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Posts posted by Viserael

  1. Lao can't help but overhear what the protester says, nor can she help giggling at the thought of someone saying that to a PLA officer, content to wait around until someone makes a move off past the protesters to the car, she just stands there, looking at their faces, a wide grin on her own.

  2. Lao shakes her head to indicate that she will carry her own bag, and looks up at the offer of a hot-chocolate. Speaking loud enough for all to hear Lao replies;


    "No thanks, I appreciate the offer but I'd rather just get to this meeting already. We don't have time for pleasent luxuries."


    Lao casts Patrizia a slanting smile and walks on ahead following les past the protestors.


    Hmm, in China these people would be shot for this. I'm sure that the corperations wish they could have that kind of power here

  3. Lao allows herself to be led, keeping her head down, and her eyes forward. Actually taking in as much as she can see, and committing the new person's physique and face to memory.


    Content to see how things play out, Lao says nothing, yet tenses slightly, as though she is a snake about to strike.

  4. Lao does not make any visible response, it appears as though she has retreated far inside herself. She keeps on walking, looking down at the ground directly in front of her feet, her pink hair falling over her face.


    The only thing that could possibly give away her cherade of being a grumpy teen is the strangely disturbing half-smile that has spread across her face.

  5. Lao gets off the plane, dragging her bag violently begind her, muttering to herself.


    "Funny troop of clowns indeed. They have gone and made a clown out of me. Ninja indeed. Stupid Japanese idea, I suppose they'll be calling master a Samurai next. Unlearned ingrates, making fun of me. She asks for a list, so I tell her the list, then they rouse on me, and laugh at me, and call me a ninja-girl. Stupid toys should not talk back, it's not good for them...."


    Lao then runs off into a long, unbroken string of whinging in mandarin, broken up only by what sounds like various expletives.

  6. Lao looks like a cornered wild animal for a split second before getting controll of her outward appearance.


    In a soft, girly voice she answeres; "Well, mista. I guess you have alot to learn!"


    And I will be more than glad to teach you. I expect this mission will have some "collatteral damage" and I'm sure no-one will miss you!


    Lao continues to smile at all those around her,


    "Hey, seeing as you're awake now, pass me a soda! PWEEEEEEESE?"


    Watch your back, or you may find that your head and body are no longer connected

  7. Suddenly the smile, the glint in the eye, and any resemblance of a 14 year old girl dissappear from Lao. Replaced by a stern look, and a tense, threatening pose, she looks like a viper that could strike out at a moment's notice and without warning. The only thing that remains to remind you that before you sits a young, vulnerable girl, is her dyed pink, shoulder-lenght hair.


    "Well, I have pretty much all I need thanks. Although, a few thin, light-weight ropes and rope systems might come in usefull now I think about it... some chloraform too depending on what we are doing. I suppose it all just depends on the specifics, and what roles we are required to carry out on mission. If we are looking at instilling some damage then a few time-delay incidernary grenades might come in handy too. I'm sure we could use some flash-bangs but frontal assault is not really my expertise. Let me get back to you on that one."


    Then, as quickly as this seemingly different girl appeared, she was hidden behind smiles and giggles and hair twirling again.

  8. Lao sighs an exasperated sigh.


    well, you might as well tell them anyway, they will find out soon enough.


    "Me? well I study martial arts, to be truthful." Lao smiles broadly, enjoying being the center of attention, she leaves it at that.

  9. Lao looks with interest as Garth gets himself ready.


    I have no doubt that you do. That's quite an array of weaponry you carry there


    looking around the cabin, Lao sits in the sure knowledge that she is in good company here. The slight pressure of her cutsom-made monokatana in it's sheath across her back, sewn into the lining of her jacket, brings her comfort that she is also still able to protect herself.


    "So a pilot you say? what's the biggest plane you've ever flown?"


    Lao says with a smile and a glint in her eyes, having caught the sideways glance from Patriza.

  10. Putting her bag under her seat, and making sure it is secure, lao looks for some kind of soft-drink, failing that, water.


    Lao sits back and smiles as Patriza talks. Twisting a stray thread of her bright pink hair around her left hand. Humming softly to herself.


    She seems so nice, but she wants to know what I do. It's too early to let that out Lao, play them a little longer.


    Lao waits for Patriza to stop talking, then looks around, deciding to take her turn, she looks at Garth and says with a slight giggle.


    "Why, My expertise is in being cute!"

  11. Checking the time on her cell, Jin Jin decides she might as well go to boarding.


    "Excuse me good people, but I think I am going to head over and board the plane, anyone care to join me?"


    Waiting to see if anyone is making to move off to look for the gate with her, Lao picks up her bag, zips up her coat and skips off. Her pink hair bouncing in the early afternoon light. Humming to herself she makes her way to the check in.

  12. Taking his hand in turn, Lao replies.


    "Hi, Im Jin Jin, and no, thankyou, I just ate"


    Lao giggles her strange giggle, on the surface full of mirth and teenage innocence, but something underneath, something hidden pokes it's head through the sound.


    Looking around she states;


    "What a funny troop of circus clowns we must look here."


    Well, better to look the clown than be the clown Lao thinks bitterly to herself

  13. Lao's face brightens again.


    "To be honest, I have never had pasta before. What is it like?"


    Then, turning to the large man that has approached them


    "Hi, I'm Jin Jin, Jin Jin Lao! But all my friends call me Jin Jin. What's your name? Are you our pilot? Do you listen to music on the plane? What sort of music do you listen to? I like rock and roll, y'know the stuff that was around a long time ago, it's really cool."

  14. Noticing the approaching monstrosity as well, Lao turns to her new friend.


    "Jobs? Oh, the usual. Nothing out of the ordinary y'know. I mostly just help teacher around the temple grounds. Clean this, meditate on that... nothing too special."


    Lao's face brightens in a large, childish grin. As of someone who has a secret and is not about to tell anyone else, and thinks she is very clever for hiding it.


    Then her face takes on a dangerously business like look, and she stares into the eyes of the woman next to her, lowering her voice.


    "Why, what have you heard about me?"

  15. Suddenly taken out of her meaningless chit-chat Lao looks up at the woman sitting next to her.


    "Business, yes. Always business."


    Lao runs her hand through her shoulder-lenght pink hair, an eery glint in her eye.


    "Lots of business to do up here, or so I am told."

  16. Lao, thoroughilly enjoing the burger, between bites, strikes up a conversation.


    "So, what brings you all the way out here? It's rather cold up here, so I doubt it was a holiday."


    Lao giggles sheepishly, however there is a hint of something deeper behind the childish noise.


    "I don't mind the cold, I used to live in the mountains, so cold doesn't worry me so much. I don't often get to travel over seas though. Do you travel much? You look like you travel alot."


    Without letting her reply Lao continues


    "So what sort of music do you like? I really like the "rock and roll" from before I was born. It is so much fun. Do you like rock and roll? Who is your favourite singer? Do you listen to alot of music?"


    Lao continues on with the teenage drivel of any typical 14 year old anywhere in the world. Either not noticing, or not caring, if anyone is even listening to her.

  17. Lao looks up at the tall, and probably Italian, woman speaking to her, and replies with just a hint of a chinese accent, and a very girly, bubbly tone of voice;


    "Yes, you too huh? Seen anyone else who is coming with us yet?"


    Before Lao can go on, as if reading her thoughts, this Patrizia female asks about food.


    what the hell? Did I say that out loud? Do I LOOK hungry? oh what the hell!


    "Yes thank you very much, My name is Jin Jin, Jin Jin Lao. My friends all call me Jin Jin though."


    Lao smiles happily up at the woman, beeming a pleasant grin at this woman who is to be her companion.


    "That is such a, like, beautiful outfit you have on there, it must have cost a FORTUNE!"


    Lao walks over to the shop with Patrizia, glad to have gotten a free meal. Mmm, so good

  18. Being startled by the fact that this puffed-up-princess had made her so easily, Loa hesitated a moment before returning the nod of the head, and then looked around to see if anyone else was looking at her.


    You silly girl. You're not in your homeland here. You can't just fade into the crowd. Not when they are all at least 3 inches taller than you. Silly Jin Jin.


    Stifling a giggle, Loa unzipped her coat, and then checked the time on her cell phone.


    *sigh*. I'm hungry.

  19. Shivering with the cold Lao wonders wether or not she should risk getting something to drink... Probably not, I doubt they serve green tea here.


    Looking around for a place to sit, and feeling very much like a fish out of water, Lao reflects on the events that brought her north, and east. How her mentor, master and father-figure had berated her for her foolish actions.


    Putting her travel bag down beside her, Lao sits down on a seat/bench and waits to see if anyone else looks like they are just as lost as she feels.

  20. QUOTE (Companero @ Jun 4 2004, 02:01 PM)
    I think it explains it somewhere in the book, and i seem to remember it being an implant of some kind that allowed him to project his dreams.

    It also said later on that a much simpler version of the tech involved trodes.

    AH, see, i wouldnt know that... having never read the books tongue.gif

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