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Posts posted by Agamemnon

  1. Looking through the d20 SRD got me thinking about unrelated skills that can work together in some situations. I made up the following rules to cover these situations.


    -- From Cyberpunk 2025 Rulebook --


    By synergy, I mean two skills that work well together. For example, a gorgeous blonde can use her charms to aid in bartering and a 200-pound beefcake can twist an iron bar as a means of intimidation.


    In such a situation, two skill rolls are made against the same difficulty. First the character rolls the skill not related to the task (Seduction or Strength Feat in the above examples) If the roll is successful, the character gets a synergy bonus to the second roll equal to the amount the first roll went over the difficulty.


    If the roll fails, there is no effect on the second roll. If the first roll is a fumble, however, the DC of the second roll is increased by 5 points.


    Example: Dimwit Dave tries to intimidate Booster Bubba. Since Dave's player knows that his character is a stupid beefcake with a low Intimidation skill, he makes Dave emphasize his point by punching through a thin wall. He fumbles the first roll, breaking a bone in his hand. It's going to be a lot tougher to intimidate Bubba after that, seeing that he is rolling on the floor laughing his ass off at Dave.


    The GM should judge the synergy rolls before they're made, to avoid stupid attempts. For example, a Seduction roll might help Negotiation, but a Handgun roll won't certainly help in seducing someone! (Well, you can never tell, with some people.)


    -- End Excerpt --


    Question: Is this something that is required?


    Question: Are there any holes in my solution above?

  2. In my stats, Body represents the character's body size and general mass. Strength is physical power and stamina. I guess better labels are required.


    Perks are bought with skill points, but they cost more. Level 10 Combat Sense costs 30 skill points. In my rules, Combat Sense adds to initiative and Cool rolls while in combat.


    I'm also devising a system for synargy bonuses, meaning that Seduction can give you an edge in negotiations and Strength Feat can be used to intimidate


    I'm not familiar with the Psychopipps system, and I prefer it that way. I want a different angle of looking at the thing.

  3. Buoyed by a sudden burst of raw inspiration, I've started the 2025 project on my own. Here's what I've come up with so far


    There are 8 stats











    Question: Is there need for a separate Tech stat? The Fuzion description (which I've used as the base of these rules) makes the stat sound a bit redundant.


    I've also converted Combat Sense, Resources and Authority into Perks, which are essentially bonuses to other skills. Perks cost more than skills (CS and resources cost 3 points and Authority 2) and can start at no higher +4. Only the GM can raise Perks.


    So far, I have not considered adding Humanity, but Stability (as introduced in Wildside) sounds like a good idea.


    I hope I'll have the first draft out soon.

  4. A thing that could/should be copied from Fuzion is Memberships. A netrunner can have a formal position within the police force, which means he gets to use some resources, call backup and flash a badge around.


    It all boils down to the "what you do" - "what you are" conflict, I guess.


    BTW, what should netrunning be like?

  5. Quote (psychophipps @ April 23 2002,18:28)
    If you want it done right, sometimes you just have to do it yourself, eh? :D

    Eggthactly, as Igor would put it.


    I hope consider adding Fuzion-style Perks, since they're one part of the system that would really benefit Cyberpunk.

  6. Quote (psychophipps @ April 23 2002,08:55)
    The fact of the matter is that, if you look closely, you will note a disturbing fact about Fuzion 5.02.  You see, no one has really done anything with it since August 3rd, 1998.

    It has already been established that Fuzion is a bad system and that other publishers have exhibited a lot more sense than R.Tal.


    The point is that R.Tal seems committed to sink or swim with the system. And the question is: what will happen when they do so? Will we all refuse to buy it? Can something be salvaged from it?


    If Fuzion is not a viable way to proceed, what is? Exactly what modifications does Interlock need?


    I'm sure we all have our house rules. What we could do is put them all together, into 2025, if you will. Half here, half there.


    If R.Tal ain't doing the job right, maybe it's time to see whether we could do better.

  7. I don't think they give a sh*t. They can't even keep their website updated, or give us any decent progress reports.


    I thought the general consensus was "wait and see". Blackhammer's ran a poll with the significant majority opting to reserve judgement.


    If people don't like Fuzion, Talsorian will die. They're gambling, and with only a pair of deuces. The odds are that they will lose.


    Whether Fuzion is as bad as many think is another story altogether.

  8. Quote (Darthmurph @ April 21 2002,20:54)
    So just play GURPS Cyberpunk

    I don't think that would be a good idea. What 2020 needs is more players, not less.


    Another thing the game needs is a rules redesign, not a replacement (like they're doing with V3).

  9. Quote (DragoonCav @ April 21 2002,16:22)
    The class system in CP2020 is pretty much a useless holdover from AD&D.  Pidgeonholing a character into his "class role" isn't a good way to encourage good roleplaying.

    Amen to that, Dragoon.

  10. Quote (psychophipps @ April 21 2002,12:24)
    However, by separating the items into two groups you create a "here's what you get in each category...deal" scenario vs. a "here's what you get total...go for it" scenario.  

    I don't understand this comment. English is not my first language. I'm supposed to be good at it, but I just don't get this.

  11. Quote (psychophipps @ April 21 2002,12:24)
    I was actually hoping for some decent examples or your arguement, but...*shrugs*  

    I'm sorry to disappoint you. I guess that makes me a failure as a person... I'm just a teen who has an opinion.


    It can be argued that having PCs that are over the average of normal people is a part of the fun. After all, what fun is playing Joey the Restroom Sweeper? Isn't role-playing about playing heroes? Dark, gritty, immoral heroes maybe, but still people beyond the ordinary.


    And for the record, I don't like DJorgensen as a person one bit either.

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