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Posts posted by HotSnow

  1. Quote (darkmonki @ Mar. 20 2002,19:46)
    ...a perfect way to start the 2nd American civil war...you'd just have to prove to the shadow gov't the current ruling body was corrupt, and that they were about to pull off some big 1984'ish move...

    Or, even better would be if the Shadow Govt. were setting up a 1984 scenario... They get holed up, they organize the murder of current cabinet members to gain political power, and then they control the world from their secret little bunker in Maryland. A time of crisis becomes a perfect little pseudo-military coup. The VP becomes the puppet-head of state, the Director of the NSA runs the country behind everyone's back, and the Joint Chiefs of Staff pitch in with military support...

    Isn´t the US actions a copy of 1984 "war is peace" the US always keep an unfinsihed enemy to pick a fight with to rise the nationalistic feeling and the will to keep up with unfair laws made in the country?


  2. Well, to be original i made something upp. Snow cannot be hot, but if you could happily snowboarding, then it´s hot. And kokain is hot snow too, I don´t use though.


    Well there are a few one´s usig HotSnow out there but not that many!


    Newer forget that if you in the cold snow you don´t feel it, that much ...

  3. Quote
    BTW, what subject's the essay for?  And what level are you writing at?

    Well right now I´m stuying to upgrade my subjects. The one I am writing for is Computer/Science at the lowest level. During lessons we worked our way through the MS Office, quite boring I would say. Everyone in our class has to write an essay to get a higher grade than 1 (scale 0-3). It is an wery basic course, similar to "Windows for dummies", Since I cut class quite often during the first time i took the course, I have to do it again, somebody save me! :knife:

  4. A cry for your opinion!


    I am writing an essay about "Cyberspace", I want to describe it. But I don´t believe it exists!?


    So far I´we decided that it depends on this (below) to be.


    1 Gibson´s cyberspace, few limitations

    2 Operative system that is effectiv (no slow windows). Something more similar to Linux in efficency. Although you need better i/out put devices. VR-glasses and gloves, at least

    3 Storage mediums, "Johnny Mnenonic brain and jack"


    Do i need to add something or do you believe in me if I would do an essay, containing this?  :confused:


                                        Looking for opinions -HotSnow

  5. Yepp! I believe your right ... about Angie. I was more thinking of the connection to the senses, I don´t have the name in english, perhaps trodes (sweatband around head thing), It shuold be possible to measure/read and then send information at least to the connection/computer. The other way around (towards your senses) is more difficult, but senses communicate with electric impulses so!? If somebody knows ...   :flame:



    That is the worst to say, "who gives a F¤%?" If we don´t, then who will, that is what is being described in Gibsons books, people doesn´t take or don´t have a chance to question the truth. You can´t ignore actions like that, IF they are true! We don´t know but have to ask the question just to know. What did Hitler do? Kill the wrong rase!? What does the US do, if they make people infertile? ... so ask, and if you get no answer ask again!




  7. Hi, HotSnow here


    Does anyone know if there any possibillities to get connected they way they do in litterature? Just made a summary on W. Gibson for school and again I read the old triology.

    If someone knows anything please say ...  :knife:

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