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Posts posted by wilphe

  1. I think the defining moments of that session were:


    1) Me being kneed in the crotch by an unarmed bounty hunter unfazed by the fact that I was holding an assault rifle.


    2) The whole: "Let's build a huge bomb in the toilets so we can escape through the sewers" idea.

  2. Viper:

          OOC: I had you guys on the ground floor, so down won't take you anywhere much. If you want to be on the more or less identical next floor up then's that's ok. It was never specifed exactly where you were briefing them.



          The firing has died down, someone on the roof sounds like they are emptying a small bore pistol as fast as they can reload and pull the trigger. At what you have no idea, but they almost certainly aren't hitting anything unless there is a blimp hovering 20 feet overhead.


       Your associates break in over comm channels:

    Blaine: "We have the back secured. No hostiles over"

    Stockton: "Going for the roof. Going for the roof."

    Blaine: "Anybody have any hostiles over?"


        Time spent for you and Smith to talk is about as long as it takes for the van to traverse the front of the building. It's built up to about 40 and doesn't look like it is slowing down to corner at the end (and its a T junction at the end with straight on meaning you jump the curb and head into the park).

       Do as you wish...


    Ah Fu:

        They are down, out of the way and fairly safe unless the building collapses. Of course if that happens you are having a really bad day. Someone is still popping pistol fire from the roof, but that's the only shooting going on ATM. Scene is more or less as described, Bennett is running around looking for more casualties for Renata. The only one is Jeff, who Connie is dealing with.

       And even you can see she can't cope with this...




        Your first bite finds a major blood vessal. He tries to scream, but no real noise comes out, air bubbling out through his windpipe. Hot, red, sticky mess covers you and just about everything else in the back of the van. He struggles a bit more and loses unconscious. He'll be dead soon if he is not already. Either way he's no threat to you.


        What the first guy you attacked is doing you can't see, you've got blood in your eyes, but you can feel him moving by your feet.


        Meanwhile the driver is accelerating hard, whilst sitting on the other side of a metal glass partition and wondering how the hell he's going to get you out of there.



        The bullet has entered more or less perpendicular to the skin. There is no exit wound and she's holding her left arm kind of odd and supporting it witrh her right hand, suggesting damage to her shoulder blade or related muscle groups. There's some blood, but not a lot. The channel is not near any major blood vessals.

       The girl flinches, but stays still.


         Bennett sets her down, fairly gently and goes in search of others.



        The car comes into sight, its skidding heavily off to the right into the garbage festoned waste ground to the south that was perhaps once to be a park. Well, its as close to a park as you get around here, which is to say, not much. More of a land fill that's not actually a pit.  The only reason its not covered in garbage is that the people who care enough to move their junk normally take it further than this.

         The driver doesn't even try to be controlling it any more, the rear seat passanger is leaning foward trying to steer. She, it's a she, is not doing much of a job. It mows down a couple of diseased looking saplings and heads into some thick wiry bushes where it hangs up. Its about 60m south of the road and 80m from you.



        It's a bit further back than that, at the corner. The building you are in and its courtyard are a quarter corner of the block:

         E  AB  

         F  CD


    You in C, the person who jumped is at the top between E and A. There's at least two long arms associated with whoever it is, but they are scuffing across the tarmac to a stop and haven't got up yet. One weapon is skidding across the asphalt and smacks into the wheel of a car, the other they are holding on too.

  3. Thanks for the suggestions guys.


    I was curious as to whether this was I "I am not wearing this properly" or a "the concept is inherently rubbish"


    Strangely enough I am right handed and left eye dominant. Though I intend to wear my sword on the right hip on the grounds that I am equally useless with either hand, and can then say "I am not left handed" pull a gun and shoot them.


    Normal loadout has been Beretta 92 phys repping a Five Seven. That's usually his primary weapon, but I have never, ever shot anybody or been shot in ten or more sessions (which is about 50 hours of game time). I intend to keep things that way.


    Session on sunday, pics soon after.

  4. Quote (psychophipps @ Dec. 05 2003,12:38)
    But hey, there's no connection between world terrorism, or even the terrorism that has happened in the UK for the last 20+ years, and the terrorist states that we've been invading is there?

    If you can prove to me that a Taliban regime which came to power in the late 90s was associated with Irish Republican terror dating back to the late 60s early 70s I'll be really impressed.



    You don't need to remind us, we all know that US foreign policy is selfless and altruistic and even when they have:

    Overthrown democratically elected governments.

    Supplied arms to terrorists


    Backed unpleasent vile authoritarian regimes.


    it's all ok because its the freedom loving US of A doing it.

  5. <Applauds Hanns>


    Well Kim Jong Whatever already has A-Bombs and missiles. Which makes dealing with him quite difficult. Not to mention a huge, if not up to date army. Also notice that, unlike Sadamm, he is quite capable of starving his people without any aid from sanctions, bombing or war. Even streaching his economy to the limit and exporting missiles, drugs and forged greenbacks he can barely afford to maintain the status quo let alone cause trouble anywhere else. And the North Koreans have been preparing for war for the last fifty years.


    And even if you disregard the A-bombs there is the whole x thousand artillery pieces dug in in range of Suoel aspect. He doesn't even need any WMD to mess up the South.


    Anyone feel like fighting this guy?



    Sadaam was merely working on gettting the bomb, which meant you didn't have to worry quite so much when you are getting rid of him. Which is a quite good reason for pre-emptive action.

  6. IMC Joe Average has EMP 5-6, anything less than 4 in anything is dysfunctional is some way. Does everyone in your world has average stats of 3 Dog?


    You can be a caring, loving individual with EMP 2. You might not be able to work out what other people are thinking and be socially clueless, but you still be a nice guy. High INT and COOL can help you here.


    Similarly you be EMP 9 and a callous evil #######. You understand where peoples buttons are, and know exactly how to press them.


    The ability to understand others emotions and relate to them is not synonomous with whether you care.

  7. Yeah I have this thing about not breaking my back too.


    The hip is out, as that is where my sword is going. It looks like the Beretta will go in the pocket of my flak jacket and the Desert Ego* in my coat pocket.


    * You know I feel dirty just for owning one of these. Is there some sort of support group I could join. It was originally intended to be a high-calibre anti-borg pistol. But everyone who thinks they are hard carries a phys rep of one of these

  8. And so that everyone is working on the same timeline:



       Looking to the right, ie: Northwards, you can see a rather beat up white van take the corner and head down in front of the building. Something just fell out of the back and the side door slides back open as the driver picks up speed.

  9. This is LARP point, but I have never been able to get a shoulder holster that holds the gun the way I want it. It invariably ends up under my armpit and practically impossible to draw.


    Next sesssion the pistols go in my damn pockets.


    Is this an inherent problem with the concept or am I just cheap and ineffectual?

  10. OOC:


    Rockwolf - I had Trouble outside with Tradge when the nomads came in, you then went inside and were chatting to them I believe. If you went nack outside, then you are in the courtyard. That would make you the wrong side of the building to shoot at it now, but the closest to get to the south and see what's happened to this car that you can hear beginning to skid out across the south side of base.




    Eraser - Combination of not so great skill and some not so great rolls.





       The car is approaching from the west down the road that runs along the south of the building you are in. You are looking out the west wall of the Flame's base so it will pass out of your sight at the end of the round.



          As the incoming fire slackens the driver ceases swerving and simply accelerates away. It's not an easy shot to track and your shot goes lower than you'd like punching through the door. It definatly hits however as you see him jerk and the car begin to swerve right, away from the building and into the waste ground to the south.

         You lose sight of it at that point.



         You reload the Ronin. There are no other obvious threats that you can see or hear. The only shooting is Viper's rifle and some pistol fire from the roof. Inside most everyone is down, a few of the kids are running after Ah Fu. A few casualties. Blaine and Higuta have the back covered.



       Bennett wavers, understands your point and crouches back, picking up the fallen girl and carrying her back. She's shocked, but not screaming. Bleeding heavily from her shoulder though.


        Up stairs, sweep, clear.

        Anyone coming down the stairs from further up than that will be Stockton's problem, and he looks well able to deal with them.



        You stand and force the guy back against the wall of the van, he gives a shriek of terror as you reach for his throat. The guy at the back of the van snatches up one of the other discarded guns as the van decelerates for a corner, pushes the door fully open and half jumps, half rolls out. Never mind the 20 mph the van is still doing.

       The driver takes the corner hard, throwing you and your current grapeller away from the side of the van. You just about keep you footing but he takes the opportunity to bring his skull, hard, into your face. That hurts.

  11. Of couse I could cyncial about the "Freedom-Loving US" allowing Noraid to operate with impunity and channel money and guns to Irish Republicans with the express aim of killing my fellow countrymen.


    But that would be ungracious of me, so I won't mention it.


    Nor will I mention any of the CIA sponsored guerillas, terrorists and coups out of deference to your wisdom.




    A thing I have heard is that not content with their own problems you now find people in Ulster taking sides in the Arab - Isreali conflict. I didn't notice that when I was there a few years ago, but it might be more recent.


    Do these people not have enough problems of their own without importing other peoples?

    Does Tel Aviv have a huge mural of William III?

    Is Ramallah daubed with "Remember Bobby Sands!" graffiti?


    If it is I haven't noticed.


    When I see Ariel Sharon wearing Orange I will finally know the world has gone to pot.

  12. The real thing would lead to me being sent somewhere where I wouldn't have net access.


    It's almost a bit big for me, I have trouble reaching the safety when holding it to my right shoulder. No trouble when holding it to my left though, which is fortunate because that's the only way I can sight it.


    I really wanted a FAL but no one seems to make the things. If you want to phys rep something in 7.62 Nato then it's a G3 or nothing. Not really sure why.


    As for the Lanchester, I am rather impressed, given that they only made a couple of thousand of the things I recall. And it really ought to be in good condition, the Navy never did anything with them except polish them.

  13. You don't regard getting rid of someone who was willing to tolerate a sanctions regime that killed x000 people a year* and risk war in order to hide weapons he does not actually appear to have possessed as morally justified?


    * And would still be killing people now if the war hadn't happened.


    Oh, and I'm adding:


    4) The French and Germans demonstrating that EU rules don't apply to anyone big enough to get away with it and it is alright to act unilaterally so long as you not American.


    #@#'# like that confirms my deepest and most cynical views about the whole European Project.

  14. Viper / Smith:

       The driver punches the accelator and swerves as bullets smash into the car. Smith sends glass from headlights, mirrors and windscreen falling to the tarmac but it's otherwise still moving - more or less, but with a reduced second-hand value. The guy in the passanger well falls back over the seat in an unnatural position.


       Viper's burst start's low and kicks off high, one bullet going in through the top of the bonnet - it might penetrate through to the driver, the other two going high and wide as he struggles to keep the weapon on target.


       Down range a few parked cars and shopwindows soak up the shots that go wide, the few pedestrians who haven't lept for cover do so.



        As the windows are boarded up you can't see anything, of course they can't see you either but that doesn't seem to be bothering them. Blaine and Higuta crawl to the door and scan the courtyard, covering for anything from that direction. Only cover that looks like it might stop one of the bullets are the reinforced concrete supports, of course from there you can't actually get a handle on the attackers.


       Ah Fu:

       Connie has made her way over to where Jeff is lying on the floor, convulsing and spurting blood from his neck and mouth. What ever she's doing it doesn't look like working. A couple of the younger get over their paralysis and will follow wherever you want to go.



       You are on your way upstairs with Bennett in tow. It will take you a turn or two to get there but it has to be less noisy than here. Stockton runs with you, moving fast and heading for the roof, it doesn't even look like he notices you save as an obstacle.

         As you move away from the firing downstairs you can the popping of pistol fire from the roof.



       Your foot lashes out catching the third man in the thigh, he pays a heavy price for his indecision and crashes back into the back doors dropping his weapon.

        There is the, to you, satisfying sound of bone crunching as your hand crushes something accompanied by a high-pitched scream of pain.

        This causes whoever is hitting you with that gun butt merely to redouble their efforts, however it wasn't acheiving much before hand beyond causing a hell of a lot of bruising tommorrow.

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