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The semi-official IRC #Cyberpunk channel is moving


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The semi-official IRC #Cyberpunk channel is moving to psionics.net!


During the past few months those of us who are regulars on the Rebelchat channel #cp-usa_staff. have noticed the lack of people there. Also with www.cyberpunk-usa.com gone, and

the limited prospective audience on the rebelchat server we decided to move to irc.psionics.net.


The #cp-usa_staff on rebelchat will exist for the next two months, but it will be a dead channel, so it is better to come over to irc.psionics.net and join the #cyberpunk there.


There are two co-owners of the channel #cyberpunk, and they Juggler, and me Chrysalis, if we are not there then you may send us a memo by using the /memoserv function. For aid on using memoserv write /memoserv help .


The short and sweet version:


IRC server: irc.psionics.net

new channel: #cyberpunk





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