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Few small problems with the Forum


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  • Super Administrator

Saturday morning I upgraded the backend to use an SQL database - things should be a lot quicker.


I did som ebasid testing before I reopened the Forum but a couple of strange anomolies have come up.


Firstly you may notice that on the main page the links to the latest thread in each catagory pointsd to the worng one. This only affects catagories with a last post before December 1.


Secondly,  some polls are creeping in on threads they are not supposed to be on. its a bit odd this one but I am trying to sort out what has happened and sort it. In the meanwhile if you see a poll in the wrong place just ignore it!


If you find anything else that seems wrong please drop me a PM.

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  • Super Administrator

I have just upgraded the software to the latest release 3 RC3.

I have been able to remove all of the polls that were in the wrong place.


The only known problem now is AOL users not being able to post or PM.

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