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Posts posted by Companero

  1. Yeah, it's a possibility.


    For the record, any system I write is unlikely to have levels, except maybe as a very loose "if you've got this much experience you're at this level" system for balancing enemies against.


    I suspect it wouldn't have character classes either, although I have surprisingly mixed feelings about that.

  2. D&D because the rules are simple - for 1st and 5th edition, anyway - and lots of people know it. It would instantly fit into the OSR/flailsnails thing going on and would be compatible with Stars Without Number.


    Also it's the first game I can think of with an open license. If D6 has one, then that's worth looking at.


    Most likely I'd try to write my own thing, but the rules side of things is where i'm weakest.

  3. I always felt GURPS Cyberpunk suffered a little from being too ...informed? It's a great resource for running a hacking game set in 1995!


    That said, it is a great brainstorming tool. I like how focused on the net it is.

  4. Actually Geist, I spent a lot of time last night thinking about an OSR crowd aimed Cyberpunk game. Part of me really wants to actually try it - maybe team up with Hydra Collective or someone like that and try to kickstart it. Pay Malek77 and Interrupt to do the artwork and so on.


    The problem is, I don't think it could be based on CP2020 for any number of reasons. It would have to be it's own thing, maybe even based on D&D.


    Something to think about.

  5. Oooh, cool!


    I've always wanted to do this someone else to do this, as I'm completely dangerously unqualified.


    I do think with this project, more than most, you have to define your aims from the start.


    It would be very possible to add a bunch of very complex, detailed and realistic rules to the game... which would slow everything down or simply not get used. The Bullets and Bandages sourcebook for Shadowrun 5e does this and openly states that it expects most people to put the detailed rules aside. Nothing wrong with that approach, but it won't have mass appeal.


    Plus all the shades in-between.


    I think a good compromise position would be to keep a separation between maintaining cyberware and designing it, with regards to the skills a character needs.


    CP2020 tends to require characters to put a lot of points into two or three skills anyway for characters to get the most out of their Special Ability - the Solo needs two or three weapon skills, melee and stealth to make best use of Combat Sense, a techie needs a couple of different tech skills to back up Jury Rig, the media needs 3 or 4 different social skills etc etc.

  6. Something about forums did seem to create lasting friendships in a way later mediums don't, and I'm not sure what it is. Maybe it's simply that I had more time to devote sitting around in chat rooms back in the day.


    I spend a fair bit of time in the CP2020 board on G+ but so far I haven't flown most of the way around the world to meet any of the people there. Whereas last month I spent two weeks on Malek77's couch :D

  7. I keep meaning to post some and have about 4 half written ones sitting in the back of Vircades Project, but yeah, we are lacking them.


    The Horizon adventures for Shadowrun are easy to adapt, as are the quick things in the Sprawl Sites documents they put out two or three years back.


    I'd also suggest a sourcebook called Darkness Visible for Stars Without Number as an excellent source of quick adventures.


    But yeah - none of that is as good as actually doing our own stuff :)

  8. You guys are right about averages. As usual, I'm misremembering the rules :P


    Companero, how would you play a savant INT 2 character?


    ...I wouldn't :P


    I think the traditional way of playing an INT 2 Solo would be something like episode 2 of Samurai Champloo (look on youtube...) where the character is mentally slow, easy to manipulate and full of self-loathing, while retaining some unstoppable physical characteristics often linked to an explosive temper. Or you'd run him like the classic "Goliath" trope - the big stupid brute.


    I can't think of any examples off the top of my head - and that's going to bother me all day - but there's a related trope for engineers. You get it a lot with car mechanic characters specifically - usually they have a southern US accent, usually they don't/can't care about anything other than cars, usually they're thick as a sack of bricks. It's complete class hatred by film writers, but...


    Hodor in Game of Thrones would have been a car mechanic if the story had been set in the modern day, instead of just the stable boy.


    I'm not sure either trope - and especially not the Goliath version - would actually be a fun PC in an extended game. It would be boring, massively limit the player's RP options, and probably just result in hours of skeevy stereotyping. That said, the Goliath thing *is* a lot of fun as an NPC. Oddly, it seems to inspire rollplaying more than the most intellectual or emotional characters - PCs confronted with an unstoppable but broken character always end up creating wonderful schemes to "turn" them or otherwise emotionally neutralise them... just like the mythological characters who've been dealing with that kind of opponent since the dawn of storytelling.

  9. I'm not sure I agree with the INT IP thing Gomiville just proposed. There's a really long - not necessarily positive, but definitely long - tradition of "savant" character archetypes in fiction and a player might want to try running that.


    And besides, with INT 2, they'll never be as good as a dedicated PC with a decent INT and a developed skill.


    Also, is 5 or 6 Average? I was under the impression it was 4, with 8+ basically Jason Bourne level superhuman stuff. I definitely agree with what Gomiville said about the capacities of an INT 2 character.

  10. Maybe go with the idea of a special investigations unit focused on illegal technology; say, cyberware and 3d printing. They'd be the guys searching out the criminal printshops and ripperdocs. They'd be more heavily equipped than normal officers because they assume they'll be meeting drones and 'borgs in the pursuit of an investigation.


    Basically a low rent version of the national government backed team in GitS...

  11. If you have to keep roles, give everyone 20 pick-up skill points instead of linking it with REF and INT, that goes along way to making other stats more attractive.


    I've been giving everyone 60 Stat points forever. It seems to be a good balance - you can have an even balance of stats or go for several high ones and a dump stat.


    I've been building a lot of characters lately for the (very slow) PreGen project and I'd forgotten just how few skill points the base game gave out. I was so used to being wheedled into giving 65 or 70 skill points per game, it came as a shock!

  12. PRE-GENERATED CHARACTERS! I've started a project to create Pre-Generated Characters for every role in Cyberpunk 2020. I keep wanting to run Cyberpunk 2020 with people from the G+ gaming scene, and keep not having characters to give them at short notice. So it's time to change that.


    Because I'm doing it in order, that means starting with Rockerboys.


    SO: STREET FIGHTING PUNK! ROCK AND ROLL HERO! SPIRITUAL WARRIOR MC! 3 Pre-generated characters and a bunch of sample music industry NPCs to round it all out! Also music by Hanin Elias and Gang Starr!


    I hope you guys find this useful. Soon I'll move onto a more, uh, common role!



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