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Posts posted by Lynx

  1. A hard agree on RABIDS ( I mean, that's a REALLY weird concept), but the way they describe the shutdown in RED, with corporate and essential services disconnecting and focusing on internal networks, and most public systems getting corrupted by viruses and sabotage, its  eerily prescient to potential outcomes with today.

    As for why not a 2.0? The internet is largely a commercial enterprise, with the majority of the public-facing internet heavily commodified over the last 20 years, supported by data aggro and commercial ads.  In CP those primary reasons collapsed with the rest of the economy, so its back to 1983 with the internet. But on the public RED goes into the idea of "data pools", which are community-based, local versions of the net, so its not totally gone, you just cant really talk to people in Canada right now. 

  2. Remember when you would talk about Cyberpunk and probably the best response would be "ooh, you mean like ghost in the shell?" Now I'm seeing a barrage of forums humblebundles and people digging up CPclassic, talking about Samuai and Johnny Silverhand, Red, And the Video game. It would be awesome if real life 2020 wasn't so crappy. 

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