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Posts posted by Thumper

  1. Finally, I have setup a useable zipped version of the Bozo's Adventure and Sourcebook.


    Also, it can be used just like if you where at the website all with clickable links and clickable imagemaps.


    Startoff by opening Bozo-Cover-Main.html in your internet browser and just go from there.


    check it out at Night City 2030


    or just download the file:  http://users2.ev1.net/~egrayfox/Bozos/Bozo-CD.ZIP


    be warned even compressed it measures 2.5 megs


    This is version .99 of the zip file it contains an overall reworking of some problem with the webpages changes in editing slight content modification.  both the font for the text and hyperlinks have been made easier to read.


    Email me if any problems or inconsistancies occurs since that will be corrected in next version.

  2. OOC (( well if we live through this we are all going to have to work on our team work effort.  This really requires comminucation and we can't really communicate without some form of comm units when seperated.  You should all feel lucky I can even post here and not privitely until I rejoin the group.))

  3. OOC  ( I bought one as part of my equip if you have any kind of commo either pocket or such we should be able to communicate.


    If not eveyone should get one before next big event since it allows you to communicate via subvocalization)



  4. Snowtiger, the only thing I am waiting on is for enough players.  I really need at least five people due to the scope of this group of adventures.


    If tis gets off the ground I am planning to run it as a twice a week update.  People who wish to play need to be able to make a character move at least once every three days or so.

  5. Snowtiger, the only thing I am waiting on is for enough players.  I really need at least five people due to the scope of this group of adventures.


    If tis gets off the ground I am planning to run it as a twice a week update.  People who wish to play need to be able to make a character move at least once every three days or so.

  6. OOC ( this amybe not the best time to ask but what is your rule on aimed/called shots and three round burst mode?  For example what I have done in my games was to allow a called shot but of course when you roll the 1d6/2 whatever rounds don't hit the area called don't hit the person at all.  Just Wondering?)


    knowing that this is the most tense part of any contract negotiation I switch on my Speedware and click my submachines selection to three round burst.

  7. OOC ( if rat can get messages from my Comm I will let him know what I have determined about the rear of the van).


    I will bide my time if I can not get a message through to Rat and wait to see what happens in the back of the Van.

  8. OOC ( I want to make sure I am in one of the closer buildings but not so that my aim would hit my comrades without changing facing.  A perpendicular building fromthe front of the van would be best.)


    I use my mastoid Commo system to tell Rat that i am in position and will open fire only if he gives the word or if the group is fired upon.

  9. In reality my like or dislike only hinges on the material and how usefull and concise it is rather than personal preference.  Anything found usefull and complete will eventually be added in.


    Usefull in this case meaning anything someone in Cyberpunk Gaming might find usefull that does not go to the edge of Muchkinism or visit any extremes of the game or drastically try to alter the rules system.

  10. Although, I may just be replying to myself here I am going to allow the additions of non mapped Corps and other stuff into the Cyber City website perhaps in a seperate section along with Cybercity.net which some wonderful people have started out of the kindness of there hearts.

  11. Tekzombie!


    The name may seem lame but have you voted in the poll yet on naming the City?


    Everyone seems to a t least partially agree on Cyber City for now.

  12. The Cyber City project is supposed to allow players and GM's to join together to design a unique Cyberpunk city setting.


    Any descriptions can be left on the board here, but drawings of locationsare welcome and can be sent to with descriptions to the Cyber City home website.


    Email me at subject Cyber City




    There will be a large update to the two shops currently online this November.




    At Night City 2030

  13. ( ooc:  question for GM approx how far away are the near buildings?)


    Thumper checks all his gear plugs in his smartgun and adjusts his smartgogles.  First I scan the surrounding buildings with Low light and then Thermograph for potential snipers in windows or doorways.


    Whispers to Rat:  If it seems clear should I take a covering position in a nearby building to provide crossfire if a situation occurs?


  14. Actually I have not.  Sounds like might be a good book though.  I have been wanting to try something for Cyberpunk with the inclusion of elements not normally seen in most games plus I have always wanted to get SOV Oil Corp involved in a scenario based in it's home turf with local terrorist groups.


    The current situation and some of the other works I have studdied finally lead me down this road.


    if it does not turn out for a posting game here the info I am working on will become a online module for roleplayers on my website in the same way The Bozos did.

  15. Actually I have not.  Sounds like might be a good book though.  I have been wanting to try something for Cyberpunk with the inclusion of elements not normally seen in most games plus I have always wanted to get SOV Oil Corp involved in a scenario based in it's home turf with local terrorist groups.


    The current situation and some of the other works I have studdied finally lead me down this road.


    if it does not turn out for a posting game here the info I am working on will become a online module for roleplayers on my website in the same way The Bozos did.

  16. Well we will see if we can get a few more people interested.  The party of players needs to be rather large with a lot of specialized techies and such that is why I am going to allow each person to run two PC's one being a Solo.  The Solo PC deos not have to be very detailed and can sort of be a munchkin style character mainly for the proitection aspect and combat while the techs and fixers and what have you do the primary real work that will make the mission possible.


    The whole thing just occured to me when writting part of an article meant to be in edgerunner about the ressurgence of piracy and privateer groups in Corp ruled 2020.


    A few snippets about the whole adventure.


    Place: Azerberjan and adjoining states including the Caspian sea.  


    I will let you chew on that for now.



  17. Well we will see if we can get a few more people interested.  The party of players needs to be rather large with a lot of specialized techies and such that is why I am going to allow each person to run two PC's one being a Solo.  The Solo PC deos not have to be very detailed and can sort of be a munchkin style character mainly for the proitection aspect and combat while the techs and fixers and what have you do the primary real work that will make the mission possible.


    The whole thing just occured to me when writting part of an article meant to be in edgerunner about the ressurgence of piracy and privateer groups in Corp ruled 2020.


    A few snippets about the whole adventure.


    Place: Azerberjan and adjoining states including the Caspian sea.  


    I will let you chew on that for now.



  18. I am trying to see if I can generate interest in a Cyberpunk online game run by my based a little differently than a standard game.  The differnece is not in rules or the addition of magic but in the removal of the players and thier characters out of the flashy bright lights of the city and into an almost alien environment to them, still on earth of course.


    Basis of an adventuring group would include those with skills of maritime activities such as ex sailors and other types familiar with operations on the ocean or at least on coastal vessels and willing to travel and blend in.


    The string of missions would require good solid techs, those with good weapons skills including maritime artillary and missile weapon systems use and repair.


    Players may be allowed to run two characters.  A tech or other support type and a Solo grunt.


    Please reply here if you are interested.

  19. I am trying to see if I can generate interest in a Cyberpunk online game run by my based a little differently than a standard game.  The differnece is not in rules or the addition of magic but in the removal of the players and thier characters out of the flashy bright lights of the city and into an almost alien environment to them, still on earth of course.


    Basis of an adventuring group would include those with skills of maritime activities such as ex sailors and other types familiar with operations on the ocean or at least on coastal vessels and willing to travel and blend in.


    The string of missions would require good solid techs, those with good weapons skills including maritime artillary and missile weapon systems use and repair.


    Players may be allowed to run two characters.  A tech or other support type and a Solo grunt.


    Please reply here if you are interested.

  20. Just wondering if groups like the SCA (middle ages reenactment groups) can be considered a type of LARP and wht about those reenactors who do civil war stuff?


    I have been in SCA for 11 years and have fought in armor chivalric combat for 10 years.


    It is of course not based on a RPG but must be on the same wavelength as LARPS.

  21. Sad to say that the few police officers i have known have had trouble after shooting people just to wound them and bring them to justice the Police officer evetually was asked to leave the city and find work elsewhere due to his bad rep for shooting people and getting the local police department sued.


    Most cold advice I was ever given was if someone enters your home or apartment and you shoot them dead just outside your door trying to get away was to drag them back inside and clean up the mess outside.  This they said makes it a self defense case instead of a murder style case.

  22. IMHO Metal Gear can be usefull for players who are going in for a specific mission of high risk.  I for one have made it a licenced item for my games and anyone out on the streets wearing it other than licenced security and police will be stopped, harrased by security or police forces and perhaps even detained for a while unless they can give a good reason for wearing such stuff and licenses to back it up.


    In the combat zone who cares what armor you wear but those in metal gear are normally good targets for gangs since they must have something valuable or could be ransomed for some money.

  23. OK, I personally am going to add in a revamped version of The Robo-burgers fast food franchise store so that it can be used in Cyber City.


    Robo-Burgers can be found on numerous and seemingly almost every major street corner in town except in the worst areas of the combat zone.


    Secondly, I am going to attempt to add in a nude strip club and maybe background some of the major dancers and such inside.

  24. I would like to set up Cyber City somewhere in the US or a relatively similar cultural setting.


    I really don't care if it's East, West or Gulf Coast, but I do recommend it lies on a coastline or a major body of water or river with outlet to an ocean.


    Now that I am backfrom a short and drenched vaction to the Middle Ages I would like to see more stuff for Cyber City.


    As the Locations come in and are processed it will define the city for what it is and where it is.

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