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Posts posted by Snowguard

  1. Thanks Stephane. For some crazy reason I knew I'd seen those a couple of times before, but couldn't recall where.


    As I said, the puppethead is my choice, in part because I'd see most of my characters jacking into a hardshell or a Deck than a gun. It's largely out of the way and has that 'Ghost in the Shell' quality about it.


    But hey, that's just me.

  2. I was thinking about interface sockets that you could get, and was wondering about the various styles. Common with gun bunnies would be the wrist implants. There are temple mounts, and my personal favorite, a pop-rivet in the back of the neck!  :D


    I heard somewhere that these all had nick-names, though I can't remember them.


    How about you?

  3. The motorcyclists coming in, followed by a dune buggy, is a little disconcerting. None of these vehicles have the style Jordan liked, but if it was those folks doing the bullet-swap, Ah Fu could handle just about any choice of vehicle they had. Pulling on his cap and throwing his bag over his left shoulder, he moved over towards the edge of the group, just to get a feel for them.


    Stockton looked pretty much like all the other gaau he'd seen yesterday, though the smell of 'other' didn't linger around him - at least not from this distance. The buggy boys were climbing out of their conveance, one sort of friendly, the other cold.


    Then there was the girl in leather. Her dark hair made her look like the younger sister on 'Szechuan Princess', but the leather was something else. Almost a nightclub dancer trying to cater to the Edgerunners in the crowd. If she weren't a foreigner, and a gaau, she might be worth taking out for sushi after this was all over. The pok gaai her checking her out didn't stand a chance. Were foreign girls impressed by sushi?


    Cap still on, Ah Fu found a crate to lean against and watch as everyone else did the meet 'n' greet.

  4. Vilkommen, Scuffy, and as the others say, get involved.


    I've seen what you were talking about, and not 15 minutes ago was I walking down the street, trying to think what my city would look like in 2020. In particular I was think about fashion, and yes cargos. The line I came up with was:


    "Cargoes are in, but then again, in Brisbane, they were never out. Light-weight, pocket-ful and available in a myriad of colours. Essential for any Edgerunner chillin' in 'Vegas!"


    I'd say about a third of the people I've seen today were wearing them, and my favorite pair of pants is a paint-splattered pair of khakis. (Not MilSpec - Just Mallplex stuff) I wear them all the time, and with a change of tops can be everything from a Divemaster to a Wheelman to a pistol-toting hitter for my more 'organised' friends.


    In my mind, at least.

  5. After many moons of looking at my colleagues contributions online, I thought I'd add my current PC from 'Return to Night City. Hope you like


    Name: Cheung Siu Fu (Alex)

    Handle: Ah Fu, Tiger

    Age: 22



    INT: 7 REF: 8/10 TECH: 8 COOL: 8 ATTR: 6 LUCK: 7 MA: 8 EMP: 7/6 BODY: 6

    Run:  Leap:  Lift:  Save: 7 BTM: -2




    Sneak +4, Awareness/Notice +5, Stealth +6, Handgun +2, Elec. Security +5, Melee +3, Hide/Evade +4, Pick Lock +6, Athletics +3, Disguise +2

    Pick Up

    Streetwise +4, Endurance +3, Brawling +3, Basic Tech +5, Gambling +5, Electronics +4

    Languages: Cantonese (native), English +6, Mandarin +3



    Neural Processor

    Kerenzikov +2



    Work (Carried in a small black rucksack)

    Gibson Battlegear Sneak Suit (SP 10, 0 EV)

    B & E Tools

    Advanced Alarm Removal Kit (+1 TECH, 3kg)

    SmartDecryptor (+15 vs Card/Vocolocks)


    Other things

    Mobile Phone w/ 1 months service

    Digital Chip player w/ 2 chips of Sammi Lam’s inane Canto-Pop

    Cheap sneakers, grey, cheap pants, black, cheap t-shirt, black, medium synth-wool jacket, black

    Baseball-style cap, purple, with the logo of the Double Flower Football Club

    Techtronica Black Zap Glove (EX, 0, P, C, Stun –2, 6, 1, ST)

    Hong Kong Identity Card (His own) w/ 30 Eb

    Pager and pass from Sidewinder

    317 Eb



    Cheung Siu Fu was born in the early hours of 9 January, 1999, in an apartment on Yue Man Square, Kwun Tong, Hong Kong. Ah Fu was the second child of Cheung Hoi Wai, a construction worker, and Wong Chi, a food hall attendant, both of the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone, China. They had come to Hong Kong on the pretext of visiting Hoi Wai’s older brother, Cheung Hoi Lam, but Ah Fu was born early in his uncle’s flat. His parents saw this as a chance to escape the Mainland, and applied to the bureaucracy to gain Right of Abode. The wheels turned slowly, and it wasn’t until Ah Fu was 4 that a response occurred; Ah Fu could stay, his parents had to go back over the border, and into detention. Left in the care of his uncle, Ah Fu became a Hong Kong Permanent Resident and commenced Primary school at the age of 5.


    The next 11 years were unremarkable, spent daydreaming in class, hanging out in his uncle’s electronic repair shop and playing with children. His uncle’s family were hardly comfortable but Ah Fu never went without a meal and always got little presents during the holidays. Upon completing his Form 5 examinations in Secondary school at 16, Ah Fu’s lackluster grades excluded him from the cut-throat education system. Dropping out, he helped his uncle around his shop and first learnt of the Skyline Cruisers. A close-knit team of cat-burglerers and safe-crackers, the Cruisers became idols to Ah Fu, his uncle being their fix-it man general Techie. After unsuccessfully trying to emulate them, the group’s charismatic leader, Leon Lee Tak Wah, took Ah Fu under his wing at his uncle’s request. Learning the ropes from a master, Ah Fu became adept at the art of Breaking and Entering.


    At first he would act as a scout and look-out while the others took care of ‘business’. As years went by Ah Fu contributed more to operations, having a particular knack for intrusion. Last year the Cruisers were part of a brazen heist of the Kingsway Hotel Casino in Macao for ‘Mr. Chu’, the team’s shadowy patron. They were successful and the cut was more than enough for the group to indulge a little. Ah Fu got himself a Sneak Suit, a Black Zap and several all-night drinking sessions. He had a brief liason with Maggie Lee Ka Lai, a Causeway Bay department store clerk and Leon’s cousin. While the pair had fun, they decided that being friends was probably easier. An influencing factor on this was the vastly different worlds they each came from. Another, at least for Ah Fu, was due to some rather nasty Blue Glass Maggie gave him one night. While undamaged by the incident, he just didn’t like things that heavy.


    The Skyline Cruisers continued to work their magic, their final run was against the Standard Chartered Bank. Going in was fine, but little did they know that their Netrunner, Bryce Thurby, sold them out. In the bug-out that ensued, Leon’s lover, Pinkie Ng Mei Yi, was killed, and Leon and the rest of the Cruisers disappeared. Wishing to keep his uncle from being implicated, Ah Fu sought sanctuary with Mr. Chu. After laying low for a week, Ah Fu learnt that there was a 10,000 Eb reward for anyone who could assist in the capture of the thieves who hit Standard Chartered. There was no news from Leon and the others, and in the interests of safety, Mr. Chu sent Ah Fu to an overseas contact of Leon’s – Sidewinder in Night City.


    After arriving in America on the Yokohama Flower, Ah Fu found Sidewinder and has joined up with a group of Edgerunners he is putting together for various jobs. While the group are all foreigners, Ah Fu is getting along with them well enough. His goal is to find out what happened to Leon, and then go after Bryce for some payback.



    Ah Fu is a Chinese male, 5’5, with a wiry frame and short spiky black hair, clean shaven, but otherwise unremarkable. One or two girls back home have thought he was cute, though he won’t say much in return. Due to his current lack of wardrobe, he gets around in black pants and t-shirt, and if the weather warrants it, a woolen jacket. He can often be seen wearing a purple Double Flower Football Club baseball cap, a present from Leon and his most-prized possession. If he’s doing a night job he’ll wear his Sneak Suit, but most of his work outfit stays in a black backpack that is never far from him. If he is forced to, he’ll use his Black Zap, but Ah Fu tries to avoid violence. He is by nature quiet, and recent circumstances have only deepened his suspicions. Unless someone has been thoroughly cleared by his contacts, he’ll shut up and not discuss anything outside of business. Due to a glitch in his Kerenzikov, if Ah Fu is kept waiting in one place for too long he’ll develop what could best be described as a nervous twitch. It’s nothing serious, but can get on the nerves of others.

  6. First up, it does look nice, but like Strawberry said, a little on the stereotypical side. (No offence intended - gotta go with what ya feel, gatos!) The disadvantages don't really seem like they could prove to be difficult to bypass. Someone that obsessed with all things Russian wouldn't work with non-Russians, (that includes something as almost-Russian as Ukraini) would probably use only NeoSov equipment and wouldn't bother speaking other languages. He wouldn't be very nice to most other characters and would have to work hard to be in a game I were running.


    And if I were feeling REALLY generous, I'd give him 6 points.


    As for the loyalty to Vlad, maybe 4 points, but you'd want his loyalty to be tested a LOT during gameplay.


    Of course, if he's an opposing NPC that you stack up against the good guys then none of the figures really matter.


    Have a look at this little ensemble to see how Advantages and Diasdvantages could be worked.


    *This has been unscripted commercial for Snowguard - 'You know you want me!'*

  7. One minute Ah Fu was back at home with the old gang. They were at Midnight Noodle Bar, the one in Yau Ma Tei, just around the corner from the Temple Street markets. Leon and Pinkie were feeding each other noodles. Jordan was sitting near the door, his face in his trademark scowl, keeping an ear out for the ear. Uncle was there too, sipping tea and telling tales of how things used to be. The atmosphere was bursting with smoke, and the strains of The Butterfly Lovers faintly the background let him feel as if everything in the world was right.


    The next, the sounds of a dozen pok gaai coming back into the hideout woke him up, telling all and sundry about motorcyclists looking around.


    It wouldn't take too much to figure out which one Ah Fu would rather was the truth.


    Dragging himself up, checking his work kit, and his latest haul, were all in order, he looked out the window. What people would want to bring perfectly nice motorcycles around the city? He knew a couple of bikers back home, who raved about how open the roads in the New Territories were, only coming to Kowloon for work, food, and rarely, sleep, and NEVER went across to the Island. With all free space this country was supposed to have, it just didn't make sense.

  8. Any of you gatos read this one? I'm about a third of the way through, and despite it being a little different from our own world (the Austro-Hungarians rule Mexico) and at times derivative,(if I hear about another molecule-thin blade I'm gonna take said blade and shove it right up the author's... sorry, getting carried away) it gives the feeling of Cyberpunk very nicely.


    My favorite part thus far is smart-talking, Brooklyn-accented Colt hiPower pistol. A gun that thinks for its shooter, changing sides and able to pass itself off as a Papal Nuncio is worthy of further investigation. Someone out there care to give their piece an AI and INT score? Check this book out for hints.



  9. I was wondering about this very topic not a week ago. There are certain other benefits to having a SIN, such as access to Education outside of Nomads/Squaters and the much greater likelihood of being able to keep money in a financial institution other than a Face Bank.


    I've even thought about which 'Roles' would and would not likely be Zeroes:


    *Corps: Essential, given that you've decided to 'play by the rules'


    *Netrunners: Probably, 'cause where else are you going to learn about tweaking the System than by being a part of it.


    *MedTechs: More than likely, unless you learn your trade from a Ripperdoc or some other less-reputable source.


    *Fixers: Perhaps, if you maintained a legitimate identity as well.


    *Medias: Yes, unless you're working for an 'underground' press.


    *Cops: Oh yeah! Tools o' the System, Baby!


    *Nomads: Highly unlikely, given that you are the antithesis of the Corporations, and this is pretty much their world now.


    Others, such as Techies, Solos, Rockers, Prowlers, Runners, et al, could go either way. My rule of thumb is that if you've gained an Education beyond the equivlent of Junior High, come from a 'legitimate' background, done time in the Forces or spent time doing something other than messy whack-jobs for the Corps, you've probably got a SIN.


    That isn't to say you have to have one for the rest of eternity. I know of plenty of 'Punks who've faked their own deaths and lived on the Edge. Also, you can always speak to your local Shoemaker and get yourself a Dead Baby. Make it someone who might have reason to skirt with the Street sometimes and you're set - cover ID that could pass for you!


    Of course, this is just my take on things. You can do whatever the frig you like.

  10. Working his way through the chips, Ah Fu let out a string of sighs. The soaps were as banal as anything back home, though the romance e-books reminded him of some of the things Pinkie liked to read. Pinkie always was a romantic...


    Watching the soaps gave him an urge to see something from home. Even a repeat of a trashy 2015 TVB Jade drama (a very bad year on a VERY bad station for the genre) would be nice. Maybe later.


    Deciding to give his haul a miss and hopefully pass it on to one of the pok gaai in a little while, Ah Fu takes a slug from the bottle of bourbon, gags, coughs for a few minutes and lays out in a relatively comfortable position for a cat nap.

  11. Letting out a sigh, Ah Fu finds a plastic bag and drops the labelled chips in for safe keeping. None of them seem at all interesting, though maybe some of the younger foreigners would like the pop. As for the clear ones...


    Taking his portable chip player out of his bag plugging in the earphones, he goes through listening to the ones he can't quite make out. They may not have music on them, but those that do could be interesting. He had 2 plays left on one of his Sammi Lam limited-life chips, and the other one, on closer inspection seemed to have a cracked casing and scratches on the internal parts. Oh well. He'd never been a big fanboy, and his interest had been largely sexual. Maybe the could go shopping and see what the markets around Chinatown had.


    After tonight, of course, Ah Fu reassured himself.

  12. Hmmm... Now THATS even better! Granted It will jack up the price, but if you can make them the property of the hospital/clinic/centre then a Corp can foot the bill and keep everyone safe.


    I got the idea from seeing just how dangerous Emergency wards were today, and with cyberpsychosis added in, this became a natural development.

  13. Just in time for the 'Chromer season. A set of hospital utilities (better known as 'scrubs' to those in the know) that are not only hygenic and offer protection against the nasties that Health professionals encounter daily, but now offer SP12 protection against anything the Cyber-psycho happened to slip past security. MediPlus Industries offer outfits that cover all parts of the body at a VERY affordable price. (even cheaper if you buy in bulk)


    Shirt/Tunic/Pants 15eb

    Surgical Gown 25eb

    Gloves/Cap/Face Mask 2eb


    Saving lives doesn't mean you have to take risks!


    (OOC: I hope this doesn't infringe on something someone else has put together. Just a little something to salute my 200th post.  :D )

  14. Okay, maybe this has been hashed out somewhere in the deep past. Given that I'm more interested in the 'feel' of the world than "My Ara-Mili-Stern-IMI Cannon-'O-Whoopass" statistics. I probably wouldn't be a good GM as I'd like to see players think rather than have them roll die and see what happens. This can probably be gathered from the Role behind the topic title.


    (Okay, so I'm not much for Roles either. I'm in favour of Ocelot's system, which is much more 'Punk in the sense that heroes do all sorts of things to get by.)


    So, onto my question. Where do Nurses fit into the whole Medtech stats table? I see a leap from TraumaTeam-ers to GPs. There seems to be a distinct lack of consideration of what else could exists. Maybe I'm being anal, but given that it's a career option that would still exist, and could fit quite well into the world, (even have an idea for a character concept/story) I was just wondering what the rest of you thought? Mr. Public?

  15. How far afield can you call gatos? I'd always think it would be downright cool to get an international call on my mobile. Especially if I were on a train... looking all slick and Edgerunner-like.  :fire:


    Yeah, Maybe I should dress slick more often. I've got some very nice 'Fixer' threads, and while I know where to go to get things I'm sure there are better Fixers on the boards.


    Wait up, I'm the only 'Punk in this urban sprawl of almost 2 million... I'm the goto guy for EVERYTHING!!!

  16. After lurking at the back of the group and stealing a couple of fries, Ah Fu takes this break in group activity to do a little study regarding his haul. Finding a quiet corner, he starts going through the chips one by one, looking at the labels (if there are ones with labels) hoping that not all of them are foreigners. Sure he's heard of Johnny Silverhand, but only in a distant sense. He's never heard his music, but unless he's got lots of backup dancers or has done an album of Canto-Rap, he's not really interested.


    For those chips without labels, which could be anything from Mom's Recipes to bootleg Euro-porn, will be gathered together into a little pile. Sure, there is a chip player, but there's no screen. Something to do when they get home... unless these pok gaai have a TV...


    Depending on how far he gets along in his search before being wanted by other forces, Ah Fu will probably drift off for a bit. He's been up since this morning, and as he's naturally a night person, an afternoon nap is in order.

  17. Okay, so I haven't seen the original of this '69 Classic, even though I should have. I did however see the remake, starring Wahlberg et al, and after reading a few reviews have to say go and see it.


    The heist in an exotic location, the betrayal, the hi-tech gizmos, the style, the cast... This is what Edgerunning is all about people! Think Heat with a lot less guns and a lot more laughs.


    Okay, so maybe the chase scenes are silly with Minis, but, aside from it being a tip of the hat to the past, it's also showing how resourcefulness wins out over the 'Big Lunk-UberCannon' Theory.



  18. Pulling his haul together in one bundle, Ah Fu searched his immediate locale for a plastic bag. Keeping everything together in the one place, separate from his work kit, and somewhere safe that these lap saap kids won't pilfer is the only smart thing to do.


    Coming downstairs with his bundle semi-discreetly stuffed under his arm, Ah Fu nods to ther others. The van would be the perfect place... Looking around, making sure no one is watching him directly, he slides the player, chips and knives under a seat in the rear compartment. If nothing else, the Flames won't want to get on their bad side.


    With the money in his pants and bourbon bottle sticking out from his jacket pocket, he follows after the others to hear about what Smith was supposed to have had him doing.

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