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Posts posted by Chaosmeister

  1. That is very cool eraser! I had no idea this existed and is a thing I wanted to do but had no idea how. Fantastic. Thanks for the tip! I like Wisdom's map a lot but the detail is a bit overwhelming.

    I am now adding street names and will add the new ones from the Night City Sourcebook as far as I can make them out. I only have the PDF and its very tough to read.

  2. Hi all,

    I have looked up and down for a high res map of Night city from the CP2020 core book as it includes the southern part. As I could not find one I recreated it as an SVG so it can be freely scaled to whatever you need. Its very simple and not annotated or color coded or anything yet, street names are also still to come. But before I go there I was wondering if any of you had suggestions / wished that would make this more useful to you. There is also a PNG of the map. The night city book map is nice but I always preferred this one as I like it simple to leave room for the imagination.


  3. As stated in my other topic I am prepping our new 2020 campaign and will introduce them with Night City Stories. That campaign has some good handouts and I will add some for those items that are missing one. I also like the idea of having regular "Screamsheets" and other news produced for my players. For example like this: https://sites.google.com/view/cyberpunk2025/log/news-rumors/20102025-1800 from the book.

    I am not a good writer. Has anyone done something like this for their campaign and is willing to share? I am looking for material I can intersperse with their exploits. Any help appreciated.

    Also, have you done other props? Custom Forms, Printouts, Business Cards etc? I am always looking for material to add.

    I did find some older threads from 10 years or so ago and figure someone may have done something new in the meantime. 🙂

  4. Thanks again, this is why I am happy this place exists! I will keep this in my GM notes, such great advice. Actually, I just put it in the rule book. Thank you.

    Your EMP Idea is interesting, will keep it in mind. Usually the problem I have faced is that you have the Fixer or Rockerboy with almost no chrome who does all the talking so no one else really uses these skills. It will be interesting to see how this will work now that the core group won’t have one.

  5. Hi Mikael,  thank you for your thoughts!

    REF: I will have to decide that on a case by case basis, depending on what the thing is made to do. My general thought is if an item boosts REF now it won't affect DEX, the character would need a new item for that. We took this idea from RED, and we liked to split up Melee fighters from Ranger fighters a bit stat wise.

    ATT:  Also very poignant. I set them there as I thought EMP could use more skills to make humanity loss hurt a bit more. But your observations are well-founded and make more logical sense.

    Roles: I understand your point. We do love the roles and SA Skills, we wouldn't play CP without them, that's why we did not go with OCELOT. Or anything like that. The Skill additions were made to make things "better" as we like having characters be noticeably more competent in their specific field.  But I see the concern too. If we see it dominating the game we will probably remove them. Probably should put that in there. The additions for the corporate where done to make these two skills actually see some more use in the game.

    Again, thank you, your comments give me something to think about.

    So far it looks to shape up nicely. I will have 2 regulars 1 Semi Regular and 1 "Special Guest" due to the latter two having shifts to work and only having short notice windows. The Main team looks to be an assassin type Solo with a Netrunner/Tech companion. The other two haven't decided yet but its early still. Campaign website prototype is up too. We consider posting the Logs at least in English even though we are all German. We will have to see. https://sites.google.com/view/cyberpunk2025/startseite

    To get back in swing I plan to run a scream sheet and then play through Night City Stories.


  6. Hi all, new here and compared to any who hang around here regularly new at cyberpunk probably! I played a lot in the 90s and off and on throughout the years. Always has been my favorite system. We played a RED Jumpstart session a few weeks ago and all that did is fire us up to get crunchy and dive back into Cyberpunk! If everything goes well we will start soon with a very mixed group of old hands and total beginners. Having Augmented Reality right next to my CP core rules, so thank you all for helping in making that book a reality, it's a fantastic tool kit.

    We did feel some things from CP2020 needed house ruling from our own experiences, or rather memories of them. I compiled the Booklet for my group with house rules and ideas I combed from everywhere. It has been a long time since we played, so we might be off about the one or other thing. If someone would like to comment and share their experiences I would be glad to hear it. Still am in the polish and finishing stages for details and layout and then I am going to get this printed for the whole group.



    The image on the cover is by PenUser on DeviantArt


  7. By all standards I am lurker and noob around here. I always looked in but never participated in any way. Still, this is one of the few "old places" for Cyberpunk still around. With RED around the corner and the 2077 release looming there will be renewed interest in the genre and I would be very sad if the sources available to me when I was new to CP would disappear for others. Fresh users would probably expect a bit more modern interface and look to stick around. From the sound of it 2 might be worth a try. Lesser cost is a good start, better and more secure technology never hurts. You could try to do a funding drive to get the funds needed? Or a Patreon or something like that? I can't chip in tons but 1-5 Bucks a Month is doable. If there still are enough around it could work. Again, I would hate for this place to disappear even if I at best was a casual observer.

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