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Posts posted by Krypter

  1. DXHR gets somewhat weaker towards the very end, but it's still a fabulous story. Detroit and Hengsha are the highlights of the game though. Have you reached Hengsha yet? If not, definitely get back to it. Plus, you really want to try the laser and the plasma lance.


    Wish they had a better DLC for it though, or a full-blown sequel.

  2. Old dogs should learn new tricks, and play with the new dawgs. :)


    Didn't suggest deleting anything, simply reorging so that it's easier to navigate for new people, and generates more postings. Users can always look back at the archives, and search is always available as well. Having fewer forums increases user participation and reply counts. Most people find it easier to follow 1 or 2 forums than 30. Most forums here are either stagnant or get a tiny amount of posts per month. You'd get more if you condensed them. That's based on website user experience tests I've done, though I admit I'm not an experience architect at the moment.


    And 4chan was just an example of a website that's used the same skin since forever, but changed. Didn't suggest following them in anything else other than updating your look.


    As an example of a concise, well designed forum with some modern skins, take a look at the Cyberpunk Review:




    They handle a lot of topics and visitors with only 5 forums. Cheers.

  3. Fun ideas but a poor presentation of the mideast. It's a sappy, romantic pastiche of the real mideast, and not very convincing at that. The author clearly wanted to write about his native New Orleans and shoehorned it into the mideast to make it more exotic.


    I liked the sourcebook better, to be honest. He had some good ideas for making cyberpunk games better.

  4. I liked Altered Carbon but Thirteen just bugged the hell out of me and I couldn't get past a quarter of the way through it. Jesusland being one of the most egregious offences to my intelligence, but it's just filled with idiotic ideas, poor presentation and what I call the "European redneck idea of what the USA is like". I mean look at Morgan's source for this book; he's dumb as a rock when it comes to understanding America, and it shows in every second sentence in Thirteen. His one gift is presenting cyber-horror in interesting new ways.



  5. VFTE may be getting a lot more attention as one of the few surviving active Cyberpunk communities once the new game from CD Projekt gets going, so it might be a good idea to do some spring cleaning and tidy up the huge number of ancient subforums here.


    Sometimes this place looks like a dusty library with cobwebs everywhere. Subforums like Viridian, KISS, Cybercity.net, Demo Team and others haven't been touched in years, and should probably be archived. Plus there are way too many "chat" places, so it's hard to figure out where to put general things like the videograme announcement (I wasn't the only one who didn't see the first post about it, and I actually searched).


    It'd be a lot easier to navigate this place with a lot fewer subforums too. Just a suggestion.


    ps: some new forum skins wouldn't go amiss either. Even 4chan updated theirs.

  6. All this deep philosophical talk about tech...and my VCR still blinks 12:00.

    Your whatnow?


    Skinweave is pretty overpowered, but as people have already said there are a variety of mechanical, social, situational and downright Referee-fiat solutions.


    But I also get the impression that armor in general is a bit overpowered. Would reducing all armor by 2-4 points have any large negative consequences, if I wanted to do that?

  7. Someone's been reading a lot of wikipedia.


    The Union is quite a good concept, actually, very grounded in the fact that individuals and governments alike like to wallow in debt to gratify themselves. No doubt the listed prices for cyberware in CP2020 are grossly low when you consider that a single day of hospital stay can be several thousand dollars a pop. Cyberware, if and when it becomes mass-produced and commercially available to the public, will no doubt be horrendously expensive, necessitating large loans. And since the ill, and those who want to chop off their perfectly fine limbs to replace them with superlimbs, are quite the credit risk, there will certainly be both a gray and black market for second mortgages, cash advances, organ selling and extremely punitive repossession. Given how we bang on corporations for the slightest social ill, I'm also sure that legally corps will never have the power to repossess organs, but they just might be tempted to outsource that work to criminal groups like the Mafia, the Triads...and the Union.

  8. The best recommendation I can give for this novel is that it explains the backstory of the boss fights in the DXHR game, which are otherwise completely lacking in context and fairly here's-a-random-boss. The prose is competent but the story is rather pedestrian. Still, I enjoyed the world setting and the deeper explanations about politics and social change in the DX universe. Overall, it's a good introduction to the world and sets the stage for the game quite well.

  9. I heard both good and bad things about it. It's supposed to be a very smart serial killer story, but with too much neuro-psychological determinism, and so much cruelty that I don't think I really want to read it.

  10. Thanks for pointing out this author to those of us who hadn't heard of him. I've really enjoyed his books. Not traditional cyberpunk action-adventures by any means, but really cool near-future fiction dramas with solid characterization and baroque descriptions of his chosen locales. Very much in the vein of Gibson and Sterling, but with more cultural depth and less techno-fetish posturing.

  11. The new Netrunner looks very sleek. FFG probably retained the rights to the Netrunner CCG rules, and they've changed the fluff to fit with their own Android world setting. Since this isn't a random pack game and you get the complete set of cards with the box, I think I'll be buying this one. There'll be expansion packs, of course, but they'll be complete set as well.


    >Genesis Descent is confirmed as dead? Where?

  12. Well good. Right now i've got Deus Ex 3, Dragon Age and Skyrim, all sitting half finished on Steam ;). I think i'll need 4 years to catch up!

    Since I've finished all those, I need something NOW. Syndicate did not do it for me. I'm hoping we'll get a beefy DXHR DLC some time this summer, or even a sequel.


    I need my cyberpunk fix, dammit.


    When I was watching Mike Pondsmith go on stage and claim that Cyberpunk has 5 MILLION players I thought: LOLNO, they probably moved the decimal place 3 zeros to the right by accident. That or he thinks it's still 1992.


    But man, what a voice. He could do half the voice-acting for the game and I'd be cool with that. :D

  13. Wow, amazing news! The popular Polish developer CD Projekt, creators of the Witcher series of video games, have announced that together with Mike Pondsmith they will be creating a triple-A Cyberpunk video game, using the RED engine.






    There's hope for our little game yet.


    With any luck, the video game will signal the release of a new version of the tabletop game as well, and I don't mean V3.


    Early days yet, as they're just hiring developers, but we'll probably see the final result 2 years from now.

  14. I'd reduce a lot of the SP values by 4 for anything that's just regular clothing. What are these things made from anyway, to ignore the laws of physics, alien magic metal?


    The rules for armor degrading are good too (-1 per hit on Hard armors, and/or -1 per penetrating hit on all armors). Military grade armors are not specced to take more than 1 or 2 hits and still maintain 100% efficiency and integrity.

  15. >Afghanistan. Using it's wealth


    I lol'd.


    >and Pakistani technology


    I lol'd even more.


    But otherwise it sounds like a fun wargame scenario, completely implausible though it may be.

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