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Posts posted by NiteWolf

  1. Back in the mid 2020 World War 3 broke out. It lasted for several decades and the face of the planet was ravaged. durring this time period techknolgagy grew at an alarming rate. The straw that broke the camels back was the invention of plasma neclear warheads witch in 2090 where use to end the war. 3/4 of the worlds population was gone in a milisecond. most of the tech was drop to what it was in the 2020's and what is left can only be found in one place japan they where the only place not to be affected and sometime you mite find it in a junkyard. The year is now 2099 and its time for a change in this post war world.






    ps. this is the short verson. i will post the long one on i figure out all the details


  2. This is pretty simple.


    you make your character as per the core rule book. As it stands corps and netrunner wont work to well but if you would like to play one let me know and i will concider them. all other roles in the core boor are playable

    also you may use all 4 chrome books, blackhand weapons, and brainware blowout. the reason i'm doing this is to make my life ezer and becasue this is my first time running a pbem game and i don't want to take on to much for the first time.


    Also a writen background would be nice to have....


    Please contact me ( nitewolf@cyberpunk.co.uk ) if you would like to play cause there will be a limited amount of opening. i just have not decided on how many yet.


    i will add more if it is needed


    Please do not post your character on the fourm. you can eather e-mail or pm them to me


  3. Age of a New Era is my first time at running a pbem game. this board will be used of all of the out of game stuff. the gsme is hosted on yahoo groups. i will be adding the basics soon.


    If you are intristed in playing let me know.



  4. Hello Punkers,


    Just thought i would let you all no that I have just seen Akira for the first time. I thought  mite point out that is the perfect example of what would could happen with human expairimitaion. I will say this it was alot better then i thought i would be and now i can't chose between Akira and Ghost in the Shell for witch one is better.

  5. Its been said. but i will say is again Bubblegum Crisis, Bubblegum Crash, ADPolice Files (org. and New), and Bubblegum Crisis: Tokyo 2040. Are a very good for CP type anime. i mite be a little biais because i own all of them.


    BTW Tokyo2040 is only 8 DVDs and 12 VSH. here in the states. for a total of 26 episodes. though if you have seen an episode beoned 26 let me know. Because I'm a huge BGC fan.

  6. I have use Evolving code before and I like it. though i would not sujuest it for PC hands atleast in a wild format. If it is in a peace of software it can be safe For Pc's. Like what was mention about the datawall breaker above.

  7. Take alook at "Bartmos's guide to the NET" Source book for CP 2020 and look and all the color pictures hell just lok at the hole book and all the pictures. That should give you a good idea what its like in the matrix.


    I hope this helps. If not just le t us know.

  8. I think there a prob on the backend of the board. it is not diplaying what topics have new posts and not displaying what the newest post is in on the main page. the only reason i'm bring this up is cause i have to  find the new post the hard way. witch is read every one and see if it has new stuff on it.

  9. i like the look but you need to add it to the BlackHammer skin. cause right know i can't tell what topics hav new posts.


    the only reason i use the BlackHammer skin is because it shows up better on my laptop otherwise i would use the Cyberpunk.co.uk skin.


    Thanks for all your hard work CJ.

  10. beer works better i have fried more mainframes becuase i have spilt beer in them then anything else i have done.........

    well just no i just spilt a beer in the PC i'm riting this post on. I give it about 2 sec before it cra  .....................................



  11. Quote from manu, posted on Nov. 05 2001,20:58

    Heck, most of 2020's top-of-line software is AI written, and it's a safe bet many human programmers don't even fully understand such software - especially if it's some kind of monsterware filling up tenths of MU, only an AI can have a full perpeception of the stuff.


    I have yo disagree with you on this one. the best softs out there were writing by runner. There is not an AI out there that can beat an Elite Runner. The reason why is AI's don't have imagination that humans have.



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