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Posts posted by encanta_anima

  1. Is there anyone who has any information about whether either of the swedish LARP-organisations are thinking about putting up a swedish CP2020 LARP?

  2. On sticking with the truth and contacting local papers:


    This idea that I've had. You go into the major city of your environment, in my case stockholm, and get off the subway, undress and start walking through town with no clothes on whatsoever.

    See how long it will take before the police start bothering you.

    You might get a fine of a few hundred kronor (SEK - 1SEK is about 1/7 of a $) but hang on:

    You repeat the same thing the year after, like maybe you do it in May two years in a row, and then you compare how fast it took for you to get caugt each year. Say it took ten minutes the first time and an hour the second time.

    Then you call the newspapers, all of them, and sell the story "Police efficiency in Stockholm has decreased with over 500% the last year".

    You get an awful lot of money for having such a great story, and al the fines and stuff reinstall themselves.


    So, what do you think?

  3. There is always the question of cooling down those systems though. While, when cooled, this system works very well, still it requires more energy than which is saved only to keep it running.


    It is almost contradictionary.

  4. Given what we know of the warfare between USSR and USA during the past decades, can we really lable it as "spooky" that they were on the way to develop space-based weaponry?


    Don't smart bombs navigate by some sort of satellite based sys also?

  5. Which makes me once again wonde r where the morality depraved youth is headed.


    Or perhaps I just matured too fast to ever learn to appreciate these kind of things.


    Peeping into lavatories. That's what I would call malicious lingering. It should be a criminal offence. Hmph!

  6. The thing with the cyberpunk world as I understasnd it is that it isnät actually all based on criminality. It is based on corporations and corrupted regimes, which is not that uncommon even in todays society. It is rather a view, for me, of the world as it will be with the current market developments. We are putting more trust into the liberty of having the choice between several different companies (ref.: a really good sedish short film which was about "the freedom of choosing between, but no the freedom to choose nothing at all").


    The cyberpunk reality which is shown is majorly the one which goes on at street gang level, or the one which is at high adminstrative levell, neither of which is good reporesentatives of the world in which most of us live our lives.

    Anyone who had a background of criminality surely knows that itäs pretty rough down those strata as well (I was once in a youth care social home so I known my citiy's once greatest youth criminal gang leader .:status:. or not....). Cyberpunk would have no real point if all it did was show the way a houseewife in a great city in Mexico was living. That makes no excitement. Same thing as most D&D sessions do not go on about the tedious work of milking cows at six o'clock every morning althouhg that was the reality of about 90% of the population in the medieval times in which D&D are set.


    It all comes down to action and what the public wants. The reason it might be hard to imagine is that most of us haven't lived at that level.,

  7. This mjakes it sound as if TECH is actually the ability to solve practical solutions. Sort of like the ongoing schooldebate about whether some students are more inclined to like home economics and arts, whereas some kids do really well in the theoretical subjects.

    So it is the ability to put action behind those weird calculations that the brainies and bookworms who would never touch a screwdriver think up.

  8. Pah-leeze people. I live in a country whose citizens are named swedes (beetroots!). How could I ever be offended by dirty song lyrics? Ok, I could. Probably a lot also.


    But I shalt be strong! Unsurveilling to your malicious plans. HAHAHAH *maniacal laughter*

  9. still i was hoping not to have to be in front of the comp too much given i'm not going to stay at a place where comps are going to be very available probably. that means i'll have school. and school isn't open for enough hours, or allow the right stuff on comps for me to keep that sort of thing going.


    for a very long time, believe you me. -.-;;

    if there is any justice, i can be shaolin war nun!

  10. Quote
    8. Give IP Freely. If you use this to reward player for everything from showing up and having thier character fail thier rolls(always bumbled it, give ya a 1 in that skill) to show up and kick @ss and take names (perhaps 3-5 in said skills) it will allow them to increase thier skills and give them a sense of accomplishment. Hell, let'em have it. It'll just give you that much more room to whack them later.


    This goes against stuff I've read earlier, where it said not to give TOO much IP because it makes the characters too good, too fast. (?)


    9. Actions take time, actions are amde in fast circumstances.
    Initate the 5 second rule in combat. It will keep up a sense of urgency and make the player have to konw thier PC well enough to run them well. Play goes faster and combat moves at a good pace this way. If they him and haw, urgency and excitement will die and you and everyone else will be bored.
    Actions can take a few seconds to a few days. Track this and amek sure that the world keeps moving.  Calanders and watches slow for no man. Make you world dynamic and have side things going down that have little to nothing to do w/ you PCs happening around them. Keeps it real.


    How do I best prepare myself for fast action in a circumstance of say, improvising? Or do I simply make sure to have enough bg work done for it to work in all possible contingencies?

  11. Quote
    Dont forget, Hydrogen to burn, as a fuel source, or a means to generate electricity.


    Once again, the development of H-fusion would be the cleanest way of all to get a good and healthy energy harvest plant going.

    Especially since space is full of it.

  12. ah, there's such a lot. well, i sort of knew what i was getting into. *whines* it's a lot easier being a player.


    all advice appreciated though. I've already chosen the few honoured who are going to be my guinea pigs *evil laughter*


    *briefs through all passages yet again* I should make a check point list out of this...

  13. Ah yes, so I was thinking about picking up GMing, only I haven't done it before. This is on account of all my friends being chronically lazy and not wanting to GM. It wears on you being the only person with any ambitions whatsoever *adapts a dramatic pose*

  14. Quote
    Not necessarily - if the strengthening nanotubes are 1-inch length fibers to strengthen concrete they're not very useful, or if the'yre veawed into an even 1/100 inch diameter thread  - how do you separate several thousands ultra-fine (molecular-sized !), ultra-strong and *cutting* fibers in usable length ? Even a lab microscope won't allow you to "see" the individuals elements.


    Not entirely true, you can see nanoscopic views with teleoptics. *has read in a biology book*


    the problem, i would imagine, would rather be to put the nano-fibres into the right positions compared to one another: they should tend to slide against each other, thus disarranging themselves. It would induce severe weaknesses in, say, a thin and efficient armour.


    As building material, it is easier to jam many nano-tubes together into larger tubes than can be used as building "skeleton".

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