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Posts posted by Cubeslave

  1. How many times in the last few days have we heard the term it seemed like a movie. Everyone also seems to be writing their own ending.

    Heres mine:


    All the goverments within the world no matter what their beliefs are realize that killing of innocent citizens on this scale is simply morally unacceptable and that can be no excuses to justify this.

    They all also realize they are all vunerable to terrorist actions of this scale due to the simple fact that there will always be groups with extreme views willing to commit these acts.

    They find it impossible to act against terrorists using their own military by the nature of the way terrorist groups operate hiding within their own population and across national borders.

    As a result the nations of the world form a new force the World Anti-Terrorism Group. Formed from the worlds best diplomats, intelligance officers and covert military operatives.

    Through this, as a happy biproduct, the people of the world start to discuss their religious, political and social differences. Understanding increases and world peace begins.


    This may not be the ending of this 'movie' but one I would hope for.

  2. What can we all say.........

    We can remember we just play games ....games that explore what the world could be......that dark side none of us want.....through our fear we construct modern fairytales of modern political economic horror.......watching the dark side of ourselves and others.....lets hope in the days to come that everyone remembers the pain on both sides and that revenge is not the instant answer....


  3. a pilgrim was on his way to monestry ...he had travelled for days......close to the end of his journey he saw a man next to the path cutting reeds with his sickle......the pilgrim asked the man..."how far is the monestry"......the reed cutter turned and held aloft his sickle and said...."this is my sickle"...



  4. having sex with a clone.....when its possible then we should start getting worried and making rules....for the moment just enjoy the fantasy....might have to go and wash my hands in a mo....

    sit down ...watch bladerunner...it might be better by yourself....go on girl do it for me.....

    "apologies for any 'Carry On Cyberpunk' quotes"

  5. u5025566466 film....

    capturing the enigma device and winning the 2nd world war single handed....?

    we've got public toilets older than the US....

    me ...get involved in a cross atlantic slanging match.....me....never....

    hey I've not seen the US version of max headroom...didn't even know it existed but.....until i've seen them both I'll reserve judgement...

  6. why can't anyone produce a cig lighter that continues to work.....i've got lighter flints...gas and lighter fuel but they keep packing up after a couple of weeks.....how long has it been since we discovered fire.....still can't get it right...lighting a fag off the toaster in the 21st century.....technology pah....!

  7. my concept...

    the dept doesn't have enough 'resources' and does not want cops off duty to be carrying around 'off duty' cyberware....

    obviously there may be a 2020 swat team....fast response ...hard as they come but Êa cop on the beat will just have anough muscle and back up to take out your average punk...

    so the beat cop has a hardwire implant...and is issued their cyber resources for the day they sign for and slot in depending on their duties...

    purchasing any of their own cyberware would be a big no no...

    like saying hey my hammers better or a cop saying I'll bring my own assault rifle and a couple of grenades with me to work...

    ok this is how it would work in my world....cops are fodder..until they can call and justify the rapid response....

    (Edited by Cubeslave at 12:49 am on Feb. 15, 2001)

    (Edited by Cubeslave at 12:50 am on Feb. 15, 2001)

  8. firstly thanks for all the replies guys....

    sorry if some people think I may have been a bit in you face onthis board.....

    but sometimes a rumble in the jungle can kick up some good thoughts....

    now those xray specs those comics promised .....

    oh I'd pay for them..

    (Edited by Cubeslave at 12:36 am on Feb. 14, 2001)

  9. say it cost about the same as a new car....to have your arm replaced by a metal one...would you..confused.gif...really be honest

    remember you'll have to read through the manual......what if it just seizes up one day...how long will it take to claim on the warranty...

  10. oy cyberjunk...like the ikonboard based chat...

    use it myself can't work out how to delete messages yet..but so so....you on a mac too..??

    anyway how about a forum for general chat about cyberpunk issues... not lrp or rpg but just the feeling and concepts...which will obviously still be linked to games...and people can use them for inspiration...confused.gif

  11. There once was this guy in the 80's who wrote the most visionary books....now theres a RPG that perverts every ideal that he aimed to make.....all I say is forget that you have/play the RPG....read the books again.....all of them...look at the world around you then come back here....

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