicles, why not have d10 do half damage vs. flesh?  Sure, a 12.7mm round on average, should do 33 points of damage.  So your character gets hit and only takes 17; that's still a lethal, mortal-wound. 

    I got this idea from playing a video game in which rocket-damage seems to be less effective against infantry. 

  4. How could 2020 not be a Cyberpunk-dystopia?  Compared to 2019, 2020 was awesome!

    Just use your imagination, a bit; think back to the late-80's/early to mid-90's, what would you think if you knew that in 2020 you'd have:

    A world-wide pandemic with face-masks, and social-distancing mandatory: restaurants closed and businesses regulated. 

    No pay-phones and everyone, I mean everyone, is on an advanced cell-phone(Smart-phones).

    Electric-cars and endless foreign-wars. 

    Media on demand streaming live, to your phone! 

    A game-show host as President.

    The large number of homeless and drug-addicts in 2020 with, designer drugs (Opiods).

    And of course, man-buns. 


  5. It does make perfect sense in Mxmm-Mtl's Penetration-system.  But, I like SP and SDP as a way of preserving the original FNFF-system. 

    The one thing I really like in Shockwave is, "System-integrity checks"; originally in Maximum Metal ACPA rules, they can apply to vehicles as well.

    There was a point in time, in the past, in which I created a Maximum-Metal vehicle record-sheet based off of the ACPA record-sheet found in back. 

    I haven't played Shockwave, but Maximum Metal, plenty of times!  

    And I've played plenty of war-game video-games; it's really, really, really hard to hit an infantry-man with a heavy-weapon.  Yeah, a 20mm Mike-Mike was nice, but an 5.56 LMG was a lot more effective. 

    My solution for thhe 12.7mm/.50Cal rounds is, just add a +1D10, therefore, it does normal vehicle-damage and ignores the x2 to vehicle SP! 

  6. I may have posted something like this years ago, but I was reading Shockwave and noted, again that 30mm auto-cannon, damage is the same as a 90mm cannon!  So, I've reduced the damage of a 30mm cannon to 5D10 per round. Now, this creates a problem for the 12.7mm rounds that originally does 6D10 per round.  I can reduce it to 3D10, as 20mm should do about 4D10 as per the original CP:2020 rules. but compared to a 7.62mm round, that does 6D6+2, which is an average damage of 24 points of damage, a 12.7mm 3D10 round would do, on average, 16 to 17 points of damage per round.  The only benefit over a 7.62mm round is that SP of a vehicle would not be double as it is a .D10 round.  However, it doesn't make sense.  So, maybe going back to CP:2013, having most 7.62mm rounds to 5D6, which the average damage is 17 to 18 per round, and the 12.7mm does 3D10+3, giving it an average of 19 to 20 points of damage, per round. It use as an anti-aircraft/Lightly armored vehicle-weapon is now limited, until it has AP rounds.   But having a 12.7mm round do the same at a 37mm round doesn't make sense.  

  7. I did want to go Nomad, IRL ten years ago; I specifically went to law-school to learn how to draft legal-documents and do legal-research so I can work via the internet; once that happens, I can live anywhere in the world I want to.  Now, I don't want to.  I don't want to leave my books or my tasks I do at the soup-kitchen (drive the van and pick up donations, sort food; prepare meals at times and send excess food out to other organizations).  In fact, I'm not even doing law right now; I drive a forklift, part-time; twelve hours a week pays my bills and I spend the rest of my time volunteering. I have lived in Buenos Aires and I have the economic means to purchase land there, but why?  

  8. On 20/11/2020 at 19:21, Rockwolf66 said:

    Yeah the Homeless I have known tend to wander all over. While I get choked out by wildfires they are elsewhere. Sometimes they disappear for weeks at a time. A couple of them I know might be dead from medical issues now.  I just have no clue as there is no way to track or keep in touch with some of them.


    One guy told me that a drought wouldn't effect him one bit; as long as the water would never come out of a faucet, he'll be fine.  Some disappear while some, we know, die in the hospital;  the other volunteers get choked up about it, but, for me, it's not about people; it's about the greater good. 


    Edit: Speaking of disappearing, there's this 75+ year-old homeless guy named, Gary from the Midwest.  His quote in his accent is, "I'm an old man"; he is convinced he's going to have a house, and the judge even came out and approved it (Judges do that right?) and, he's got a, "Fiance", so, every month he wires her ALL is Social-Security and Gary sleeps on the streets. And get this, his, "Fiance", has cancer, for years now, (Shouldn't she be dead by now?).  So the other volunteers and I called Adult Protective Services and the police to but a stop to this. We got him a new phone so this, "Fiance", and her relatives can't call him anymore. We have no idea where he is. 

  9. On 08/01/2021 at 10:24, The Leviathan said:

    Oh, the envy!  That is one zombie-ready stockpile!

    I always questioned using firearms against zombies; they're already animated dead; brain-dead; what's shooting them going to do?  Flame-thrower, yes. 

  10. On 08/09/2020 at 22:49, Strawberry-Cream said:

    Love it! It so aptly captures that despite the negative attitudes existing towards Metal for its superficial projection of being "dangerous" or "nihilistic", it is actually a lifestyle of joy and tolerance, where you embrace life precisely because you know its insignificance. Metallers seldom get hung up on, or try to deny, our fear of our own mortality and thus provide one good piece of advice on how to live life more fully.

    Also I have been saying for years that the only solution to racism is misanthropy - just hate everyone equally - so I approve of this message.

    I didn't create that meme;  and I agree about Metallers and race.  We hated everyone equally; the only racism we ever displayed was towards each other, to see just how far we could shock our friends. 

  11. I work with the homeless at a soup-kitchen; they do tend to wander all over the state, but not in a group. 

    One wants me to come with her to check out some cool restaurants across the state and she says, "Don't worry, we can sleep in the train-station". 


  12. Ok. They've produced something interesting!  I've always wanted an RPG involving fantasy using the CP 2020 rule-sets.  Night's Edge and Grimm's Cybertales were close and interesting, but it was hard to get into it with a CP2020 record sheet.  Now, they've got something.  From what I've read so far, it looks like they have FNFF in it.  Time will tell. 

  13. 18 hours ago, Strawberry-Cream said:

    If I ever get to GM a cyberpunk again, the hunt for a stolen souped-up lawn-mower will be the initial party hook. ❤️

    Hobo with a shotgun!

  14. Everyone's worried about corporations mirco-chipping people, but they don't realized they already have one; they paid $1,000 for it and it's in their pocket. 

  15. They were certainly more into doxiadis back then vs. the '80s.  I'll have to wait until the college-library opens up; for being a university, they sure have a lot of odd-ball, pseudo-science books that are, well, interesting. 

    I like your quote:
    "But there is room for another layer of well-intentioned but ultimately doomed social engineering by governments, corporations, or even billionaire eccentrics."

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