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Posts posted by MartyrTEK

  1. random thought/questions:

    as i'm reading the penalties and benefits, it occurs to me that some of them can be rolled up lifepath (criminal record, hunted by police, hunted by corporation, etc). do you give them the points for that if they roll it up in lifepath?

    i always allowed characters to register their weapons if they wanted to during startup (some do, some don't). if they did they paid the registration fee. but i like offering the chance for them to buy it with skill points as well. (even had one character buy the same gun legally and illegally, register the legal one and then swap the numbers (all paid for and rolled via skill)).

  2. "This is not cyberpunk!" you say. but as a OG Car Wars fan, IMO, it was cyberpunk before Cyberpunk. just not an RPG. but the vehicle combat was amazing.

    SJG (Steve Jackson Games) has been working on a new edition, with the maps being built to the scale of Hot Wheels cars. which means that it is pretty darn close to Cyberpunk mini combat scale. hopefully the new version will be economical, but i'm already thinking that it can be used with CP for vehicle combat.

  3. 17 hours ago, Chaosmeister said:

    Thank you MartyrTEK! I am still tweaking it and hopefully have some time this week to finalize it, so we can finally plan session 0.

    The Elevator is not bad, it just removes a lot of complications. First you need to separate what where sprawling server networks into different "machines", maybe based on CPU, because the elevator approach breaks down when you have a lot of levels I fear. You could have levels as "Jump off" points into other servers I assume. Then it is a matter of looking at what's in there and bring it in a sensible order from Easy to Hard. Every "Level" can just hold one thing. If a file is supposed to be protected by ICE the ICE needs to be in the level above the File. I think a Server should not have more than maybe a dozen levels or so at maximum. It's abstract but seems to work well as every level just needs a single check to solve (except ICE or Netrunner combat).

    Looking forward to the finalized form.


    Based on CPU actually gives me a thought. In original 2020 netrunning, each CPU could hold 4 files. so maybe up to 4 levels per CPU? that was it's not script kiddy dumbed down but not a dungeon run unto itself? Then the though of what about running into other netrunners (corp or otherwise) during a run.

  4. Discovered this site over the weekend while doing some research for revamping my cyberpunk campaign. haven't played in a few years, but recently dug out the books to refamiliarize myself with the system. always was one of my favorite RPGs.

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