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Posts posted by Lexa

  1. Well, the way we work it in our game is that yes even your eyelids are armoured to SP12 with skinweave. But if you take a hit in it, the armor degrades because it has been shot with something big wink.gif The bigger the something that shot you, the bigger the degredation of armor cause if you get hit in the exact same place again, it's going thru and you're only gonna have your weave to depend on. Lot of good thats going to do you with a LAW pointed at ya?!


    We also carry the 12+ damage to a limb, consider it gone, crack the card and let the av come for ya. Also, body saves are halved if it has been hit with 8+ damage (i.e. roll under half your body) Head shots, 6+ and its severly jumbled!


    Recently, a character got fragged cause someone dropped a noose round his neck and over the nearby broken lamppost and hooked to a car waiting just down the street which drove off as soon as it was secure cracking his head off the lamppost - character didn't get a stunsave or a deathsave cause lets face it, you snap your neck that fast, you're a gonner. But trauma team is your friend!

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