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Posts posted by <--Neo_BeN-->

  1. mine was a simple choice. when i was starting high school many years ago, i was on a big Latin kick, so i was thinking up a new handle for a forum i was joining at the time. so it was a natural choice. neo meaning new.


    and this was a few good years before the matrix movies, so the first person to link my handle to that movie gets a Nodachi up the sphincter.

  2. This thread is still alive? :blink:


    It was being Lazy so I gave it a little Spanking to wake it up. :o



    this thread will never die! we will make sure of that..

  3. Or just "kill evil" tattooed across my knuckles, although that would probably creep people out.


    i so want to get "KISS KILL" done for my knuckles.


    Yes I am. You people obviously have a hard time telling what sarcasm is.


    meh. maybe you just havent mastered the art properly. tongue.gif

  4. havent read those books, but found an old scince type mag from about 96 vintage and it had a short story by him in it. it was about celebs in vacuum sealed bags and such. really really good reading. if i can find it i will scan it up or transcribe it and send it to any who would like to read.

  5. It would be good if Gibson wrote some more into the 'pattern recognition' skill/gift highlighted in the book.

    THis is something that I was particularly drawn to - seeing hidden patterns to things in life, like a hidden code... especially being a believer in God too.



    try this:



  6. Ah, here we go again...


    This thread does more comebacks than Prince. Hmm, I don't think I even ever answered to the original question boneshaker posted. 


    has anyone ever read all of this? i dont have that great of an attention span.

  7. QUOTE
    Ive seen this video file of some dolt trying to make a bomb with his friends. They put ammonia and bleach in a 2L coke bottle. To mix it you need to agitate the liquids. To anyone with an ounce of common sense that would mean throw it so when it bounces it gets shook, no? Well this kid just shook it in his hand. He probably has no arm.


    fscking shitheads. no idea of what they are fckign with. serves them right.

  8. QUOTE
    I think it may contain nudity of the female kind. In places. It's kinda hard to tell, as most anime doesn't tend to show pubic hair anyway. She could be wearing a very snug skinsuit.


    gods, its a therm-optic camo suit.

  9. QUOTE
    Yeah, we have our share of rednecks. Actually, me and Malek live near a few, unfortunately...


    but we have something better than rednecks: BOGANS.


    winnies blues, vb, stubbies or faded jeans, flanno and most important: the mullet.


    all loaded into a panel van or vk commodore.

  10. pretty nice... but when they make one you can carry around quake style, THEN i will be interested.


    Railguns, mmmh. Have you tried that too: waiting for your pal to jump off a high cliff on Q2's The Edge and fragging him/her mid-air? Ahh, those were the days


    sigh... the memories of q3... the railgun is about the only weapon on par with the ut snpier rifle for the most satisfying kills around.

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