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Posts posted by Chrontius

  1. First off... I'll probably wait until nanotech can do some interesting things with tattoos. This probably means Diamond Age tech.


    Second... something in my right palm sounds cool.


    Third... the half-dragon-half-tattoo stuff like on the cover of the Ted Nugent album Penetrator would be a really cool effect, too. Half of it in traditional two-d style, the other half in a photorealistic style, like the tattoo's trying to crawl out of my skin and animate.



    Actually, I already have one tattoo. A grey speck on my left index finger -- I stabbed myself with a pin covered in graphite dust in kindergarten.

  2. QUOTE (Necronada @ Feb 10 2004, 04:50 PM)
    i happen to own a somewhat awkward looking but reasonably effective CO2 airgun, looks like it is a toy, but it is a thing that came with a booklet about safety and regulations. a very good idea in my opinion.


    and the ultimate one (i might upgrade my version to something like this one day)


    i have to post a warning that these are not paintball, but real 4.5 mm air/CO2 pressure guns, and very accurate in the use.

    Where the heck did you find that thing?


    Frankly, if they're cheaper than that Drozd I'd like to get my hands on one of those.

  3. Quote (encanta_anima @ Jan. 04 2004,06:38)
    though mecha might be impressive, i daresay suits are more likely as they are physically possible (for one) and more moveable also...

    btw did anyone ever think about how the evangelions are constructed with their weight wrongly placed? with the centre of gravity that high up (shoulder/head) they would tip over before they straightened themselves up...

    such things annoy me... The animators should have realised this when they were designing the mecha.

    Evas were *walking forcefield generators*, not mecha - the name implies mechanical and not meat - especially not "freaky un-understandable walking loophole in physics"


    That bit about suspension of disbelief is utterly perfect, by the way :)

  4. I'd go crazy with the nanotech and bioware.  After all, nobody can tell you're wetwired until you dodge a bullet - with chrome... well... you're probably chrome plated and set off metal detectors.  



    So let's see... every sensory upgrade available, some reflex-boost, and strength boost.  Oh, yes - level 3 bone/muscle lace.  Perhaps integrated Bluetooth or Wi-Fi and internet access?  That'd be especially fun if you live in a "wired smart-home".


    And if I was particularly out of it (drunk, stoned, caffinated) I might go for an exotic package, though I have no idea at all what I'd pick, especially if I had to work from the CP2020 list.

  5. Quote (Viserael @ Dec. 17 2003,21:23)
    Hmm, ok yes... so i see you agree that suits are more likely... but i would still rather see huge mech's walkin around blowing the hell out of each other  :D

    Mmmm... speaking of taking them out... for all who've seen evangelion... who wants a person AT Feild? i know i sure do!!!

    ... anyone who's read Neon Exodus Evangelion knows that the technology is there :)  


    Actually, it's not an AT field, it's an IT field (Ibuki-Trussel for it's inventors)


    Also, anyone been to Mechanized Propulsion lately?


    (though on a personal note, while I *love* the idea of a five-ton 'mech with an insane missile payload and redundant missile interceptor systems, it'd be rather vulnerable to cannon fire.  I also think that DARPA is going to get the hang of the infantry powersuit long before MPS puts together an armed test-robot.)



    ...on the other hand I think superconducting batteries or really advanced myomar might make it possible to power something that strong.


    Actually, MIT has some myomer that's supposed to be 10 times stronger than mammalian muscle tissue.



    Mechs are big, bulky and probably difficult to control. I liked the mechs as shown in the Matrix Revolutions though.


    Notice that the legs were controlled with joysticks, and you couldn't move and shoot simultaneously in one of them?  Fix that problem, though, and I'd take one too :)  (though some cockpit armor wouldn't go amiss either)



    I think Mechs are actually a realistic possibility. I've seen some of the technology some people have come up with for joints in things like robots.


    Details, Bunnycakes, details!  That's the sort of thing I'd like to have around during anime discussions.  AutoCAD drawings would help, too.   :)



    The big problem, I think, will be in getting a power source with sufficient life down to a manageable weight.


    See the microturbine that they're planning on using on Future Warrior?  Something like that might work...



    i wonder if reality would stil be laughiing when it saw a big-ass rocket flying towards it


    If it sees that rocket coming, someone made a mistake.   ;)   Hypervelocity missiles cover a TOW's range in under five seconds.


    Speaking of which, long-range missiles, long-range radar, and the ability to pick unlikely campsites from which to suprise an enemy seem like very useful abilities.

  6. Wired is running a story about an online/realspace game involving players on the Internet interacting with (and performing many traditional netrunner functions for) physical players in London(?).


    So, guys - where's this gonna go?

  7. I've always been partial toward Genetek Neo-Myelin (thanks, Morninman).  EMP resistance and a reflex boost with a low humanity cost.  My only real edgerunner used it (actually, she had a lot more chrome - she was a giant gargoyle) to the exclusion of the conventional reflex-boosts.

  8. Quote (malek77 @ Oct. 15 2003,09:18)
    C 0

    C Zero! The future of big bangs...

    C4 and all that is good, but C zero uses rings of carbon, and is potentially hundreds (even thousands) of times more powerful...but its kinda unstable, and still under development at the moment...like Nitroglycerine, explodes from sharp impacts.

    Pistol Mines
    Imagine a little plastic disk, with a pistol mechanism on a simple arm - it can rotate, point up and down.

    It has a motion sensor - you set its fire angle, scan a 'dead' area (ie: when nothing interesting is in it) and if it detects any changes in future, it rapidly and accurately starts shooting at the intruding object.

    Put a few around covering each other, and ruin your pursuers day. Even though the mine will run out of shots after a while, and isn't all that tough, it slows them up!

    Obviously - you could upgrade to bigger things - assault rifle sized, or grenade launchers, but just a 9mm pistol will liven up unarmoured attackers!

    Also an excellent force multiplier in static defence positions...

    Octanitrocubane.  Astrolite.  Porous silicon.  Any delivery device you care to use, though my preference runs toward the M202 "Flash" rocket launcher.


    Also, C-Zero using rings of carbon... that's the bond angle carbon naturally forms.  Cubane forces these 120 degree bonds into 90 degree bonds, storing an incredible amount of energy in the compound.

  9. Quote (Hanns @ Sep. 24 2003,17:37)
    Well, the Ducati is mine. Paid for it and my buddy is tuning the suspension for my weight and tweaking a few things to make it run better. I've been eyeing up some Kevlar riding jackets but can't find anything I like, all the commercial vests either don't fit right, have to much extra flash on them to make'em "stylie" or have all kinds of extra junk sewn to them for who knows what reason. I just want a simple, plain looking jacket that fits but I think subdued isn't a word in the vocabulary of motorcycle jacket makers. My buddy knows a local guy who's a really good custom jacket maker who will give me a break on the price since I'm a friend of Dwain's. I was thinking the ne-pimp-ultra riding jacket would be a side zip Kevlar jacket with an integrated Level IIIa ballistic vest. One of my other friends just picked up a Paca Level III vest for $250 so it's definitely within my price range. With a removable winter liner it would be my everything jacket. Get the maker to include hard armor placement (both elbows/spine plates for laying it down and a level III or IV chest plate for ballistic resistance), a CCW chest cross draw holster, removeable reflective patches and all the other goodies that would make it useful for riding and "covert" ops. :) One of my first characters in CP2020 used a heavy armor jacket as a motorcycle jacket so I've been thinking along these lines for some time now. I'll probably take some pics of the bike this weekend if I get a chance to ride it (barring snow, it's getting damn cold here in MN not that autumn is upon us). Thinking about getting it painted in the Ducati Dark subdued black this winter, racing red just isn't my color of choice. Cheers,

    So, how much does your friend want for a leather jacket with the level III ballistic protection and crossdraw holster?


    That sounds like exactly what I need :)


    (actually, a zip-in kevlar liner to replace the Therma-Wool liner on my trenchcoat would be pretty cool, too...)

  10. Quote
    In any case, I think that alternative lifestyles would be even bigger in a CP2020 world than they are right now...and that exotic packages would really easily be adopted by those lifestyles


    That sounds very likely.  Can anyone come up with some relly creative ones?  And not just garden-variety furry, either.   :)

  11. Quote (gomiville @ Oct. 07 2003,16:16)
    Because they make such pretty banging noises?   :rocket:

    I have no real world experience with this, but I imagine an autoshotgun loaded with specialist loads might be more useful than one loaded with shot or slugs.

    For example, loaded with smoke, flash-bang or other type shells, an autoshotgun acts like a mini-autoGL.  You could saturate an area with non-lethal (or lethal) gases, flares, etc.  With HE shells, you could walk a line of explosives along a wall or row of vehicles, dealing mass destruction in a (relatively) man-portable frame.

    The weight and loss of accuracy makes the Arasaka Rapid 12 (and others, like the Militech Bulldog, etc) less useful than an SMG, carbine or regular shotgun for CQB purposes, true.  But as a Diverse-Munitions-Delivery-System, it could be very useful.  Especially in the more destructive or non-lethal types of situations.

    Of course, the mini-autoGL sector has already been filled more effectively with the 25mm AGLs from Militech, etc.  But the autoshotgun can also use all the typical shotgun shells (slug, shot, flechette, etc), making it more flexible and adaptable.

    In short, a jack of all trades and master of none.

    In game terms, I'd probably reduce the availability (and thereby raise the price, etc), due to relatively fewer autoshotguns being made than regular shotguns.  A regular shotgun is more useful for CQB and a 25mm AGL is more useful for specialist munitions, so most people would probably buy one of each.  But the ganger's like the big booming intimidation factor and some people need a multi-purpose weapon, so a few autoshotguns are made.

    Why do you want an autoshotgun?  I believe a better explanation can be found here.


    It's hard sci-fi, and a little advanced for 'punk, but you can easily get the idea ^_^

  12. Quote
    Alright, it's the classic, drummed-into-the-ground, flagellating-the-deceased-equine question: What's your favorite weapon, in the game?  However, here's the stipulation, limit your responses to the exotic section of the boom-boom catalogue.

    Maybe a stupid question, but my curiosity was piqued by a conversation the other night.  Of all the weird stuff (net launchers, squirt guns, flashlight sized flame throwers), what is most effective?  Most versatile?  In your opinion.

    Oh, and probably leave out the EMP stuff, since I imagine it'd be too popular.

    You're walking into a dark warehouse to meet Jimmy Half-ear the fixer, what're you packin'?

    Volt pistol.  I care less about the cyberware-disabling and stun effect than about that crisp tang of ozone in the air after hosing someone with lightning bolts.  I'd actually care about those if the amperage/voltage/modulation could be set for specific effects - IE, set phasers to stun/kill/char/immolate.  (practically, there'd probably be three switches, one for kill, stun, and EMP effects, and a microcontroller in the gun picks the right jolt for the job.  If all three are off, you'd still have a cool lightshow and an excellent training tool)



    On second thought, though it doesn't exist in-game, the Maadi-Griffon handgun loaded with something nasty (.50 dual-purpose or explosive antiaircraft) would be about as messy as some of the stuff in Quake - how many handguns in cyberpunk will actually gib the poor bast@rd on the other end?

  13. Quote (freakboy6117 @ Sep. 08 2003,18:18)
    now if only some one could come out with a cheap electrolumincent sticker that woudl so rock i mena you cpould attach that glow tape they use inside pcs to the bike to get that cool neon look but i'd want blood red neon runes that would be so cool.

    Do you mean something like this?



    And I gotta go with Archangel on the paint job.  Midnight blue with ye runes of speed would be really cool.  Especially when they start glowing when you really open up the throttle ^_^

  14. hmm... that gestalt interface would be an interesting addition to any PseudoPet, really.  


    of course, if this could be made as simple as any other piece of wireless chipware, perhaps using UWB radio data-link, then this opens the door to an actual 'borg collective... especially if the chips could be nanofabbed.


    ... Eww... while I suspect the former could be an excellent plot device, the latter could make for some ungodly nasty badguys.  Especially if they like ambushes and such.  And more so if they... no.  nevermind.  While I love the first idea here, the second is simply far too powerful.  (that said, used for a horror effect (duh, zombies) it could be cool, but if you have to fight them, you're dead meat.

  15. Quote (freakboy6117 @ Aug. 14 2003,13:47)
    so i read this article about a new genration of ultra small nuclear weapnry thought id share finally we can have syndicate wars style nuclear hand grenadees wooop

    atomic batteries to power turbines to speed

    any ideas on possible stats anyone

    I was more interested by the so-called


    ...nuclear mini-weapons such as the "Davy Crockett" nuclear bazooka that delivered an explosive punch of 18 tonnes of TNT


    Didn't they use one of those in Starship Troopers?

  16. Quote (malek77 @ June 29 2003,20:09)
    Look down near the bottom - it seems the nutcase* making the railguns is also playing with ETE atm!

    *the term 'nutcase' here is used with the greatest respect, would that I could be like him... :rolleyes:

    Holy God.  


    A 1 Million Watt Nitrogen Laser.


    You could either pump a massive dye laser with that and punch holes in a mountain, or use the unique properties of that nitrogen laser (and a beam splitter) to produce a functional volt pistol (of course, scaled up to C&C Tesla Tank size).


    I want one :D

  17. http://www.guardian.co.uk/medicine/story/0,11381,665328,00.html


    Dunno if this has been brought up before, but cool.


    The next one is an interview with him, with a few graphics.  This next one was taken from Harper's magazine.  Yes, this guy is for real.




    Also, his colleague commenting on his ideas:




    He's also working on neural interfacing, mostly for prosthetics, I think.  I haven't read through this one yet, but the Google summary mentioned "prosthetic nerve chip" or the like.




    Lastly, and totally on a tangent, Transhumanism!


    God, I love Google  :)

  18. Quote (Joe Q. Public @ May 28 2003,21:17)
    The sick thing about lights nad body implants, well let's just say that I knew a piercing studio that did scarring, and well, if you implant a plastic coatied wire to an LED, well let's jsut leave it at that....

    and for the love of Chrome, don't do it yourself!

    Hrm... somehow I see the idea of implanting someone with meters upon meters of electroluminescent cable just under their skin in tribal patterns with a pair of power terminals somewhere inconspicuous as really cool, and definitely very Punk.

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