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Posts posted by jackal

  1. I haven't been active on here in a long time. I don't play cyberpunk 2020 anymore. It's on my shelf though as a relic of what built my love of all things cyberpunk. To get my fix I play the card game Android: Netrunner. Which is probably the best game on the market that covers every trope of cyberpunk fiction. I do also still roleplay. I used PBtA based engines since, as an adult I don't have time to sit and draw up games for hours at a time. I highly recommend "The Sprawl". The game is basically built off 80s cyberpunk novels as well as cyberpunk 2020. The system is worlds ahead of 2020 in my opinion and PBtA type systems are the future of tabletop gaming (IMO). You can purchase a very nice physical or PDF of the The Sprawl on DriveThru RPG. There is also a google community. The best part of PBtA games is that you will naturally (with your PCs) create a very intricate and involved story with 0% prep time, other than just reading the rules of the system. Best of luck to you in the dark future.

  2. Thanks for the replies. They are giving me some ideas. I think I'm going to dial back the power I was going to give the weapon originally. I do have this vision in my mind of my PC getting into a fight and whipping it around someone (kind of like Boba-Fett with that cable around Han Solo in ROTJ) and then just yanking the thing. If any exposed flesh is touching the wire it will be ripped up.


    I agree with what was said about it not being a true "mono-wire" but rather a strand of them. The 'mono' is just marketing.


    Another idea I had was if you could charge the wire with a current somehow or heat it up in some way then it would be potentially more dangerous.


    I loved the idea of using it as a booby-trap. Specifically leaving a 'get-away' route set up with the stuff. Pure genius.


    I don't get overly technical with my FNFF encounters and try to keep the combat more contextual rather than mechanical. But if he rolls a 10 he's going to mess the guy up. The book description says that on a roll of 1 the weapon breaks, I'm not going to do that though. If my PC rolls a 1 with a slice n. dice he's going to roll another d10 to see which body part of his own that wire ends up coiled around. heeheehee

  3. I love the idea of mono-filament weapons. In warhammer 40k you have warp-spiders shooting coil/clouds of the stuff at enemies to get tangled up in. At the end of count zero I think some punks use it as a zip line. In Johnny Mnemonic one of the Yukuza uses one. In Appleseed the cyborg assassins carry them and cut a car in half with them.


    What I want is more info on them. Since mono-filament weapons don't exactly exist I just want more ideas of how to use them in a game. One of my PC's is a fixer that only uses a slice n' dice, which is cool for style but how practical is it? How can I make him using a slice n' dice be way more awesome both contextually and mechanically?


    It says that on a roll of 1 the slice n' dice breaks. Is it really that fragile? See I think on a roll of 1 he should end up cutting his own arm off or something. I just don't know how powerful or weak to make it. I also think that in order to use one effectively one would need a certain level of training. It's a flimsy razor whip with a weighted end, not exactly as straightforward as a sword.


    Does anyone have any good ideas on how to use this weapon? Also does anyone know any sources for pictures of a "slice n' dice" or "mono-whip"?

  4. I just love the idea of your team fighting tons of battles by hacking stuff. Like tap into the guidance systems of the jets or into the smartgun links of the cyber soldiers and making everything go haywire! If they can't do it using some type of wireless means, have them stealth in with fiber optic cables (through trenches and shit) and wire into command posts and bunkers and then taping into real time logistical maps. Have them be like this small faction of guerrillas that are really causing problems for an entire battalion of guys. Those are just some thoughts.

  5. I need ideas for a game about corporate crossover. Think: new rose hotel and count zero


    Hooks and ideas so far:


    My PC wants the game to be "high end corporate". He is a fixer who has some minor corporate connections to biotechnica, but he is interested in coming up in the world, I want a theme of the game to be how hard it is to come up in the world of cyberpunk. Have him in situations where he is so close to making it big, then doesn't. But still be rewarding enough with cool moments so that he likes the progression.


    I want the game to be about corporate crossover. I like the idea of him forcefully recruiting researchers for the Megatechnix corporation from v.3 (yeah I know what you're gonna say about v.3 but I just use it as a source, not my "main book")


    After reading the book "starfish" I want to introduce Oceanpunk which works because his biotechnica contact travels between NC and Aqua-Delphi (I have no idea why yet)


    My PC will be forced to work with a corporate spook from MGTX who fucked up and let some high level people get killed and they need to be replaced by people of equal skill levels.


    My PC is being hunted by a netrunner for not being able to pay her for a previous job. I want him to 'feel' her digital ghost as she tracks him, slowly. I want him to be paranoid for a while before she finally finds him and makes him pay up.


    In my PC's possession is a modified memchip with the basic framework for a personality construct of a dead prostitute. Basically some wack job killed a hooker and was able to map her brain before she cooled off. The guy's motivation was to make a "love bot" with the brain of a real women in it... My PC has no idea that this is what's on the chip but I want him to develop some type of a relationship with her and have her become important somehow.


    Part of my PC's lifepath is that he grew up with corporate parents who had a fairly substantial life insurance policy which he was supposed to collect upon their demise. Well 'markham solutions' the insurance corp did not pay up when they were both killed in an "accident". (I don't have a lot of info on this - sorry) but I want my PC to have a way to get revenge on markham solutions somehow. Are one or both of his parents maybe still alive? need a lot there~


    well this is what I got so far... I know asking for ideas is kinda lame but ya'll have never let me down in the past!

  6. I enjoyed the book. I would count it as a cyberpunk novel solely for the fact that that it "puts the cyber into the punk". I liked the focus on augmentations (cybernetics) because in most CP novels they are more of a world building tool rather than a focal point. I must admit that I did want more out of the plot but overall I enjoyed it and reading it has made me wanna play since its been 2 years since my last game.


    I'm very excited for Human Revolution and kinda bummed that I have to wait until August; So what I've decided to do is put together a CP game in the Deus Ex universe to tide me and my friends by until the game comes out. My goal is to have a game that can coincide with the book/game. I want my fiends (who have not read Icarus Effect) to get to the game and be like; "dude we know this world!" I need ideas though...


    My current ideas are these:


    -Have my PC's be another Tyrant team that is taking people out but thinking they are the good guys (kinda putting them in the role of Saxon) and maybe introduce them to Scott Hardesty briefly (I do want to briefly introduce them to character(s) from the book/video game cuz I think It'd be fun)... it's hard though and it would probably need to be very limited.


    -Have my PC's be part of the SWAT team that Adam Jensen was part of. Maybe like a prequel to him getting kicked off or leaving or whatever. (the problem with this is that I don't have enough info on Jensen's backstory to make a good link to the game... Ideas?


    -Having my PC's be part of a Juggernaut Cell being given orders by Janus


    -Having my PC's work for internal affairs for the secret service and trying to track down Anna Kelso for "murdering Ron Temple" but slowly finding out fishy stuff along the way.


    -Something with the New Sons of Freedom (NSF). Need Ideas...



    Those are basically what I've got so far. Obviously whatever happens in my game will not line up with the game perfectly but I think it would be way fun to do a Deus Ex RPG in anticipation for the video game, and hey, if my story does not line up with the game's perfectly I think my friends imaginations will fill in the gaps or inconsistencies :)


    Let me know if you think this sounds cool and any ideas would be totally awesome!




    Thanx for the review. I liked the first issue of the comic book, but I'll probably pass on this novel.



    Where can I get the Comic?

  7. I was looking at the user names people here use and some of them must have stories behind them.


    Mines not very exciting but here it is to start the ball rolling:



    When I set my first Cyberpunk website up back in '95 it was a right mixture of things, some of it I thought wasn't particularly good and hence I called the site Cyberjunk. the first few people that e-mailed me actually called me Cyberjunk and it sort of stuck.




    What an awesome question.


    -Jackal, was my very first RPG character of all time. When I was 7 years old my brother, always played 2020 with his buddies and I never knew what it was and I'd always beg him to play. One day he wrote up a character called "The Jackal" for me. essentially Jackal was a "wolverine" character. fitted with infra-red, grafted muscles, and an onslaught of rippers and wolvers, and other such blades. I was only 7, mind you so I dident know how to really use Jackal to his full potential. Actually he ended up hiding in dumpsters most of the time and then trying to steal stuff. hahaha nothing fancy, but my very first RPG ever was Cyberpunk, and my first Character was Jackal.


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