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Velvet Cyberpunk

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Posts posted by Velvet Cyberpunk

  1. I recommend Richard Paul Russo. His Cyberpunkish books are Destroying Angel, Carlucci's Edge, and Carlucci's Heart. I know DA is out of print here in the U. S. but if it is in Austria you could get it through Amazon.com pretty cheap/ Welcome to the boards!

  2. I want to set up a website that is totally cyberpunk, and that encumpasses the entire genre, books, music, tv, art, everything. I would like for it to be a place where you can buy books, magazines, music, and maybe even clothes. get information about authors, new movies, and that sort of thing. What do you all think of it?  I have been thinking about this for some time, and I keep looking for someone else to do it but no one is, so I guess I will have to. Any ideas, or thoughts about this possible endevor?

  3. Oooh! I almost forgot! I love 80's new wave to get me in the mood to make some good old fashioned hard core old school Cyberpunk. Romeo Void's song Never Say Never is a perfect example. Love that song!  :9mm:

  4. Personally I always listen to Front 242 when I'm writing, I also think Aqualung by Jethro Tull is really cyberpunk sounding, and Pink Floyd is cyberpunkish. William Gibson Listened to The Velvet Underground the whole time he was writing Neuromancer, and I think the Old David Bowie, and Iggy Pop are very cyberpunk. I like NIN, and... wow, there are lots of different artists who can be considered cyberpunk, I think Some of Ice T's stuff can be cyberpunk, and he was is Johnny Mnemonic (cuz he's awesome like that). So who's to say what is or isn't? It's just how the music strikes you that says whether or not it's cyberpunk.


    And I think Shania Twain is gorgeous, maybe not as gorgeous as Angelina Jolie, but still she's gorgeous. I think Angelina's yummy, and she is usually the model I use for my main characters in my stories.

  5. Thanks Malc, Yeah, I had a hectic summer, lost my Internet service, blah-blah-blah. RPR is really great, I highly recommend his work, especially Destroying Angel, it's out of print but you can get a good copy on Amazon for only a couple of bucks, Carlucci's Edge, and Carlucci's Heart are both really good as well. It takes place in San Francisco sometime in the near future. He has a real Blade Runner feel to his books, and I love the imagery he uses. Here is the first bit from Destroying Angel by Richard Paul Russo-


    Tanner watched the children playing among the methane fires of the neighborhood dump. Overhead, a sick green and orange haze muted the late-afternoon sun, the green curdling through the orange. It was hot, and Tanner was sweating.


    The children chased one another, stumbling through the garbage, weaving in and out of the fires. Soot stained their faces, their tattered clothes. One of the girls periodically barked a patterned sequence of noises; each time she did, all the children abruptly changed direction.


    And it just gets better. Again I want to stress the above excerpt is from Richard Paul Russo's book Destroying Angel, published by Ace in 1992. Like I said I highly recommend it.

  6. Rudy is awesome. I really like his work, and he is such a funny,and strange man. I met him in Atlanta in 1996 and he was reading excerpts from his new (at that time) novel. It was cool, cuz Bruce Sterling was sitting in the back of the room laughing hysterically at him the whole time. It was a cool experience, I must say.

  7. Yeah it's the computer game from Westwood. It came out in 1997. It's a lot of fun, but frustrating. You can look it up on www.bladerunner.com. It runs on windows, I'm not sure about mac. But it's got great visuals!

  8. I know most of these have been covered but too bad. :p  LOL! They are-

    Blade Runner


    Robo Cop

    Hackers (yeah Angelina Jolie is so gorgeous, and sexy!!!)

    Escape From NY

    Max Headroom ( I like the US series, but I like the British movie better)

    Ghost In The Shell


    Bubblegum Crisis

  9. I can't believe how good this show was. I had heard about it for a long time but never bothered to watch, but it was on the Action channel the other night and I watched. I loved it. Does anyone else like it?Is there any other anime  out there even remotely like it? Besides Akira, and Ghost In The Shell.

  10. Um yeah,  I'm a writer. I am currently working on a cyberpunk short story, that I'm having a bit of trouble thinking of an ending for. I have let several people read it, and they have said it's good, some have even said it's great. I love writing cyberpunk, and exploring the cyberpunk future in my head.

  11. I really like Richard Paul Russo's books- Destroying Angel (the best of the lot), Carlucci's Edge, and Carlucci's Heart. They are out of print but you can get all three on amazon.com used, for a fairly good price.They are very cp-ish, and have lots of vivid cyberpunk street scene description. I think from how you described it thats what you like, (as I do as well). Good luck finding more reading material.

  12. Have any of you played this game? I have been playing for a day now and it's really fun. I love the cool graphics.the If you haven'y played it yet find someone who has it and try it. You'll like it.do you  :)  :)  :mg:  :rocket:

  13. I met Rudy in Atlanta at a Dragon Con in 1996. He is really a strange but nice guy. I also met Bruce Sterling, and R. U. Sirius, also nice guys. Rudy read from his then new novel wetware (I think, it's the book about the moldies). It was a lot of fun.

  14. Yeah, that's right. Michael's From Flint. If you want a feel of what Flint is about (sort of) watch his documentry on Flint and the auto industry called, Roger and Me. It's depressing as hell, but it's the way a lot of people here have to live.

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