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Posts posted by Suriel

  1. Actually the "common cold" could very soon be a thing to tell your grandchildren about. They have successfully researched a pill that will deal with both symptoms and virus source if you take it within the first two days. It will probably be on the market worldwide within the next two years.


    Now, well... Of course there could be the same effect as with penicilin: Virus starts to mutate wildly due to survival-of-the-fittest little buggers and then we had the super-flu and super-cold bugging us right smartly.


    Hey, wouldn't that be a very Cyberpunkish thing to happen?


    Aside from that, I would just love for my cold to pass.

  2. They made their way straight to the armory after they arrived at the department and after hearing Simms's request the sergeant sighed.

    "What else you want? A tank?"

    "You got one of those babies, Arthur?"

    "Shut the #### up. I will see what I can do, alright?"

    "Never thought you wouldn't, pal. First drink's on the house. And try to cut the paperwork down, will ya? We're in a bit of a hurry, getting all rich and famous."

    "I bet you are, Simms. Always on the winning road, eh? Face it, life hates you, better get used to it."

    "Heard that line before, champ. Try to think of something new and meanwhile get us our guns, will ya?"

    As the sergeant vanished in the armory Simms smiled at Marc.

    "He's a good man, just talks too much sometimes."

  3. "I'm on quite good terms with our the sergeant at the armory. I'm not the rifle type, but if you want one, I guess I can arrange it.",Simms said.

    More or less shoving the silent Patrick through the door and into the elevator, he whispered to Marc: "Still seems to be a bit shocked. Understandable. We better just make sure he doesn't get into Bryant's view in this state."

    Then they went up, back to the spinner.

    "I'll do the driving, kid."

    He could see Marc cringe and quickly looked away so he could not see his grin.

  4. "Can't remember. Patrick, where did you chase this guy? Anyway, these reps don't sound like fun. We'd better muster some additional firepower from the armory."

    He looked at Patrick.

    "Remember what Deckard looked like when they brought them back in after that six pack skin job? And that was just the first of them. So how about we humbly suggest some shotguns be issued to us?"

    He glanced at the file once again.

    "Tae Kwon Do, eh? Kinky."

    He coughed, apparently from the cigs smoke. He felt a bit worried about this job and he hadn't felt like this for a very long time.

  5. "None that I would know of. Well, how about we take a bit of a closer look at those files now? Any suggestions where to look for our beauties?"

    Simms lighted another cigarette and looked at Patrick and Marc.

    'Strange team we are...', he thought.

  6. How long does it take to download an FTP Client when you are forced to use a Laptop and modem speed? Forever! Even more so if you're used to DSL speed and waiting for the Telekom to provide it once again.


    Anyway, after my forced absence (illness, business, etc.) I am back and hope to install all the incredible site updates I did today (if FTP lets me).


    Just wanted to let you all know! CU.

  7. Since the new chat is based on IRC don´t exspect to find me there (relief for some, pain for others, thanks...) My proxy doesn´t play with IRC rules.


    So, to the people who should know:

    Public - I made your photos, emailed you, why didn´t you respond`? You know, the newspaper ones.

    Bullet - You know where to reach me and we can talk to each other in the Chromechilds chat or wherever you want, except for any IRC based ####.

    Chrysalis - I couldn´t raise the funds for Edgerunner right now, cause of my new digi cam. If you mail me about next issue though, I can ask about costs to print it here. I even have a full version of Adobe now.  :D


    What else? Keep up the good work, you all!

    Xaire and Good night as well,


  8. Since Terminator III will be out soon and I haven´t been here for a while, here is the Terminator-S0815´s thoughts on this topic: (and I STILL want that boat and see you guys some day...)


    He spent much time on his own sites -Da dum da dum da dum - NOW HE HAS AN OLD TARGET:  :9mm:



    And women can't grasp that when you are upset, angry, or on the verge of hysterics WE ARE IGNORING YOU for a reason...


    ::Traitor Darthmurph has been terminated and replaced by a clone::


    You are not supposed to give that secret away to a woman, you traitor!!!!


    ::Karsten, you don´t give away any idea of our secret male master plan (se mama) to anyone, not even by accusing traitors! Prepare for termination!::


    Its the same with men and babies.

    Women can tell what the baby wants - attention, food or a change, while men can only comprehend that the baby is making noise, and won't shuttup.


    ::Conclusion: Babies are like Rottweilers, only being bitten by them doesn´t hurt that much. My dog never bites me, but I understand her without being female.::


    Anyone who cares to can learn what all those different kinds of crying mean...


    ::Yep, just like the US Army used the Navajo to create a code...::


    Seriously...from National Orgasm Day to babies? Oh...now I wrote it down and it makes sense! This damn topic is finally making sense!! ARRRRGH! RED ALERT! RED ALERT!!!!!


    ::Bullet: Red Alert does NOT mean baby when it comes to women. :D  ::



    angelina who?


    ::Anyone who doesn´t know Angelina Jolie ought to be terminated!::


    Angelina Jolie Star of many movies like Tombraider nice frontal rack.  And rather attreactive even without makeup.


    ::Bio Unit Thumper´s aesthetics should be uploaded and conserved::

  9. You removed Nina´s cleavage picture? *sniff*


    (spends the rest of eternity with his pen and paper group avoiding bullets)


    No, really. If you need more lessons on html programming now, just mail me. I´ve got a bit more time again now, Bullet.


    We can´t meet in Cyberpunk USA chat though, since it´s now IRC based and my Proxy doesn´t like IRC. SOrry.


    Mail me or leave me a message at Chromechilds OOC. CU soon, I hope.


    Besides, so that noone gets any wrong ideas here: I don´t want any more sites than those I already manage. I´m not a virtual powermonger, just tried to help a friend learning html.

    Well, guys, you know I try to introduce projects that others can JOIN in, but I certainly don´t want to RULE them.

  10. Since many new netrunner players have joined us I have added a Flash based Matrix Navigation to the Chromechilds.

    Hope you will like it and if you want to contribute net addys to our game, just tell me.


    Currently only the link to Night City City grid functions... Which will change tonight. In the end there will be links to some of the bigger corps sites there in the City Grids and to our netrunner player´s Character Homepages,too.


    Chromechilds Matrix

  11. Damn it, Nina! Call that loyalty! I voted for you, even though Asia Argento wasn´t on that list by now and she would have earned to be on No1 there!


    Where´s my IP Faker? I will get Asia to No1 and you to No2...

    Then again, Asia never answers my Emails...


    Hm. Arghh. What... ####! Why do I always have to decide on such complicated stuff? ;)

  12. How do I create characters?


    1. My own: Idea pops into mind, I take down some notes, I imagine the character in a normal week, how he grew up, in dozens of other situations. Then the character pops into life in my brain and takes over.

    Any game stats are the last thing I do.


    2. My players (pen/paper): I lead them through a loooong prelude and either take down stats for them myself or let them distribute stats after the prelude. Prelude often starts with birth and early youth and often it´s the part I enjoy most in any game.

  13. I have come to know quite a lot of female gamers, though there are always more men/boys than women/girls.

    I have never seen an all female group play, I guess it´s because they wouldn´t want me there, though. I have heard of an all female RPG group in Leipzig.

  14. 010101000110100001101001011100110010000001101001011100110010000001101010011101010111001101





  15. Quote
    How much do you want to bet that Valerie Solanas (SCUM author) is uglier than a three day dead pig?


    There are several opinions on that point out there. I´ve read some more articles about her and seen some pics. I wouldn´t call her pretty, but she´s not that ugly either.




    "my boyfriend dragged me here, but he went to Le Mis' with me so I have no choice" category,

    or the:

    "Hey, these boyz are so desperate they will pay attention to even me" category.


    Seen those, too. But I´ve also seen quite beautiful women play out of their own free will. One thing I noticed is that they turn to gaming later. Perhaps it´s because most girls feel "adult" early and think gaming is something for kids, which they are not any longer when 14.  ;) I know I am stereotyping here...

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