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Posts posted by Gorbash

  1. I've had this handle a looooong time, and no, it's not from where EVERYONE assumed it was.

    True, a character by this name does appear in the Series by Gordon R. Dickson called the Dragon and the George, and later in its animated adaptation, a flight of dragons.

    But thats just happens to be one of several places. There is also an endearing character in an Orson Scott Card novel by this name, and there are appearances in mythology of similar names. To be quite honest, it's a more common name than you'd think, it's just not one familiar to people who aren't well read in several obscure subjects and two semi-popular sci-fi/fantasy authors.

    But anywho, as a child I picked up the moniker from the Orsen Scott Card novel, used it in video games as my handle, in the case of arcades, it was GRB.

    As time went on, and I continued using it in games, it migrated computer games, then to online games, then to forums, and to be quite honest, in a very short time after my first dabblings into a net-cafe game shop, everyone started calling me that, and for the past 5 years or so, it's become the preferred title used by most people who know me in person as well. So really, it's something I picked up as a kid, thinking, eh, it's something different to put at the top of the screen while I irradiate myself before the TV each day. Look at what that little spur of the moment decision brought fourth, I haven't been called by my given name except by family in a long time. But it is not as though I am displeased, I own it now, I have made this title my own, and it means more than just a reference to a fictional character to me, it is my identity on and off the net, and I take pride in it.

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