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from Old Forum

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Posts posted by from Old Forum

  1. >>Steve Hynd

    >>Jan 15th 5:58 AM

    Im looking for players for my new campaign, living in the Glasgow area. The setting is Scotland under the Military Rule....lots of opprtunities for patriots with an edge. email me at steve.hynd@talk21.com

    Im moving to Texas for 3 months in the Spring but otherwise Im looking for people who can handle one long session every week...NOT sundays  

  2. >>Tensaiji

    >>Dec 22nd 4:34 PM

    I was just wondering if anyone here plays in the area of Derby? I'd love to find a dedicated DM or existing group that me and a mate or two could join. We haven't played in.... well, a looong while now, but I'd love to start again.

    E-mail me at Tensaiji@talk21.com

    BTW - we have lots of experience with Cyberpunk and half a dozen other RPGs, just very little actualy experience - we've never managed to get a solid campaign running - not without trying lots of times!  

  3. >>Blackthornn

    >>Feb 17th 12:40 PM

    Ray, if you're looking to meet up with other sudbury rp'ers, I'm running demos of rpgs every second saturday at Comics North (yep, I agree Sudbury is a hole in the fabric of the universe).

    Demos start at noon, and run until around 3-4.

    (demos are White Wolf stuff, but it can get you in contact with other local players, including Hex (above).

    this week's demo is Werewolf the Apocolypse (feb 19, noon)  

  4. >>Hex

    >>Feb 4th 8:27 PM

    I actually live in Sudbury, Ray; in fact I am a Laurentian student and a long-time devotee of CP 2020.

    I have recently been trying to work out the logistics of a CP 202O LARP game; do you think that you would be interested?

    Otherwise, I have connections to a large group of Sudbury RPers you might be interested in speaking with...

    My e-mail addy is jesus_cristos@hotmail.com - give me a shout, I would like to hear about other RPers in Sudbury.  

  5. >>Ray

    >>Dec 29th 12:52 PM

    Well... If you're in Sudbury, Ontario, Canada, North America, Western Hemisphere, Earth, Sol, Milky Way... And don't mind playing Star Wars, Deadlands, Parinoia, and the occasional game of Cyberpunk 2020... Then my group needs you!

    Write me at: r_a_c_@hotmail.com and I'll get back at ya.

    Come, join the insanity that is me! And, worse, the insanity that is the guys that put up with me week after week! ;-)

    Star Wars Campaign: Multi-Character campaign that deals around a Nebulon-B Privateer Frigit... Insaity a must!

    Deadlands Campaign: Gettin' from Dodge City (Currently, we're still movin' on), to California without gettin' kilt by Ray's Zombies and other mechanical/magical monstrosities...

    Parinoia Campaign: Ya, right. Get killed by Your Friend and Mine, The Computer. That is our purpose in life, it is fun, and safe!!!

    CP2020 Campaign: Come, help me and the other player beat my GM into submission and let us play this wonderous game once again!!!

    Also gettin' into "Violence", the new game from Hogshead Games!!! But that won't be for a while.  

  6. >>Radiken

    >>Oct 1st 9:55 AM

    Heads up folks.....starting a new pbem and I'm looking for players...Want 5 players at least in case a few drop out but can promise you lots of intrigue and fun.

    I will be sending out the full timeline for the game on saturday of next week. I've already had 3 people respond to me but I NEED MORE PEOPLE to play a good game so if you are interested you have to send me an e-mail. sable@kansas.cc

    If you are interested please respond by friday night(October 7th) and the game will actually do the first moves on october 14th.

    The next part is a partial timeline (what I've got done so far in other words)and just in case you wondered the timeline has changed from the original posting


    2021 -

    Europa spacestation codenamed "Daedalus" is completed and dedicated at a large ceremony held in London England. Jeffery Theadux the 3rd, the european prime minister presides at the ceremony and is quoted as saying "Today we are here to celebrate the brightest hope that we have for a prosperous and generous future that not only can we enjoy but that will allow our children the peace and mind and security that sadly we have not had of late with the growing conflicts in our world. And so I dedicate to the future of our country, our children and our love for one another our greatest achievement "Daedalus"."

    Daedalus is immediately put into service as a R&D platform and within months is putting out vaccines, new medical implements and many other things that were only available to the united states and a few other countries that had space stations.


    R&D research team for MetalTech Inc is "accidentally" fired upon during routine security patrol by a Arasaka roving patrol. MetalTech public relations direction James Taggert states that while the entire incident may have been completely accidental he does not understand how certain r&d documents the group was supposed to have with them have seemingly disappeared and promised to do his best to find what happened to the documents.

    2 months later MetalTech Inc removes contractual rights from Arasaka Inc to use it's product and immediately files multiple lawsuits bent on the return of stolen property belonging to MetalTech Inc. This spearheaded effort is led by the CEO of MetalTech Angela Harrison.

    Less than a month after the removal of contractual rights by MetalTech Angela Harrison is abducted by a unknown group and is assassinated in the alley behind the MetalTech Headquarters. A tape of this entire procedure is later sent to every news station in the night city as what one could only consider a warning to other corporations.

    Corporations the world over start stockpiling materials and the news goes rampant with talk and heresay of black operation groups operating all over the world and secret installations being activated. Some of these stories are proven but most corporations have the same standpoint that they are performing security exercises and performing in anti terrorist roles.

    2022 -

    It started slowly for most corporations, the flow of products for the public slightly reduced, management and divisional managers got extremely secretive, security tightened around the press so they weren't allowed any more information than absolutely necessary. Suddenly there were fully armed and armored security roving patrols in the streets and armored AV battlewagons in the sky.

    It went quickly from that point. Corporate teams battling each other in the streets and AV's falling out of the sky....sometimes the corporate managers even got into the act by firing on the corporate headquarters from the roof of their headquarters. Happened between Militech and Arasaka almost daily.

    In extreme circumstances corporate sponsored curfew was enacted almost immediately and workers were expected to be in their homes by 7pm without fail or they would be considered valid urban renewal targets...with extreme prejudice.

    It becomes extremely evident to the rest of the world that europe has a secret or two when an Arasaka strike force (on the way to destroy an Mithraic Inc. distribution center) is completely destroyed by orbital fire from the Daedalus station.

    The U.N. immediately demands an explanation from the european coalition why a space based weapons platform exists when they signed the space weapons treaty of 2019 which expressly forbids space based weapons platforms except by authorization of the U.N.

    European Coalition denies that it has any weapon that could attack a vehicle that was in earth atmosphere and that the on board self defense system must have inadvertenly thought that the arasaka strike force was a group of inbound ground launched missiles and took steps to ensure the stations safety. Must have been a computer error but that error "seems" to be fixed now.

    2023 -

    Gang activity throughout the world steps up as someone by the name of "Kagremoth" starts uniting gangs through underground channels. As of this moment he/she is the #1 wanted criminal throughout the world and the person that find and gets him/her will not have to worry about money ever again. But even that incentive is not making anyone talk and law enforcement is completely baffled about it.

    The Harvard Corporate Report comes out and it shows that 85% of all citizens look to the corporations for guidance and hope, 10% look to the government and 5% look to themselves. 80% of the 5% category own at least 3 different weapons and have used them in self defense before.



  7. >>Midas Darkhaven

    >>Sep 29th 2:52 PM

    I am in the Cobb county area and have not played cyberpunk since 1990 and I am looking to reinsert myself into the game. I had retired a 3 year old character I am interested in putting back into action with the new rules. If you know of a group please email me at cellul@aol.com.  


  8. >>Radiken

    >>Sep 25th 4:29 PM

    Corps are still on top currently but the entire world is scrambling to make the most of not only the political changes but also the environmental changes that are happening.

    Resort places are changing. The french riviera is no longer the best resort spot, etc.

    Like I said, that is just a general. Whoever is interested in the game can receive an e-mail with a more detailed timeline. I will send it out this weekend but you must e-mail me.



  9. >>Radiken

    >>Sep 25th 4:19 PM

    Okay, I've got multiple projects happening now but if everyone is wanting a PBEM them that is what you are going to get.

    I'm going to make up an adventure for a pbem group and the start date is going to be october 1st. If you want then give me an e-mail (radiken@kansas.cc) and I'll see about getting you into the group (even if it's as an npc).

    Now, don't run me into the ground...I've never run a pbem (I have participated in them however and know the basics)but if you'll be patient with me I'll do my best to run a good game.

    Here's the basic information for you.

    Starting location: Night city of course

    Year: 2025

    Basic Timeline: Same as cp2020 book up until 2020

    2021 - Conflicts arise between corporations as arasaka uses black operations to kidnap the ceo of a small corporation by the name of Metaltech that is the primary manufacturer of Metal Gear and "arranging" to show him being shot in the head in an alley. Everyone "knows" who did it but no one can prove it. Most corporations start planning operations against arasaka and the public can only wonder "why did this happen?".

    2022 - The third corporate war officially starts in america and the world is thrown into turmoil.

    2023 - War continues and starts to flow into other countries.

    2024 - War ends suddenly as what scientists call an "electromagnetic event" happens between us and the sun and slightly tips our planet. Weather patterns started changing almost immediately. Night city, once mid temperature and dry is now a throwback of seatle washington. Cold, rain, darkness.

    2025 - Current day.

    Forgive me if that's kinda general but I'm gonna take this weekend and make a full timeline and getting more details.

    Anyone who wants to play - email me - I will respond the same day usually.



  10. >>darren

    >>Jan 1st 9:46 PM

    MonSTeR I've not played for 2-3 years

    It may take a few sessions to get back into

    the swing of things.

    I have got 2 campaigns ready to go but I don't

    want to begin them until I'm 110% sure rulewise

    Anyway how are you? what do you do?  

  11. >>Minkey

    >>Looking for persons wanting to start new game or run new game in and around Cambridge UK area.

    Have place to meet, need upto 3 more??

    Other systems runners welcome e.g sla,shadow run, bgc... etc

    mail minkeymagic@hotmail.com if interested  

  12. >>Darkness

    >>Sep 12th 12:59 PM

    Someone left ...

    ...in southern Germany ?

    Living "on the edge" of Germany,near France

    and Switzerland - AND I JUST CAN'T FIND NEW

    PLAYERS !!!

    Cyberpunk-GM since 1994,lost my group when

    we graduated from school 3 years ago.

    I'd like to start a new gaming-group soon...

    Perhaps you'd like to join...  

  13. >>Greboguru

    >>Jul 19th 4:48 PM

    Hey all,

    I've been playing 'punk since it came out, but having just moved back to NYC I need to find some players. I want to run a pretty straightforward Cyberpunk game, and I live in Manhattan. Anyone who's interested in playing, email me at



  14. >>Radiken

    >>Jul 19th 2:40 AM

    Ok, here's the deal. I'm going to be face to face playing with 2 or 3 people every friday or saturday (day still hasn't been decided for sure yet. What I'm needing is some online people to play npc's for me. These can be either npc's of your own making or of my making (we can decide that later). These players can either be against the people I'm playing face to face with or with them (if you've ever wanted to play an AI this game is for you - I need 2 of them).

    If you are interested please contact me and we can work out some of the details.




    icq # 8669228


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