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Posts posted by Mephostophilis

  1. I tend to get into a zone with unarmoured characters. I've found that for some reason I can gleefully wander through the heaviest firefights with little regard for personal safety, all the time cheerfully plinking away at the enemy with seemingly underpowered weapons. It seems that my characters have a massive dose of good karma or suchlike. While my companions' characters emerge from the gaming session looking as if they've lost an argument with a combine harvester, despite the fact that they routinely pack the heaviest armour and weapons known to man, my character emerges with a minor flesh wound and a body-count to rival Spanish flu. I guess the dice just like me.

  2. Heh. I liked the "Fun with shotgun cartridges" bit. I laughed so hard I fell over. Yes, the thing is an absolute barrel of laughs for anyone with half an ounce of common sense and chemistry knowledge.

  3. Don't bother. My advice would be to put your hand into a food blender and switch it on. You'll get the same results with much less effort on your part, while not risking innocent bystanders in the process.

  4. I don't think I have any regular time, as it varies with regard to my situation, alcohol level etc. I did once spend the best part of four hours mainly on this forum, and eventually decided by a study of the evidence that sleep was something which happened to other people.

  5. Quote (Knighthawk @ Aug. 11 2003,03:12)
    So, anyways, it was an awesome.  I recommend everyone go find an Anime Con and check it out!

    I'm going to a British Anime convention at the end of October, and intend to enjoy it.

  6. I wonder what they'll do next? WoD is really their one signiature product, and giving that up would be a very big idea. Will they A:rest on their laurels and live off their current product lines for a while? B: Actually start something new with more effort and publicity than they gave to Trinity/Aberrant? or C: Plot-flange it so that a coalition of vampire/werewolf/mages manages to stave off/mitigate the effects of the apocalypse, thus lumping us with another decade of World of Increasing Desperation? My money is on option C.

  7. Wow! Someone actually managed to make a firearm control thread actually revert back to its original format!

    I don't do LRP personally, although I do have a huge number of friends who attend both local and national events in the UK. I'm just more of a pen & paper person.

    As to White Wolf's MET system, the whole concept of Stone/Paper/Scissors just seems wrong. I get strange mental images of two rival armies charging down opposite sides of a valley screaming curses at each other, piling to a halt at the base of the valley, and milling around in a confused heap, complete with shouts of 'Rock!' or 'Ha! Scissors!'. As I said, subtly wrong.

  8. I had a look at the rebuttal, and gave up roughly a hundred lines into it. The guy was raving. And yes, I have already noticed the anti-RPG propaganda value of this monstrosity. It seems that for every hundred sane roleplayers who try to advance understanding of our hobby, there is just that one bad apple who destroys all of the good achieved. Hanging by the scrotum until dead is too good for these individuals.

  9. Strangely, I managed to miss out almost completely on TSR. I started with Advanced Fighting Fantasy at the age of maybe 10. Played that constantly for a few years, with just one intervening game of D&D. Our Gamesmaster took the rules literally: Our level one characters wandered into a dungeon, feeling all manly and buff. We charged two goblins. On of us survived by running. My first contact with what I would term an Advanced RPG was (hey, do you ever think we get picked up by CIA search engines for repeated use of the term 'RPG'?) was WFRP. A friend had borrowed a copy of the original Games Workshop printing off one of his friends. I took one look at it and said "Wow! What have I been missing?" Since then, I've been through GURPS, Cyberpunk, and more systems than I can remember.

  10. It has my vote. From reading the review I would never besmirch my harddrive by downloading it), I really do think that this game stands a chance of being the worst roleplaying game ever published. It is at times like this that I see the downside of being an theist, for if I was a Christian, I would be comfotred by the sure knowledge that the author was destined for something involving fire ants and red hot pokers in the afterlife.

  11. Same here. I personally think he suicided under the strain, especially since the BBC has just admitted that he was the prime source. Althouh I would not put it past either the government or the MoD to silence someone, I think for them to do it to a person so much in the limelight as him would be a ludicrous proposition. They would have much too much to lose. As it is, Alistair Campbell is probably doomed, and I think Blair will sacrifice him in order to survive.

  12. Quote (Archangel @ July 16 2003,19:33)
    "Riddled"?  Hardly.  There is a problem in certain organised religions, but it is unfair to tar all priests with the same brush.

    Exactly. The problem exists in all echelons of society. A black feather just stands out more in tose society expects to be whiter than white.

    Although the guy does sound like a dangerous arsehole with regards to his ideology.

  13. Quote ([M8]-HARRY @ July 16 2003,14:41)
    Thing is with all the new spam laws and such going through, they will just find loop holes and ways to exploit the system more.

    Unfortunately. Western countries can draft all the anti-spam laws they want. The spammers will just send their spam e-mails from the Peoples Republic of We Haven't Decided On The New Name After Last Thursday's coup. I don't think even the USA would be willing to invade a country in order to stop spam emails.

  14. Yes, I see these all the time. That one is one of the more amusing and benign. Some spammers work in a way which is for practical purposes blackmail. They send telemarketing phonecalls and faxes to you at all times of the day and night for a huge range of companies, each with a phone number to phone in order to take your name off their lists. But the phone number is premium rate, usually costing in excess of £5, and I have heard from many people that the spammers merely re-update their lists a week or so later.

  15. Quote
    me i have nothing against two girls haveing each other, I'll even leave the room so they can have fun without the whole someones watching bit.

    Same here. Whatever one or more consenting individuals do behind closed doors is perfectly fine by me. I see no reason to object to any practice, sexual or otherwise, so long as it does not impact directly in a bad way too much on others. I hold the same opinion of music, which is why I think the person who invented headphones should be granted a knighthood.

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