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Posts posted by Viserael

  1. yes, well, as iraq has been mentioned in previous threads, i wont need to state that the removal of a man who is single handedly responsible for over 5million of his own civillian deaths should have been left in power cause of about 300 from the US...


    however, as for lybia... well hes just looked around the place, realised that states that DONT yet have WMD get very heavy handed treatment so they WONT get WMD... he wants them, but he wants to be in power more... look at Iran... all of a sudden they lettin spot checks in again... if Iraq cause the extremist and radical states to adhere at least a little more closely to international law, well then all good on it...

  2. hmm... i spose so... As for weapons systems and availability etc... in such cases as mech warior, where you have massed loads of guns on basically hunters and war machines, it would work... assuming they had realy good sheilding as well... i think its possible, while not probable... and if the world ever follows the evangelion line of "history" then huge mecha is all that we can rely on hehe...

  3. hmm, necknock... it didnt take nuclear weapons and biohazardous waste to make that place the "mutation capital of the world"... for all you americans in here... imagine alabama, times 10... then you have a rough idea of the inbreeding mutants of cessnock! HAHAHA


    there is a solution for this bottom feeding scum however... its called "mercy killings"  :chain:  :flame:  :mg:

    so that nature may have mercy on us for allowing them to exist for so long *rofl*


    soz couldnt resist... i come from the RIGHT end of the Hunter lol... ahh gotta love those necknock jokes

  4. Congratulations on being the creator of a new

    Evil Plan !


    Your objective is simple: Soul Accumulation.


    Your motive is a little bit more complex: Sadistic pleasure


    Stage One

    To begin your plan, you must first devour a town mascot. This will cause the world to whisper among themselves, bewildered by your arrival. Who is this despoiler of all that is good and nice and true? Where did they come from? And why do they look so good in your wizard's robes?



    Stage Two

    Next, you must obliterate the Moon (ooh, tides!). This will all be done from a abandoned church, a mysterious place of unrivaled dark glory. Upon seeing this, the world will spontaneously combust, as countless hordes of cultists hasten to do your every bidding.



    Stage Three

    Finally, you must send forth your opening of the seven seals, bringing about something that's really metal. Your name shall become synonymous with fuzzy bunnies, and no man will ever again dare refuse to be your prom date. Everyone will bow before your mind-boggling insanity, and the world will have no choice but to restore your credit rating.



    Im a little worried as to why MEN would be refusing to be my prom date in the first place... other than that its all good

  5. Hmm, ok yes... so i see you agree that suits are more likely... but i would still rather see huge mech's walkin around blowing the hell out of each other  :D


    Mmmm... speaking of taking them out... for all who've seen evangelion... who wants a person AT Feild? i know i sure do!!!

  6. Ok, so ive been discussing this with a few of my die hard ANIME friends, and some not so die hard ANIME enjoyer friends and well, which do y'all see as more likely for the future? Big MECH battles, ie: MechWarrior, Gundam Wing and Evangelion, or are we as humanity headed towards personal armour suits such as Buble Gum Crisis? Any thoughts, opinions or the like... im just intrigued

  7. Yes yes... good on the WHOLE coalition on this one... Good on the Kurds for finding out where he was and giving him up (without first killing him... hmm, wonder how much they were paid to keep him alive?)

    Good on the good ol' Australian SAS who actually went in and Got him (yay for my boyz)

    Good on the USA for being kind enough to show the world that "we got our man" lol... but what a supprise that: "he has been very talkative and helpful"

  8. This may well seem outta place, seeing as i couldnt be bothered reading the entire second page... but for christmas well...


    I want plenty of spunky gadgets (im gettin a new mobile (cell for those americans), but id like many more)

    A nice bottle of irish gin

    some time to hang with mates (well my mates to have time to hang with me)

    a girl (who doesnt want one of them)

    and well... my biggest wish is SNOW! dammit... why cant i have a white christmas


    *goes off in a huff to sulk*

  9. 9/11... yes was a travesty... however it has been taken upopn by very gun happy people in the pentagon as an excuse to justify their multi trillion dollar budget with a big "Look at our shiny toys and what they can do!"... i am not, and refuse to agree with, the conspiracy theories that 9/11 was set up by the US... and person who actually believes that gets put in the same barrel of idiocy as the french!


    the NK "crisis" gave SK a nice little opportunity to justify its big military research budget when it installed in over 30 "check point watch towers" unmanned sentry gun drones (gatling and the like)... very advanced robotics in that... they saw a situation that was making people nervous and took it to show to their people just how many kewl new gadgets they have (minus ALL secret and confidential stuff)... the F-22 raptor is a 1980's plan, with computers added... hell it took the gulf war for the B-2 stealth bomber and its design came from the 1940's...


    anyway the point of all this rambling (yes, there is a point) is that this new "space race" is gonna be a BIG chance for countries to whoop out their gadgets and say "see all that tax money was worth it"... mainly in Japan... Japan being the kind of country that does everything so top secret that even their own people dont know about it (the ones working on the projects i mean) and then one day pull out a finnished, working product and say "see... look what we have, look what it does, now bow and surrender to us or we blow you all to hell" (obviously it would be spoken in japanese)... so the Japan, SK, China, US robotics and space race... will FAR overshadow the "war on terror" in the long run!


    Thank You! this is my dream... drug induced tho it may be  :p

  10. Like i said, the Germans have the right to chose... as im not of the US, i cant say i support their actions, they have created quite a few problems... i.e. Cuba. Of course.. in afghanistan and the whole Al Quieda thing, fair enough the US funded them, but how much worse would the world be had the soviets taken over the entire middle east? i mean realy... who wanted to see that?

  11. Well, germany has a rite to choose... i mean, we kicked their asses come WWII, but then saved as many as we could from the soviets... that makes us equal, so the germans can do what ever they like, we will just have to owe em one...


    The French however, well they're just ungreatful Pigs... we force a stalemate in WW1 (saving paris) we liberate them in WW2, we keep the commies out during the cold war... and then they turn around and say (in a very poor french accent) "No... we owe you nothin"... HA... and not to mention, did you hear about the war grave defiling? yes, WW2 war graves were shattered and graffitied over iraq... and yes, then from MY country... (australia) they built a dance club on top of a WW1 australian cemetary... lovely... and of course they made Godzilla... damn french... when WILL they learn?!?


    Oh yes... and as for iraq... its pretty obvious why the french didnt want us in there... EVERY SAM found by coalition troops has a big "made in france" stuck on the side... and if u wanna know where sadam hussains WoMD program is... try looking in bunkers under Paris... i believe you will find him there too!


    One last thing... it turns out, that the French disobeyed sanctions again Iraq and actually bought 30% of their oil from them... so it wasnt thet US supporting war because of oil... it was the French rejecting it cause they would lose their cheap oil and biggest weapons buyer

  12. Quote
    The Christians do it all the time, trying to analyze things (current events) to fit their dogma (BTW, how these Christians always quote chapter and verse about Revelations, it's not about the end of the world. If you read it and have some knowledge of history, it's about the fall of the Roman Empire).

    Yes, you're totaly right... most "Christians" talk absolute crud... right outta the horses arse! And being one it pisses the hell outta me! As for revelations... its about the history of the world... ALL of it... so while they are part right @ now being the whole "end times" and crud, well, every single generation that has ever lived has been livin the end times... DUH!...


    However, dont blame it all on us... did you hear about the "ape-person" *Lucy*?... a bunch of palentologists (sp?) found this monkey skeleton, put it together, it had the same build and stance as a monkey... so what did they do next? they cut up the bones and reattached them so it stood like a human... hmmm...


    a cigar is always a cigar... people just look at it as tho it were the alien space ship coming to take them away and do experiments on them...

  13. Well, i personally prefer to role play my character... i love immersing myself in them, and becoming them in my mind... this may have something to do with me... i was read the Hobbit when i was 3, and have been unable to stop reading works by JRR tolkein since... as well as MANY other fantasy, sci fi and tom clancy books (i love asimov)... I have always judged a book by the "can i put it down" factor... if i actualyl BECOME the character and thus am unable to put the book down, for need to know what happens to me, or even better if its because its as if it IS my life... then its a good book...


    But anyway... this basically means that i try to become my character, and to be honest, i couldnt give a stuff about the dice lol

  14. Good on you... i totaly know how annoying it is to have a good warhammer game interrupted... i was running a tourney before we started up a LAN... well, 1/2 way thru the final (me and some other dude) he decides that he'd rather now go LAN (that had set up early) than finnish our game... declaring me the winner but leaving me totaly unsatisfied... darn it... they got everything they deserved... i hope they pissed off enough to not come back!  :rocket:

  15. Well, here's an interesting little to-do...




    describes how Japanese mission controll "exploded" their sattelites after they were "unrecoverable" and thats it


    So, 2 questions


    1: What was on board that was deemed so secret as to not be left in orbit as space junk


    2:was it realy blown up? or do they have super secret weapons now in space, and they just didnt want everyone to know about it

  16. Quote
    "Man,  anyone could get head off of Monica.  Why didn't I think of stuff like that..." :D

    Haha... too true. Clinton was a fool anyway. The interesting thing about bush arriving in iraq, well in our newspapers at least, was that they seemed supprised he flew in at night without announcing his flight path to the whole world... now i wonder why he wouldnt do that?

  17. As for Gov. coverups... well DUH! why do you think it takes, what is it, 25-30 year? for classified documents to be released... of course "Top Secret" are never open for public eyes.


    As for the current administrations, absolutely missing the plot, well, either, they are absolutely missing the plot and actually seeing the problem as "fanaticism" and not "this is a religion that is fanatic and as such the more you persecute them the more fanatic they get"


    OR- The current Gov. is just putting on above stated face to the media/public to be "politically correct" and thus not be classified in with hitler and stalin as "religious persecuters" but are actually doing what they are doing in full knowledge of the fundimental religious brainwashing of the region.


    I hope to think that the Gov. isnt stupid enough to actually believe what they are saying... but if they are doing option #2, well... their reasons perhaps we will never know

  18. mmm, seduction. Well from experience (ie happening to me and friends) all a girl needs to do is give a guy some grog, show a bit of skin, and he's seduced! Of course to seduce a female its a long and arduous task!


    In a niteclub/bar situation, seduction doesnt need to be so subtle, in a dinner/black tie party thing, seduction would have to be very discreet and definately require some rolling.


    Best way to work it out is to play it out.

  19. Well, as for tracing guns to owners, so long as your gun is unregistered, completely illegal and never linked to you, you're all good.


    blood trails are a little tougher, basically, if you're gonna blead make sure you dont stop and die. either that or bleed somewhere that many have bled before. Let them scrapoe up 200 different people's DNA. Of course, you could always be wearing enough armour, or be enough of a borg that bleeding realy doesnt happen.

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